Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Chapter 1564

Chapter 1564

Chapter 1564

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted Chapter 1564 [Eleven Jewell]

But that’s impossible,’ thought Keegan, as he noticed a shift in Dahlia’s demeanor.

All these changes were merely due to Stella now being recognized as the Saun family heiress. This newfound status

instilled a sense of caution in Dahlia regarding her past actions.

She was apprehensive that Stella might spill the beans to the Saun family, and they would hold her accountable.

Keegan had mentioned this issue to Stella before. He told her that her condition would be revealed sooner or later. “It

would be best if you could tell the Saun family about your health. I promise I won’t interfere,” he said.

Stella had acknowledged his concerns, but she never brought it up with the Saun family.

Keegan was well aware of why she did not want to discuss it. She feared that the Saun family might point fingers at him

for what transpired. After all, it happened right under his nose. He did not protect her properly.

While Stella swore she would take matters into her own hands, she had actually shown leniency long ago because of the

familial ties between him and Dahlia. She did not want to escalate the situation.

Keegan understood that Stella giving up her pursuit of holding Dahlia accountable was a compromise she made

for the sake of their relationship. However, his mother was not one to do the same. Before the Sauns publicly

acknowledged Stella as their long-lost daughter, she had tried every means to set him up with Jaylene. She even resorted

to drugging him.

Once Stella was brought back into the Saun family, Dahlia never brought up this matter again. She accused Stella of

being materialistic and chasing after his wealth. However, the one who truly wielded his riches as a means of control and

even withheld emotional responses was Dahlia.

‘There is no way she has changed.’

Dahlia watched Keegan’s gaze shift from distant to cold, and she felt uneasy.

“I had a bias against Stella due to the Jewell family. Back then, I believed that you didn’t have feelings for her either. It was

just a sense of duty. You even said it yourself that it’s the same whoever you marry.”

“I never said such a thing,” Keegan said icily.

“You did!” Aurora interjected. “You said that when we all went out to eat after my graduation trip.”

Dahlia scolded her in a hushed tone. “Don’t interrupt our conversation. Please step out for a moment.”

Aurora pouted and hesitantly left the ward.

Keegan had a good memory and quickly recalled that past event.

At that time, Stella was in the midst of divorcing him, and the atmosphere between them was tense. She reluctantly

accompanied him to the banquet and even bit him in the bathroom halfway through the event. As for what was said during

the meal…

Keegan remembered that Aurora was once again complaining about Stella in front of her, and he grew tired of hearing it.

At that time, Dahlia did not intervene. In fact, she added, “Forget about being knowledgeable and refined. She should be

able to take care of your daily needs at the very least. Why did you agree to marry her? She’s a full- time housewife, yet

she doesn’t even cook or clean. Your grandma might be good at analyzing someone, but there are times when even she

might make a mistake.”

Keegan found it amusing at the time. ‘Isn’t she a full-time housewife herself? How many times had she cooked for the

family in her lifetime? She’s literally the same. Why is she complaining about Stella now when I’m the one marrying her?’

Keegan did not want to argue with Dahlia about this matter, so he lazily replied, “With your standards, whoever I marry

wouldn’t make a difference.”

Many of the ladies in high societies were pampered and coddled. Not a lot of them could actually cook. According to

Dahlia’s requirements, not one of them would meet her standards to be her daughter-in-law. That was what Keegan meant

when he said those words.

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