Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Chapter 1550

Chapter 1550

Chapter 1550

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted Chapter 1550 [Eleven Jewell]

Vermont had assumed that Corbin was the biggest hurdle in his relationship with Felicity. However, little did he know that

her resentful best friend was the real impediment.

He knew his lies would be exposed if he consulted Luke. He tried looking for a way to dissuade his eager girlfriend from

actively seeking medical attention for him. “Baby, we just consulted a doctor a few days ago. Let’s finish one course of

treatment to see the results before deciding if we should consult Dr. Quinn. Each doctor has their own approach, and I

can’t follow both. What if their methods conflict with each other? It might worsen my condition.”

Felicity hesitated upon hearing this.

“Dr. Quinn will be around for a while. Seeing him a few days later won’t hurt,” Stella casually added.

Vermont wanted to shut Stella’s mouth right then and there. He found her to be just as annoying as Keegan.

Completely unaware of the turmoil beneath the surface, Felicity happily said, “Alright, let’s finish this course of treatment


Vermont forced a smile. “Whatever you say, baby.”

After saying that, he glanced at Stella. She appeared calm. She lifted her hand to make a zipping motion at her mouth,

which signified that she would keep quiet. However, Vermont did not fully trust her. He had a feeling that she had

something planned.

Vermont knew he needed to come clean soon. Otherwise, his budding relationship with Felicity would face a major test

when Luke was involved.

The new product launch went smoothly. The designs from the creative team were well-received, and after the event, many

customers stayed to inquire further.

Enter title…

10/23/23, 8:09 PM Read Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted by Eleven Jewell Chapter 1550 2/3

When Stella was bidding farewell to the guests, she unexpectedly spotted Kayla. It was unclear when she arrived, but she

was not dressed extravagantly like before. Instead, she wore a set of sportswear from a reputable brand. Her hair was

pulled back into a ponytail, presenting a simple, elegant look that almost made Stella fail to recognize her.

Stella approached her and greeted, “Ms. Wilson, I didn’t know you were here.”

Kayla paused and raised her chin slightly. “I was just passing by, so I thought I’d come and take a look,” she said


Stella smiled when she noticed that Kayla was wearing a pair of running shoes. ‘I guess I had misunderstood the


Just as she was thinking that, Jaylene walked over. “Kayla? I called you this morning, and you said you couldn’t make it.”

“I was just passing by,” Kayla replied.

Jaylene glanced at her attire and did not press the matter further. “Would you like to take a peek at the new designs that

were just released? Stella put a lot of effort into them, and they look pretty good. But, they’re different from the styles you

bought before.”

“I…” Kayla glanced at Stella.

She thought that Stella would be as enthusiastic as before, guiding her to take a look and giving her an introduction.

However, Stella did not do that.

Instead, Stella was looking at her phone and said, “Ms. Wilson, there’s a resting area with tea service by the seats. You

can rest there if you feel tired. I have something to attend to, so I’ll take my leave.” After nodding slightly to the two of

them, she turned and left.

Kayla was momentarily stunned. ‘She’s just going to leave? Isn’t she eager to make some sales? Isn’t she going to try and

persuade me?’

“Kayla, let’s go and take a look,” Jaylene said, grabbing her hand.

Kayla agreed with a nod and let Jaylene lead the way.

Meanwhile, Stella did have something to attend to. The police were here.

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