Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Chapter 1386

Chapter 1386

Chapter 1386

Chapter 1386

However, Xenia was not worried at all. [There’s nothing more satisfying than sending Albert Jewell to jail. You still have to look for Hylda if I don’t open the door. But now that Sophia is here, I have a better plan.]

Stella quickly understood what Xenia’s plan was, but it was simply too risky.

Stella called her and said, “There’s no need to rush things. Your safety is our priority right now, so you shouldn’t expose yourself.”

Xenia smiled. “Stella, without you and Mr. Kane’s help in these past few months, I can’t imagine what would have happened to my sister and my family. I already have no regrets in this life now that she can go to school like a normal person of her age. Helping you put the person who hurt your mother in jail is the only thing I can do for you. I’ll do my best to protect myself.”

Then, she hung up the phone before Stella could say anything.

Stella tried calling her back again, but Xenia just would not pick up her call.

Stella immediately grew anxious and contacted Keegan. She urgently asked him to send the bodyguards who were protecting Xenia to her place right away.

Xenia stood up and went to get the door.

When she opened the door, Sophia immediately held a knife against her neck and said with a cold expression, “Come with me!”

Xenia appeared calm, as she pursed her lips and asked, “Ms. Jewell, are you planning to use me as a hostage to make your father repay you the eight million dollars?”

Sophia was shocked. “How did you know about this?”

Xenia then flatly said, “If that’s the case, I suggest that

Sophia sneered. “I know, but things will be different with his son in my hands.”

Xenia paused and lifted her hand to unbutton her shirt. Sophia thought that she was reaching for a weapon, so she pressed the knife even harder on her neck. “Don’t move!”

The blade sliced through her skin, and blood began to trickle.

Xenia frowned but her hands did not stop moving.

Once all the buttons on her cardigan were undone, she pointed at the silicone belly and said, “Ms. Jewell, is this what you were referring to?”

Sophia was shocked and was in disbelief. “You’re not pregnant!”

Xenia nodded. “That is why using me as a hostage is not going to help you with anything.”

Sophia regained her composure and sneered while gritting her teeth, “Why not? You faked your pregnancy and lied to my father. Do you think he’s going to let you off the hook?”

Xenia remained unfazed. “So what? He’ll only come after me if he ever finds out. Do you think that he’d return your money just because I faked my pregnancy? Ms. Jewell, I’m sure you know very well what kind of person your father is. He only wants a son to inherit all his wealth. You have no chance even if you’re his biological daughter.”

Her words struck a chord with Sophia.

She clenched her fists tightly, as her expression darkened.” At least without that worthless child in you, I’d have a better chance.”

Xenia smiled faintly. “Without me, he’ll eventually find another woman who can give him a son. However, there is another way that could help you secure everything in the Jewell family. Would you like to hear about it?”

Sophia frowned. “What kind of tricks are you trying to pull?”

Xenia lifted her head slightly and exposed her vulnerable throat under Sophia’s knife. “My life is in your hands. What kind of tricks could I possibly pull?”

Sophia looked at her from head to toe and said in a cold voice, “Go on, tell me.”

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