Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Chapter 1803

Chapter 1803

Chapter 1803

Stella’s expansion into the lower-tier market had been successful. Many jewelers from out of town now flocked to Rivera for supplies.

Stella would arrange business discussions at Olivia’s property, attracting several influencers with millions of followers. Some of them even documented their stays at the hotel.

Olivia was adept at running a business and did not mind investing some money.

She renovated the hotel and introduced several convenient services. With influencers endorsing the place and Olivia’s effective management, Regal Banquets increased its reputation in Rivera.

‘Stella had done me a significant favor,’ Olivia thought.

She gracefully acknowledged the compliments and commented, “Stella and Keegan share a deep bond. They won’t break up that easily, even if he can’t recall it right now. We, as outsiders, should watch as things unfold and avoid picking sides. Standing on the wrong side could very well bring trouble to us in the future.”

The group of wealthy ladies resonated with Olivia’s words. Stella possessed several businesses and shares.

Regardless of her current relationship with Keegan, her status remained intact.

It would be a costly mistake to offend her because of Dahlia.

“Olivia, aren’t you good friends with Dahlia?” Someone asked.

“I am. I’m just kindly reminding everyone to be cautious. Whether you listen or not is up to you,” Olivia replied.

With that, she turned and left. The ladies exchanged glances but refrained from further discussion.

Meanwhile, Stella was crying uncontrollably. This left Keegan bewildered. He had never seen someone shed so many tears.

Being inexperienced in comforting people, Keegan struggled to console her. He vaguely understood why Stella was crying. He felt a warm, unknown sensation in his chest and had no idea how to express it. Such emotions were alien in his current memory.

Keegan curled his fingers and said softly, “Stop crying. A wet mask is a breeding ground for bacteria. You might get sick.”

Stella abruptly stopped crying and began to laugh. It took a while before she murmured, “Fool.”

Realizing Keegan hadn’t completely changed, she wiped her tears and thought of how he had explained high-voltage electricity during a thunderstorm. He also educated her about the law when they were releasing sky lanterns and prepared a fire extinguisher when he confessed his love to her.

“Come on. What else do you want to buy? Let’s continue shopping,” Keegan held her hand and said.

Stella paused, her eyes red. “I don’t want to shop anymore. How am I supposed to shop when you can’t even carry any more bags?”

Keegan chuckled and said, “You’re such a child.”

He loaded the purchases into the car and prepared to continue shopping with her. However, Stella was too tired to go on. In the end, they opted to go home.

Cordelia was concerned that Maria might struggle with doing everything alone.

So, she assigned someone named Lorraine to primarily attend to Stella’s dietary needs.

Although Cordelia didn’t explicitly say anything, Stella deduced that Lorraine likely majored in nutrition based on the meals she prepared. The meals were not only healthy but also tailored to her taste.

Meanwhile, Maria wasn’t pleased with the help. She assumed that the Kane family was considering letting her go. She remained gloomy for several days and bossed Lorraine around. Lorraine had a good temper and complied with her instructions.

After finishing dinner, Keegan went to the study. Shortly after, there was a knock on the door.

Stella entered, holding a glass of milk, saying she wanted to discuss something with him.

Keegan assumed she wanted to talk about their past. He knew Stella had always wanted him to remember.

Unexpectedly, Stella wanted to discuss Maria and Lorraine.

Keegan was somewhat surprised.

“Equal pay means equal responsibilities. Maria shouldn’t be bullying Lorraine.

You need to address this, Keegan. Since they are both under your family’s employment, I feel it’s best for you to handle the situation.”

“So you came in here just to tell me this?”

Confused, Stella replied, “Yeah. Why else would I come in here?”

‘Aren’t we supposed to be working our relationship?’ thought Keegan.

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