Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Chapter 925

Chapter 925

Chapter 925

Chapter 925

Felicity pursed her lips and said, You clearly have company. Why don't I come back here some other day?" She was about to get up when Vermont pressed down on her shoulders and pushed her back into her seat.

"It's fine. Just tell me. She won't come out. And if she does, I'm sure she wouldn't blabber."

Felicity sat back on the couch and thought for a while before she said, "I'm going to apply for a job in the next few days and realized that my resume is not good enough. Are there any un-broadcasted films or co-written dramas from your company that you can slap my name on?" She added, "It's fine if you don't have any."

“That's all?" Vermont chuckled. "I thought it was something serious."

Felicity's eyes lit up when she heard his tone relax. ''Can you do it?"

Vermont looked at how expectant she looked and began to tease, " Sure, but not for one egg tart."

"How about I add on a whole box of mangoes?" Felicity said generously.

"I don't need something I can buy with my own money," Vermont laughed.

“Then, what do you want?" Felicity asked in distress.

The corners of Vermont's lips immediately curled into a smirk as he said, "I want you to cook for me for one whole year."

Felicity's eyelids twitched. "Why do you need me to cook for you when you already have a girlfriend?"

"Since when did I—" Vermont paused and let out a cough. "Her arms are as thin as a toothpick. Does it look like she cooks?"

Felicity pursed her lips and elbowed Vermont in the stomach. "Are you saying I have huge arms and look like someone who enjoys doing rough work?"

Vermont dodged just in time to avoid being hit, but he still bent over in a pretentious manner and sighed, "I'm saying you can be a great housewife someday."

Felicity snorted at the sound of that. "A year is too long. I'll do one month at most."

Vermont clicked his tongue and uttered, "That's too little! This is your career we're talking about. Six months."

"Forget it. I don't need your help," Felicity got up and said.

Vermont hurriedly pulled her back. "This is supposed to be a negotiation. How could you just end the discussion when I try to bargain?"

Felicity glared at him and said, "I asked you for a favor, and you asked me to be your maid for six months. I might as well just be your full-time maid than waste my time talking to you."

"I mean, you can if you want to. I'll give you the salary we discussed. All you have to do is cook my meals. With so much free time on your hands, I'm sure you can continue writing your script. It'll be a big hit."

“Hands off!" Felicity said with a dark face.

Vermont had no choice but to ask, "How about you cook for me for three months? Come on. It's a good deal."

Felicity stopped struggling and glanced at Vermont. "I'll cook for you every other day. If you're okay with that, then fine. If not, forget it."

Vermont gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, okay. You're really something, Miss Bandit."

Felicity's lips curled upward. "Thank you, Vermont." She wanted to grab his arm and joke around like she usually does, but she stopped before touching him. She twiddled with her fingers and withdrew her hand.

Vermont did not notice how strange she was acting. "Wait here. I need to make a call," he said as he walked to the balcony with his phone.

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