Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Chapter 1740

Chapter 1740

Chapter 1740

Chapter 1740

Wenham's remark rendered Keegan speechless.His attitude toward the two could not be any more different.He barely acknowledged the gift Keegan brought but praised Marshall, especially upon learning that Stella had assisted in choosing them.

In the past, Keegan might not have endured this injustice and stormed off.

However, possibly influenced by Jaylene, he remained surprisingly silent.He did not retort even as Wenham sarcastically teased him.

Stella couldn't bear to see Keegan being berated.

She cleared her throat to interrupt Wenham.

"Dad, put the wine away.Marshall has work this afternoon, so we won't be drinking today."

Wenham nodded, "Sure.Make sure Marshall feels welcomed.I'll be there shortly."

Stella agreed, and Wenham carried the two bottles of wine to the wine cellar.

"Marshall, come have a seat."

Stella adjusted the backrest, gesturing for Marshall to sit.He took a seat beside her, directly across from Keegan.

Stella placed her coat aside.She turned to Marshall and said in a hushed voice, "What would you like to drink?"

"Plain water or tea will do," Marshall replied, brushing off a fallen leaf from Stella's shoulder.

In a low voice, he added, * You're a bit underdressed.Are you cold?"

Stella glanced at Keegan from the corner of her eye before saying, "No, I'm not."

"It's the dead of winter, and you're wearing a skirt.Are you sure you're okay?"

Stella lifted the hem of her skirt, revealing her legs.

"I'm wearing tights."

She lightly pulled on the tights and said, "They're pretty thick.Marshall seemed genuinely surprised.

"I didn't know you were wearing tights." Stella chuckled.

"Why would I go bare-legged during winter?"

Before they could say anything else, they heard the loud sound of a coffee cup being placed on the table.

Marshall paused and looked over to the source of the noise.

"Keegan, sorry.I didn't expect you to be here today.If I knew, I'd come another day."

Keegan replied indifferently, "Why? Am I getting in the way of something?"

"Not at all.I'm just concerned that Stella might feel awkward."

Keegan pursed his lips.

"I thought you'd be the one feeling awkward.After all, she's still my fiancée on paper.Ethically and logically speaking, shouldn't you be keeping your distance?"

Marshall raised an eyebrow.

"You say that she's still your fiancée.Yet, you're here with another woman.Do you think that's appropriate?"

Keegan's gaze darkened.

"Nothing is going on between me and Jaylene! The fact that you know she has a fiancé, yet you still go out with her doesn't exactly make you innocent either."

Marshall frowned.

"Since when did I go out with Stella?"

"Cut the act," Keegan sneered.

Marshall was confused.

Stella looked at Keegan and suddenly said, "So what if Marshall and I go out together? It has nothing to do with you.

Keegan froze for a moment.

"You're still my fiancée! Does it not matter?"

"Oh," Stella shrugged.

"I thought you were fine with it.Weren't you the one who urged me to follow my heart? "

Yet now, when I've done just that, you're trying to assert dominance and proclaim yourself as my fiancé.

"Keegan, did your memory loss affect your thinking? Have you forgotten what you said to me not too long ago?"

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