Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Chapter 1624

Chapter 1624

Chapter 1624

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted Chapter 1624 [Eleven Jewell]

Landon froze. He instinctively refused to accept the fact his ex-wife was only

trying to help him. “That’s impossible!”

Tears welled up in the woman’s eyes. “Why didn’t you just ask me when you

saw us together? Why would you rather believe those so-called friends of yours

than your own wife?!

I didn’t divorce you because I was in love with someone else. I divorced you

because you changed!”

A hint of confusion flashed across Landon’s face. It took a while before he

mumbled, “Could it really be my fault?”

Marshall gave the woman a subtle nod. She took a deep breath and softened

her tone. “Let’s leave the past behind. Stop hurting innocent people. Let them

go, and I’ll go home with you.”

Landon was taken aback. “Are you really willing to come home with me?” he

asked in a low voice.

The woman concealed her fear and nodded. “Of course.”

Landon stared at his ex-wife for a few seconds, as though he was evaluating the

truth behind her words. Suspense was hanging in the air. After a moment, he

spoke again. “Then, come here and support me.”

The woman’s body stiffened. “Go on, the police will be here soon,” Marshall


The woman hesitated. She clenched her fingers and took slow steps toward the

abusive man.

Stella watched Keegan intently, as she was waiting for the right moment to act.

The woman slowly approached the railing at the edge of the bridge and reached

out her hand. Her voice was trembling. “…Let’s go home.”

Landon’s expression softened slightly. Just as his hands touched her fingertips,

sirens started blaring. The police had arrived.

The woman quickly withdrew her hand, and Landon’s face contorted in a

sudden realization. “You witch! You betrayed me!”

Feeling fearful, the woman retreated, and any trace of the tenderness she had

earlier vanished from her face. At that moment, her expression held only fear

and hatred.

As police cars arrived one after another, Marshall spoke up.” You can’t escape

now. The cops are everywhere. They’ll consider being lenient if you release the

hostages now.”

“Hah. Is there a difference between being executed immediately and being on

death row? I will never have a chance at life. I’d rather die than surrender!”

Landon sneered.

He turned to his ex-wife and continued, “You better watch out, bitch. I’m going

haunt you for the rest of your life when I die!” With that, he suddenly tightened

his grip around Keegan’s neck and murmured something in his ear. The next

moment, he held Keegan in his arms and jumped into the icy water.

Stella’s heart stopped. Fear spread through her limbs, and she jumped in after

them without a second thought.

Marshall could not react in time to stop her. He stood at the railing with a pale

face, staring at the river below. His lips trembled slightly. “Help!” He abruptly

turned around to the approaching police and shouted, “Help! Somebody save


The water was not deep, but the current was strong. The biting cold of midwinter

made the situation even more unbearable. Even basic tasks seemed to drag on

in such frigid conditions.

Fortunately, the moon was exceptionally bright that night. Stella quickly spotted

the two struggling figures in the water. She took a deep breath and swam with

all her strength.

It seemed that Landon also did not know how to swim. Although he claimed that

he would rather die, he instinctively grasped onto life when death came

knocking at his door.

Stella reached out and grabbed his leg, pulling him underwater. Perhaps it was

the sudden shock, as he subconsciously released his hold on Keegan. Stella

immediately let go as well. Without anything to hold onto, Landon was swept

away by the current.

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