Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Chapter 1388

Chapter 1388

Chapter 1388

Chapter 1388

Sophia realized that money was more important to Albert than his children. ‘He had callously watched me descend to this state without any concern. I have no reason to cling onto a nonexistent father- daughter bond.1

Even though Sophia had made up her mind, she still did not trust Xenia entirely. “What’s your motive behind all this? Why should I trust you?” she asked in a cold tone.

Upon hearing this, Xenia sensed she had gained about eighty percent of Sophia’s trust. She lowered her voice and said, “Well, wouldn’t you like to know?

“I’ll hand over the evidence in exchange for a house and five million dollars. You can give them to me when you inherit Albert’s assets. How does that sound?” she continued.

“Are you even worth that much?” Sophia sneered.

Xenia smiled and said, “I overheard Albert say that the Jewell family company is valued at ten billion dollars. I’m sure it will still be worth at least one billion dollars with inflation. Plus, Albert has several other properties. I’m not asking for much. If you’re not willing to go through with this deal, then there’s no need to continue this discussion. You can do whatever you want to me. Just know that there are surveillance cameras all over this place. If anything happens, you won’t get away with it.”

Sophia’s expression darkened. ‘How dare she threaten me!’ she thought.

However, upon careful consideration, she realized that Xenia’s words held weight. Sophia had always wondered why Albert did not divorce her mother when she had Hugo with another man.

‘It makes sense that mom was only kicked out of the house because they had conspired to harm Rainee. It’s most likely that Dad was afraid mom would turn him in for murder if he divorced her. If mom

gets locked up, Dad could openly file for divorce. I would no longer be the Jewell family heiress anymore. Dad would definitely remarry and have more children. My status would likely be even lower than Stella’s when that happens.’

Sophia finally stopped hesitating with those thoughts in mind. “Alright. I agree to your terms,” she coldly declared.” This woman is such a fool. I can choose not to give her anything when I get my inheritance.’

Xenia was pleased. She asked Sophia to write an agreement and handed her some documents.

When Albert returned home from work and found no sign of Xenia, he called her. She informed him she was away on a family trip for a few days and would return soon.

Albert was furious. He thought she was acting recklessly and fretted about their son. However, he did not know where Xenia went. So, he could only stew in his frustration at home.

The next morning, a knock came at the door. Albert thought Xenia had returned from her trip. But, when he swung open the door, he was met with a group of police officers. They displayed their badges and calmly stated, “Are you Albert Jewell?”

Albert hesitantly nodded, as he assumed that they were here to investigate Hylda’s case. However, their next words caught him off guard. “We suspect you’re connected to a car crash seven years ago. Please come with us for interrogation.”

Albert’s face instantly went pale, and he panicked. “Have you caught Hylda? Did that wretched woman say something? You can’t believe her, officers. She’s just trying to drag me down with her and make my life miserable!”


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