Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Chapter 946

Chapter 946

Chapter 946

Whenever Keegan was sick or detained for having conflicts with other people, Dahlia would always come up with various reasons for not being there for him. The only time she would show any affection to Keegan was when she needed money from him.

Stella could not resist talking to Keegan about it, but she decided that it was best not to say anything. Since her relationship with Keegan was unstable back then, she knew that it would seem like she was deliberately trying to make him hate his mother.

Stella did not expect Keegan to notice Dahlia’s behavior, especially since he had always kept it to himself. She poked Keegan in between his eyebrows and said, “Are you saying your mom only likes you for your money and not you as a person?”

Keegan closed his eyes and said softly after a while, ’She doesn’t like anyone. She doesn’t love me nor my dad.”

Stella paused and half-jokingly said, “She treats your sister well though. The matching set of jewelry she gifted her from Cartier is a thousand times more expensive than the Black Swan she got me.”

Keegan laughed when he heard that. Stella grabbed his face and asked,” What are you laughing at?”

“So, you wore the necklace I gifted you just to spite her?”

Stella froze momentarily and realized that he was talking about the time they went to Dahlia’s birthday party. Thinking about how funny Dahlia’s expression was at the party, Stella began to laugh too.

She then nudged the tip of Keegan’s nose and said, “You’re the one who chose to give me a necklace on that particular day. You didn’t expect that to happen?”

Keegan chuckled and leaned into Stella’s ear as he whispered, “I did it on purpose.”

“You’re so childish,” Stella whispered back.

Keegan had a good laugh and said, “I don’t care if she doesn’t like me or mistreats me. What I do care about is how she forced you away from me. I will never forgive her for that.’

Stella paused and stayed silent, patting him on the shoulder in response.

After a while, Keegan said, “Do you have any feelings for me at all?”

Stella returned to her senses. Then, with a helpless look, she thought, ‘Are we still not past this?’

“Just a little.’

Keegan found her answer to be perfunctory and frowned in dissatisfaction. “Can you elaborate on that so I can try to increase it?”

Stella noticed that he was serious and teased, “I like how you splurge on me.’

Keegan was speechless. Stella stopped fooling with him when she saw his bitter expression of hatred. She then pulled him over and gave him a big kiss. “Would I be dating you if I didn’t like you, dummy? I’d just get a sugar daddy if I only wanted money.”

It was a rare confession from Stella, but Keegan only heard the second half. “How much money do you want?”

Stella was at a loss for words. She threw a pillow at Keegan’s face and said, “Go to sleep.”

After a long day of tossing and turning, Keegan was finally willing to get off from Stella. However, he still had his arms around her waist and refused to let her go. Stella had no choice but to stay there for the night.

She thought of Aldor, waiting for her outside, and grabbed her phone to text him. [You can leave, Aldor. I’m staying here tonight.] [Alright,] Aldor replied. He tossed his phone on the couch and went to take a shower. He knew that it would turn out like this, so he just left.

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