Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Chapter 828

Chapter 828

Chapter 828

Chapter 828

Stella clenched her jaw and replied, “Albert.”

Felicity was outraged. “That piece of trash dared to call you?!”

“Who knows? It’s bound to be something bad.”

The phone rang again as she spoke. Felicity replied, “Pick it up. Let’s see what that trash wants. Hopefully, he’ll spit out the money that belongs to Rainee.”

Stella pondered for a moment before she answered the phone. She wondered what made him so anxious that he would spam call her.

“Stella, please don’t hang up,” said Albert as soon as the call patched through. Stella turned on the loudspeaker, placed the phone on the table, and started recording. “Albert, I could report you for harassment after you pestered us with your non-stop calls.”

“I only want to discuss something. Nothing more,” said Albert warmly.

Stella responded irritatingly, “Tch. What else is there between us apart from the lawsuit? There is still room for discussion if Sophia has passed on the message, and you plan to return the money.”

Albert’s expression froze as he forcefully forced down his displeasure.” Stella, we may not be blood- related, but we’re still father and daughter after bringing you up for so long. I’ve actually been very worried about you since the lawsuit. How are you?”

Felicity immediately showed her disgusted face and gestured with her lips, “He has the audacity to say something like this?”

Stella indifferently replied, “Please be straightforward, Mr. Jewell. Stop acting as if you still have any fatherly love.”

Albert’s facade broke. ‘Stella’s mouth is as sharp as her mother’s!’ He suppressed his anger and muttered, “Stella, stop thinking of people to such extremes. Sophia said she met you today and you were not doing well. I’m very worried about you. If you don’t mind, I’d like you to be my adopted daughter. Let bygones be bygones. Since your mother’s passing, I, as your mother’s husband, by right should have taken care of you, her own biological daughter.”

Felicity looked quizzically at Stella. ‘What is going on with this crazy Albert?’

Stella pursed her lips and said sluggishly, “Will Hylda and Sophia agree if you take me in as an adopted daughter?”

Albert was hopeful. After all, Stella was now a “bastard child” without a record of her biological father. She could become an official member of the upper class once she acknowledged him as her adoptive father. Albert felt that it was unlikely that Stella would pass up on this chance to regain her social status. Stella would need a certain status to remarry Keegan, so he believed that Keegan would support the Jewell family as he did in the past if he adopted Stella.

“Don’t worry about what they think. Adopting you as my daughter is my decision and has nothing to do with them. If you want to, I’ll send someone to reinstate your registration. You will receive the same treatment as Sophia moving forward since we’re family after all.”

Stella’s eyes turned cold, yet she replied in a soft tone, ’Are you sure you want to make me your adopted daughter?”

Albert could not hide the excitement in his voice. “I was heartbroken when I knew you were not my own biological daughter. Blood-related or not, I’ve already thought of you as my own daughter because I

raised you.”

Stella hesitated and said, “The lawsuit before was a little too public. Shouldn’t we publicly announce it if you want to take me in as an adopted daughter?”

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