Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Chapter 920

Chapter 920

Chapter 920

Chapter 920

Felicity's eyelids twitched when she heard what Marshall said. 'I-Is this a fucking confession?!! I knew the handsome Bentley guy had a thing for Stella! Who would take on such a small dispute over a high- paying case? nove.lebook Stella is such a dumb dumb for saying that I'm overthinking it. She's just blinded by her love for Keegan. What's so good about that guy anyway? Apart from his good looks, he's sharp-tongued and scheming.’

"The fact that he called the police and had me arrested? Ugh. Makes me think that he'd probably send Stella to prison someday in a fit of anger if he suddenly stops liking her.'

‘Plus, he looks like a playboy, unlike Mr. Moore. Mr. Moore looks gentle, and he's soft-spoken and polite. He also knows the law and is a great lawyer. He even gets worried about whether Stella arrives home safely during the night. He's such a good partner; way better than that hypercritical jerk, Keegan!"

Felicity waited expectantly for Stella's answer. 'Did she not get the hint?!" she thought. She pricked up her ears and watched, only to hear Stella say while refilling Marshall's tea, "Vermont told me you don't have a girlfriend because you're a typical straight man who doesn't know how to talk to girls. But, he's obviously wrong. You're so good at flirting!"

‘That idiot, Keegan, would never say such a thing. If I ever told him that he was expensive, he'd definitely ask me if I've ever considered that it's because I'm poor,' Stella thought.

Felicity was speechless. Her emotions were like a roller coaster. ' Well, that's Stella, alright. She didn't get the hint at all!"

"Did it work?" Marshall lowered his eyes and asked.

Stella held up her fingers and joked, "Almost. For someone who has experienced the trials and tribulations of marriage, I think money works best."

Marshall froze for a moment and laughed. "How much are we talking here?"

"Hmm. There are other requirements, though. Let's see. My dream man would have a handsome face and a good figure. It'd be even better if he let me take over our finances and listened to me." After she said that, Stella tapped Marshall's chin and asked with a smile,

"I'm not asking for too much, am I?"

Felicity was at a loss for words. 'Why don't you just take out Keegan's ID and show Mr. Moore your dream man? Only Keegan could fit into those criteria! '

Marshall laughed for quite a while before he said, "Of course not. You're worth it."

‘See! This is what a man with a high EQ.would say! If it were Keegan, he would definitely tell me to stop dreaming! Even though he would silently cash in some money for me at the end of the month, novelebool his words are really unpleasant sometimes. But... If anyone else falls for him, they'd definitely be crushed to the ground with that sharp tongue of his. Ah... What is going on with me? We've only been apart from each other for a short time. Why do I keep thinking about Keegan?"

Stella rubbed her ears and coughed as she said, "After you're done with your current lawsuit, I'll take a leave of absence from work. Then, we'll deal with the house to avoid future problems."

"Alright." Marshall paused, grabbed two boxes from his briefcase, and put them on the coffee table. "Here's some dessert I brought for each of you from the company's team-building event. They're delicious."

Felicity ran over immediately as soon as she heard that there was food. She read the name on the box and said, "Egg tarts from Royle's?! Their lava egg tarts are the best! They are very expensive. Your company sure knows how to throw a lavish team-building event!"

"One of my female colleagues bought them. I can ask her to order more next time and bring them over for you guys," Marshall chuckled.

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