Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Chapter 2064

Chapter 2064

Chapter 2064

Chapter 2064

Jaylene hesitated for a moment, her expression subtly changing.

"The Rosaceae family isn't only roses. It's similar to how peonies and herbaceous peonies are in the

same family, Paeoniaceae. Having an allergy to peonies doesn't mean being allergic to herbaceous

peonies. They're separate species," she hurriedly clarified.

"Ah," Stella nodded in understanding. Then, she inquired, "Jaylene, I've noticed you seem unaffected

by these flowers now. Has your asthma improved?"

After the incident earlier, Jaylene was cautious in her interactions with Stella.

‘Why the sudden interest in my asthma? Is Stella trying to use it as an excuse to kick me out of the

fragrance department?' she thought.

"I think it's getting better. I've never been sensitive to pollen, which is essential for working in the

fragrance department," Jaylene replied cautiously.

"Is that so? We've known each other for less than a year, yet I've seen you have attacks twice, even

with medication on hand. Is it really wise for you to continue in the fragrance department with this

condition? While work is important, isn't your health more significant? If you were to collapse due to this

illness, Dad would surely blame himself for allowing you to join the company," said Stella.

Jaylene would not let Stella use her health as a reason to oust her from Caline. Quickly, she

responded, "Stella, you're overthinking it. I wouldn't be here if I weren't medically cleared. The doctor

has provided me with reports confirming I'm fit to work in the fragrance industry."

"Is that so?" Stella scrutinized her for a moment before asking, "So,

fragrant flower pollen doesn't trigger your attacks?"

Jaylene nodded. "That's right."

Flowers weren't her allergens, so they don't cause attacks.

In fact, Jaylene had been seeking medical advice everywhere while the Saun family took care of her

over the years. Her condition has improved greatly.

Apart from a minor incident at last year's charity banquet, where she accidentally came into contact

with an allergen, she had not had an attack in two to three years.

The most dreaded aspect of asthma is the allergen. Jaylene's allergen was identified long ago. As long

as she avoided contact, she would not experience any major symptoms. She had managed her

condition very well.

Stella looked at Jaylene. Her expression grew colder as she said, "That's good to hear."

Saying this, she quietly saved the recorded audio. Since Jaylene said she was fine, she would not give

her the chance to use her illness as an excuse.

Despite Stella's repeated statements that she did not like roses, Jaylene still left a few stems here,

claiming it would improve her mood.

Once Jaylene left, Stella picked up a small spray bottle and sprayed water on the roses.

Then, she sent a private message to the flower shop owner: [Next time, please don't send such fresh


The owner replied: [Why not?]

Stella texted back: [Just send the flowers left over from the previous day at a discounted price.]

The owner was speechless. She had not seen anyone pursue a girl while being so stingy.

Once Jaylene left Stella's office, Darcie called. She had just gotten off the plane and learned about

today's events from Elana, so she contacted Jaylene.

Her advice was clear: maintain a low profile, let Stella do as she pleased, treat her well as instructed,

and avoid open confrontation.

The thought of being humiliated today made Jaylene extremely uncomfortable, and Darcie's instruction

to endure it only made her more upset.

She could not fathom why her mother was so wary of Stella. 'Even though Stella's late mother founded

Caline, wasn't it mom's efforts that led it to its current state? Why should we tiptoe around Stella just

because she joined Caline?'

"Do you hear me?" Darcie asked over the phone.

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