Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Chapter 759

Chapter 759

Chapter 759

Chapter 759 Keegan immediately defended himself.

[Although he and I are childhood friends, I'm a man of principles.I would never be complicit in such matters.However...]

Keegan paused, then typed: [If I help you keep an eye on him, do I get bonus points?]

Stella squinted her eyes and replied: [Are you negotiating with me?]

[How would I have the right to set conditions?]

It was as if Keegan had taken a crash course in communication.His progress was phenomenal.He then typed: [Naturally, whatever you say goes.I merely asked offhandedly.]

Stella held back her laughter.

[Well, if you tell me as soon as something happens, I can add points for you adequately, which may vary between 50 to 200.] Keegan's lips twisted into a smile, and he answered: [I won't let you down.]

At unit 902 next door, Vermont gave a few sneezes.He rubbed his nose and thought, 'Is that bandit cursing me again?’ After finishing his conversation with Stella, Keegan's first step was to forward the trashy link from Stella to Zane.

"Hack the website for me!"

Keegan ordered.

Zane was confused.

He ordered a big shot of the Internet to hack a trashy website.

Would this not feel like using a shotgun to kill a fly? After Aurora was questioned, she was detained.

The lawyer from Leighton's side had already arrived.

This indicates that before she was convicted, Aurora had to stay here.

She was temporarily detained at the local police station.

One cell would have up to five people locked inside and basically had prostitutes who were caught trying to get business on the streets.

Each and every one of them was dressed scantily, and they always spoke with a few cuss words in their sentences.

Aurora felt dirty with every second she stayed there with them.

Hence, not long after she entered, she screamed to be let out.

The police came to yell a few times and ignored her.

Aurora still did not give up.

Although Keegan did not want to care for her, she still had her mother, uncle, and grandmother.

They would never let her stay in this kind of place.

For awhile, she would tell the officers how powerful and wealthy her family was.

Then, she would say that she would not spare the officers who detained her.

Her mouth would not shut as she cursed.

It was already late in the night.

Everyone was already exhausted.

One of the women, dressed in a camisole top and caked in heavy makeup, said, "Young lady, stop shouting.You wouldn't be locked up if your family truly wanted to pick you up.They don't care about you.Keep quiet.The felony you committed isn't even that heavy.You'll be let out after a few days."

"you shut up!"

Aurora gripped her fists tightly.

"You're just a hooker who sells her ass.You think you and I are the same?"

The lady's expression changed.

"You better wash your mouth!"

Aurora had a whole chest of fury and worried she would not have somewhere to vent it.She then proceeded to let it out all on the camisole top lady.

"Did I say something wrong? Just based on your outfit, who wouldn't know what you did? What kind of thing are you? Do I need your lecture? Aren't you afraid of your child being criticized for having a mother in such a business!"

These words genuinely hurt the lady's feelings.

She went up and pulled at Aurora's hair, giving her exquisite face two slaps.

Aurora did not expect her to make a move and was immediately stunned by the hit.

She had an expression filled with disbelief.

"You...You dare hit me? Who do you think you are to have the nerve to hit me? Do you know who I am — Ah!"

Before she could finish, the camisole top lady gave another harsh slap.She grabbed Aurora's collar and said fiercely, "Do I fucking care who you are? Your mouth is filthy, though.

Did you eat shit, growing up?"

"I've only got my rotten life left.If I hit you, I hit you.At most, I get locked up for another few days.It's just the usual.What about you?"

As she said this, she wiped her hands on Aurora's dress.

"A noble missus? Can you even hold your head high in the future after being locked up in here with some prostitute?"

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