Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Chapter 1527

Chapter 1527

Chapter 1527

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted Chapter 1527 [Eleven Jewell]

Kayla glanced at Jaylene.

Then, Jaylene said hesitantly, ’I invited a lot of guests to my birthday party, but not all of them are my close friends. It was just a matter of courtesy.’

“Oh.” Stella nodded and kept quiet after that.

She did not need to say anything more, as Kayla could already see what was going on.

Stella never thought that she would ever be so hypocritical. She was never a petty person like this. Instead, she was just like the current Kayla. If someone did not like her, she would do whatever she could to show off in front of them.

However, doing that would only drain her and make her feel uncomfortable in the end.

So, she figured that if she had to feel uncomfortable, she might as well make the people who did not like her uncomfortable as well.

She would play their game by their rules to get them back. She was an actress who was simply the best at putting on an act.

Jaylene was about to say something, but she heard Kayla asking the manicurist, “Do you have any colors to recommend?’

Indeed, the manicurist did have recommendations. But she had no idea which person’s description of Kayla’s clothing style to match them with.

The manicurist hesitated and suddenly realized that Kayla did not respond. Her expression even turned somewhat cold after hearing Jaylene’s description of her.

So, the manicurist made a decision inwardly and handed a nail sample to Kayla.

Of course, Jaylene noticed Kayla’s change in mood as well. She thought,’ That fool Xianna must’ve done something stupid again. Otherwise, Kayla wouldn’t react like this after hearing her name.’

Jaylene had no interest in getting close to Xianna, a fair-weather friend. Jaylene was well-liked in her circle because she respected everyone, regardless of their backgrounds. She did not easily show her dislike toward someone.

However, Xianna did not seem to understand her boundaries. She considered Jaylene very close to her just because they occasionally talked. That was why she loved telling Jaylene everything.

Xianna was the one who told her about what happened at the banquet earlier, but she had not revealed all the details. She was too anxious about getting The Velvet back and did not want Stella’s business to thrive. That was why she kept inviting Kayla out these few days.

However, her impatience caused her to overlook plenty of things.

For example, Kayla used to dress extravagantly but had recently toned down her style.

Also, she would always invite a group of friends when she made plans. But she began telling Jaylene that she would only join her if it was just the two of them.

Only then did Jaylene realize that something must have happened between Kayla and Xianna, and it was not something good.

Jaylene regretted being so hasty and not asking more people about what had happened that night. She felt extremely frustrated as she glanced at Stella, who looked very calm. Stella smiled politely in

response, but Jaylene somewhat felt a hint of sarcasm behind it.

She clenched her fists, stood up, and said, “Excuse me, I need to use the washroom. I’ll be right back.”

After Jaylene left, Kayla took two colors the manicurist recommended and asked Stella, “Which one do you think is nicer?”

Stella looked at them and said, “The left one.’

Kayla nodded. Then, she said to the manicurist, “I’ll get the right one.”

Stella kept quiet.

Then, Kayla continued flatly, “There are so many people wanting to earn my money, but you’re the most shameless one I’ve met.”

Stella modestly replied, “Ms. Wilson, that’s because you haven’t met a lot of people.” To Stella, Vermont was a lot more shameless than her.

Her response left Kayla speechless.

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