Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Chapter 941

Chapter 941

Chapter 941

Chapter 941

Stella’s eyelids twitched violently. She elbowed Keegan and said, “Are you pretending to be drunk?!”

Keegan felt a little sore and frowned. ’We can’t go against the doctor’s orders. We have to make Io-” Stella covered his mouth in horror before he could finish his sentence. She looked at the loose cannon in front of her with a dark face, and the hair on the back of her neck stood up.

‘How did he go from speaking normally to being drunk all of a sudden?! Who knows what kind of shocking thing would come out of him if I hadn’t covered his mouth!’

Keegan was a little upset after being held back. He reached out and pulled Stella’s hand away, trying to make her let go. However, Stella did not do so. Instead, she asked Julian to call Aldor.

Stella immediately dragged Keegan into the car when Aldor drove over, and they left in a hurry so as not to dirty the minds of the youths at the scene. When they got into the car, Stella let go and leaned back in the seat.

Aldor started the engine and asked, “Where to, Madam, Mr. Kane?’

Before Stella could say anything, Keegan uttered, “Home, so we can make— Mmph!’ Stella’s face turned red. She held Keegan’s mouth down for dear life as she gritted her teeth and said, ‘Royalpark Villa, please.”

Aldor glanced at the two seated in the back, and a hint of mischief flashed in his eyes. “Do you want to go to the pharmacy and buy some birth control, Madam?’ he said in a serious tone.

Stella was speechless. ‘What’s wrong with these people?!’

“No. There’s no need for that,” Stella replied with a flushed face. ’Keegan’s so drunk; buying anything will be useless.’

Aldor did not know what was going on in Stella’s mind, but he was surprised by the rapid progress of their relationship. ‘They don’t even want protection!’ He thought.

Keegan was getting a little out of breath and tried to break free from Stella’s grip. “Be careful of what you say, or I’ll throw you out of the car!” Stella warned. Keegan blinked his eyes to signal he understood, and Stella let go.

Keegan kept his word. He held onto Stella’s hand as if he was afraid that she would leave. After a while, Stella’s palms started to sweat. ‘Don’t you feel warm?” She asked, speechless at his gesture. Keegan shook his head and waited for some time before saying, “I’m here.”

Stella was confused.

“Don’t worry,” Keegan continued as he stroked her back. “I’m here.’

Keegan’s words were strange, but his low, soothing voice crossed Stella’s heart like a warm current. She did what he always did and patted his head, saying, “Silly guy.”

Keegan fell asleep after a short while, and they arrived at Royalpark Villa in no time. With Aldor’s help, they worked together to carry Keegan into his bedroom. Stella was sweating all over. She looked up and saw the familiar room; it felt like a dream.

When Aldor was about to leave, Stella called out to him and said, “Wait. I’m going with you. Just let me settle this first.” Aldor was a little surprised, but he did not question her.

None of them knew how much Keegan had had to drink. But based on his previous drinking habits, he would get up in the middle of the night once to throw up.

Stella flipped him on his side and put a pillow behind his back to prevent him from choking on his own vomit. She then laid a small piece of cloth on the side of the bed with a bucket on the floor to catch the throw-up.

After doing all that, Stella stroked Keegan’s hair. Looking at him sleeping peacefully, her eyes soften. When she turned around to leave, someone grabbed her wrist.

Keegan pulled her on top of him and asked, “Can we make love, please?”

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