Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Chapter 489

Chapter 489

Chapter 489

Chapter 489

Stella really liked children, and she was very adept at wrangling with them.

Bo used to be very naughty, but when he was with Stella, he would be very well-behaved.

Just when they were having fun, a phone rang.

Stella saw that it was Dahlia with a glance, and her face fell even more.

She hung up the phone, directly blacklisted Dahlia's contact, and deleted her contact.

No one picked up the phone call.

Dahlia furrowed her brows and called again.

This time, it would not even get through.

‘Stella isn't brave enough to not pick up my phone calls.

It looks like their marriage was, as Aurora said, divorced"

Dahlia thought.

Bo was slightly tired from playing, so Stella took him to the couch to rest.

When she came back to the dinner table, the phone rang again.

It was an unknown number this time, so Stella accepted the call.

"It's me," Dahlia's voice came from the other end of the phone.

It sounded like a crouched poisonous snake that was spitting its snaky tongue on a person's body.

It made Stella feel like there was a chill climbing down her back.

Stella did not speak, and Dahlia continued, "Aurora's face has been scalded, and she said you did it."

Stella naturally would not reply and say yes.

Who knew if this cruel and cunning thing called Dahlia would be recording the phone call? Stella replied coldly, "If there isn't anything else, I'm hanging up."

"Tomorrow, ten in the morning, Prosper Road coffee shop.Let's meet up,"

Dahlia demanded.

The corner of Stella's lips twitched.

"Sorry, I'm not free."

Dahlia gradually said, "You wouldn't want me to go to you or your friend's workplace to look for you, right?"

Stella gripped her phone tightly, and her expression turned ugly.

Dahlia then nonchalantly said, "Don't be late.I'll see you tomorrow."

After she said that, she hung up.

Stella raised the phone in her hand and wanted to smash it.

However, Felicity quickly stopped her.

"Sis, we are not wealthy socialites right now, so don't let it get to you."

As she said that, she handed Stella a clump of tissues.

Smash this! wt Stella was at a loss for words.

She harshly dumped the tissue into the rubbish bin.

Felicity then asked, "Who called?"


Stella answered.

"Your ex-mother-in-law.

Why is she looking for you?"

Stella said with gritted teeth, "I splashed boiling water at Aurora at the production set.

She was definitely trying to seek revenge for her daughter."

Shea told the whole story of the incident.

Felicity then said with righteous fury, "That shameless stinking bitch.She started it, yet her mother dared to look for you to settle the score.You should have given her another two slaps."

Stella had a gloomy look on her face.

"Meeting up would be fine, and I want to settle the score with her at the same time."

After sending Shea and her child off, it was already ten at night.

Stella lay on the bed, tossing and turning while thinking about meeting Dahlia the next day.

She contemplated whether she should bring a knife or acid to the meet-up the next day.

Stella flipped through the penal code and then proceeded to suppress those two thoughts.

Then, she suddenly saw the transaction history of the son of a bitch, Keegan.

She scrunched her brows and thought for a while.

She then transferred a dollar to Keegan with a message.

[Tomorrow at 10.20 in the morning.

Meet me at Prosper Road coffeehouse.] Keegan was in the study, and he was busy with the work he had left behind last week.

At that time, he had just made a cup of coffee to raise his spirits.

He heard the phone ring and grabbed it.

He glanced at the screen and saw that it was a record of Stella's transaction.

Keegan's hand quivered, and coffee spilled onto the table.

He did not bother to wipe off the coffee and quickly transferred ten thousand dollars for a reply.

[You're not angry anymore?] Stella transferred one dollar back with a message.

[Shut up! Don't ask! And, don't come early! ]

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