Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Chapter 669

Chapter 669

Chapter 669

Chapter 669

"Let's go then.Lexi, show her how Nirvana should be performed!"

Then, Lexi stood beside Georgia reluctantly.

Nirvana, as its name suggested, was a dance to mimic the movement of a Phoenix.

The music started, and both of them began dancing.

Georgia bent down slightly and hugged herself with both arms.She looked like a nestling that just broke its shell while exploring the unknown world timidly.

Then, as the melody changed, she stretched her arms out and started moving like an eagle soaring through the sky.

Suddenly, a high-pitched tone played.She then fell as if her wings broke.

Then, she bathed in the fire before rising from the ashes and being reborn...


Georgia could not maintain her balance while she wanted to straighten her back and fell to the ground.

Everybody was shocked and thought that Stella had made a mistake.

She sat up with a pale face and looked at Lexi, who was dancing with her bloodshot eyes beside her.

Georgia was too desperate to win that she made a big mistake on that simple move.

Her classmates laughed at her.

Georgia clenched her fists tight, looking very angry and resentful.

Everybody in the audition room kept quiet.

Stuart froze for a few seconds before saying, "Cut!"

Stella heaved a sigh of relive as she sat on the floor quietly.

She just got locked up in a tiny room for some time, yet she had to perform such a long choreography afterward.She was drained.

Everyone around her was so shocked by her acting skills that they were all speechless.

Bella was the only one with an awful look on her face.

Stella's acting skills were somewhat powerful.

Bella's emotions almost got affected after Stella read her lines.

Bella was supposed to be the female lead, yet the lines she ran with Stella could not display her toughness as an underprivileged lady.

In contrast, Stuart could see the condescending haughtiness in Stella.He got very excited.He suddenly could see how much potential Georgia had in his head.

Finally, he calmed himself down and asked, "Did you come up with that choreography yourself?"

Stella shook her head.

"Not entirely.Mr.Gerald's masterpiece inspired it.However, my skills are not as polished as his, and that was the closest I could do to recreate it." Everyone kept quiet.

Stella's dance made them feel like they were watching a stage play, and her movements were extremely fluid.

Bella's choreography could not come close to that at all.

Bella claimed that she learned modern dance for five years and was very confident in playing Lexi.

Stuart looked at her dancing skills without giving any comments.

Then, he told the crew to find a dancer who had a similar build to be her double.

However, Stella did not say she was good at dancing, yet she shocked everybody there.

She would not need a double to help her with what she was capable of.

She could get any difficult moves done with the proper guidance.

That was why people said empty vessels make the most noise.

A voice within Stuart shouted.

'It's her! It's got to be her! Georgia is Stella, and Stella is Georgia"

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