Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Chapter 476

Chapter 476

Chapter 476

Chapter 476

Stella had used all her strength to slap Keegan, and her sharp nails had drawn two thin red lines on his face.

Keegan was dumbfounded.

This was the second time she hit him.

The first time she slapped him was out of self-defense, but this time, her slap was filled with hatred.

Being slapped in the face was humiliating, especially for someone like Keegan.

So when Stella was about to strike him once more, Keegan grabbed her wrist and growled, "Enough is enough! Do you really think I won't hit you?"

As soon as he said that, Stella's eyes turned red and filled with tears.

Keegan was stunned.

Despite being married for so many years, he had never seen her cry like this. She only ever cried when she was watching dramas.

Keegan had always felt that this woman was heartless, but his heart wrenched when he saw her cry.He helplessly let go of his hand and whispered, "I wasn't going to hit you."

"Keegan, the thing I regret the most in my life is marrying you.Rivera is a big city.I hope I never see you again."

Stella's voice trembled.

After speaking, she pushed his hand away and walked out with her belongings.

Keegan froze.

After a while, he went out to chase after her, but Stella had already driven away.

Maria did not stop her.

When she saw Keegan rushing down the stairs, she dared not ask questions.

So, she turned around, wanting to clean the house.

However, Keegan stopped her.

"You told me earlier that Stella asked you to take some medicine to the hospital, right?" Maria nodded.

"When did you deliver it?"

"The morning after her mother died."

Keegan pursed his lips and asked, "Did she say anything?"

"No.She didn't look well, though.I heard that Mrs.Kane fainted due to the grief of her mother's death, which would explain her complexion."

Keegan did not say a word.

'Rainee had just passed away then, and Stella did not even have the time to grieve.

Why did she ask Maria to deliver the medicine to the hospital? Why was Stella so angry when she realized I had given her the pills?"

"Is there any medicine left?" he asked.

Maria shook her head.

"There were only three bottles left that day, and I've already delivered them as per Mrs.Kane's request."

Keegan stopped the interrogation and called Aldor instead.

Aldor had just returned from Alodale and had just slept for two hours when he received the call from Keegan.


"Aldor, investigate where my mom bought the medicine for Stella and check the prescription for me."

"Didn't we check the prescription before? What's wrong?"

Aldor asked as he sat up.

When Stella and Keegan had been married for over a year, she still did not bear a child.

Their family kept asking them about the baby, so they decided to have a body checkup.

Results showed that Keegan's sperm count was average.

However, the doctor told them that Stella's uterine wall had lost its elasticity, and her appendages were damaged due to the car accident.

Fertility would not come easy for them.

The doctor also said there would be a high chance of miscarriage if she got pregnant.

Having children was important to those who came from wealthy families.

When Keegan went to get the results, he thought he would have to divorce Stella because of her infertility.

Vinci Rivera was a family business.

Things would get messy if Keegan had no heir to take over the company.

However, he decided to keep the results a secret.

No one in the Kane family knew that Stella could not conceive, not even Stella herself.

Instead, Keegan told his family members that his wife had a damp uterus and needed to recuperate.

Next thing they know, Dahlia sent someone to deliver some fertility medicine, saying it was specifically used to treat damp uteruses.

No one in the Kane family knew that Stella could not conceive, not even Stella herself.

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