Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Chapter 2028

Chapter 2028

Chapter 2028

Chapter 2028

It was not without reason that Aldor could effortlessly navigate his position as the boss's assistant.

While others may butter up the boss according to their preferences, he often flattered his boss's partner


Keegan hurriedly rushed home, only to find Stella packing her bags. He paused and asked, "Heading


Stella continued organizing her suitcase, explaining, "When you were missing, I went to the wishing

well in Jorgeville to pray for you. Now that you're back in good health, I thought it was time to show my


Keegan was puzzled. "Why the sudden urge to do that now?"

"I had completely forgotten about it until Aldor reminded me. You've been back for a while, and all my

prayers have been answered. It's time to light up some candles and offer a small donation."

'Aldor... So, that cunning fellow is behind this!'

Keegan thought Stella's urgent call meant something serious. Little did he know it was Alder’s clever

ploy to get him off work early for the festival.

He pursed his lips and said slowly, "Is this wishing well the one where Marshall got you the talisman?"

Stella raised an eyebrow. "Yup, that's the one. By the way, where is the talisman anyway? You put it in

your suit pocket but never returned it to me."

'God. I shouldn't have said anything,'thought Keegan.

Stella extended her hand and asked, "Where is it?"

Keegan averted his eyes. "I don't know. It's probably still in my suit pocket. I didn't touch it."

Stella looked at him suspiciously and said, "I'll go look for it."

She stood up and headed for the closet. Keegan reluctantly followed.

Stella quickly found the suit Keegan wore that day but found no talisman in the pocket. She turned to

him, who suddenly said, "I remember now. I threw it into the washing machine when I came back that

day. It might have been ruined when Lorraine did the laundry."

Lorraine, who happened to be bringing in the freshly dried clothes, overheard Keegan's words. She

said, "Sir, I air-dried the talisman for you and placed it in your watch drawer. I found it while doing the

laundry and took it out."

Keegan's face instantly changed as he heard that. After a while, he said," You're quite meticulous,


Lorraine smiled and said, "I'm afraid you might accidentally leave valuables in the laundry, so I always

check all the pockets before putting the clothes in the washing machine."

Keegan could not muster a smile.

Stella, struggling to hold back her laughter, thanked Lorraine and pulled Keegan away.

He felt embarrassed having his little scheme exposed.

After dragging him into the bedroom, Stella remained silent. She gave him a teasing smile, which made

him extremely uncomfortable.

Keegan licked his lips and explained, "I went to the police station that night. When I returned, I took off

my jacket and forgot about the talisman."

"I see," Stella responded with a mocking tone.

Keegan explained, "I genuinely forgot. I wouldn't have let you keep it in the first place if I were narrow-


Stella looked at him with a smirk and said, ’Since you're so open-minded, you probably dropped the

talisman into the water by accident, right?"

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