Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Chapter 1509

Chapter 1509

Chapter 1509

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted Chapter 1509 [Eleven Jewell]

Gradually, Kayla realized those people did not want to be her friends. They were only after her for business.

Stella, on the other hand, was an exception. She stated her true intentions, making Kayla slightly less repulsed.

‘If you’re so keen on doing business with me, you shouldn’t have sent away that designer today,” Kayla remarked.

‘Wanting to do business with you doesn’t mean I’m willing to resort to any means. I do not want to push something as beautiful when it clearly isn’t, just to encourage you to spend more in the store. I’d rather not run my company that way.’

Kayla scoffed, “What’s the difference? In the end, you all just want me to buy from you, right?”

Stella put away her smile and spoke softly, “Ms. Wilson, there’s no need to force yourself to fit into a place that doesn’t suit you. You’re different from those people. Mr. Wilson’s position in the business world means you don’t have to change yourself to cater to this circle. Instead, they should be the ones accommodating to you.’

Kayla was momentarily taken aback. She then quickly grasped the meaning behind Stella’s words. She felt somewhat embarrassed, “I’m not trying to fit in. I just like dressing this way!”

Stella sighed, “If you truly liked it, you wouldn’t have felt so uncomfortable after I took off your jewelry. In your eyes, those aren’t just accessories.

They’re your ticket to fitting into this world. But in reality, you don’t need them at all. The circle Mr. Wilson created for you is enough to be yourself. You don’t have to try and please others.”

Kayla was about to say something when a female voice behind the curtain complained, “We were called over for a gathering half an hour ago. Where is she?”

“I don’t see her. Could she be playing tricks on US?”

Xianna sneered, “Could a hayseed like her be this scheming? She wouldn’t have been deceived by US so easily if she were that smart. I can’t believe she accessorized herself from head to toe just because we said she looked good. What a fool. She’s lucky to have been born into the Wilson family.”

Kayla’s expression suddenly became unpleasant. She was about to storm out, but Stella held her back. In a low voice, she said, “What will you achieve by rushing over? Are you going to confront them? Even if they apologize to you, what difference will it make? They won’t regret what they said, they’ll only regret that you heard it.”

Kayla clenched her fists. Although she did not want to admit it, she knew everything Stella said was true.

The discussions outside continued.

“Yeah, she’s lucky. But apart from luck, she’s useless. Can you believe she used an expensive bag to shield herself from the rain? It’s a waste of a good item. She clearly has no taste!”

“Not to mention that rare red jade she bought. It was of such good material. Look at the jewelry she made from it. It’s incredibly tacky and is lacking in the aesthetic sense.”

Someone self-deprecatingly said, “What good does our aesthetic sense do? Even if we could afford what she bought, we can’t possibly live her lifestyle. The accessories she’s wearing are worth more than my entire house. It makes me fume with jealousy.”

“So what if she’s rich? Money can’t change the fact that she’s tacky and tasteless!” Xianna huffed.

Others were about to agree when suddenly, the curtain was pulled open. Their faces changed when the person they had been talking about silently appeared behind them.

Xianna had her back to the curtain and had not realized what was happening. She kept chattering away about Kayla, “She’s so dumb. She was so happy when I praised her appearance earlier. How could an idiot like her get so lucky?”

Her friends tried to signal her, but Xianna was too engrossed in what she was saying.

Kayla’s voice was cold, “I don’t know the answer to that question. Maybe you should ask God how I ended up in the Wilson family.”

Xianna’s body stiffened, and her face turned pale suddenly.

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