Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted By Eleven Jewell Chapter 885

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted By Eleven Jewell Chapter 885

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted By Eleven Jewell Chapter 885

Chapter 885

‘You’re worried about me when you’re this drunk?’ thought Stella. However, she felt

comforted hearing his words.

“I’ll take a cab. It’s easy to get a cab in this area,” she said.

Stuart grunted in response. Then he said, “Don’t be late tomorrow.’

Stella was amused.

‘We can’t tell for sure who’s the one that’ll be late tomorrow,’ she thought.

After everyone had left, Stella took out her phone and started to book a cab.

Just as she entered the e-hailing application, a silvery gray Land Rover pulled up by

the curb. The driver rolled down the window and asked, “You booked a ride, ma’am?”

Stella answered, “Nope. I haven’t even booked one.”

The driver grunted in response and took out his phone to contact his client. Stella

heard him cursing even though she was quite a distance away from him.

It seemed like the driver’s customer had canceled the booking, so he had made a

wasted trip and was arguing with the customer.

The driver angrily hung up his phone and asked Stella, “Where are you going,

ma’am? Since I don’t have any customers, why don’t I drive you there? This way, my

trip won’t be wasted.”

Stella glanced at her phone. A dozen people were in the queue to book a cab, so she

had to wait an estimated 20 to 30 minutes. She looked up and asked, “Can you send

me to Clouditude International?”

“Sure. Hop in.”

Stella walked to the side of the car and only got in when she saw the cab driver’s


The driver made a U-turn while complaining, “The cancel feature on e- hailing

applications is so unreasonable. A five-dollar compensation? The gas money I spent

driving here is more than that!”

The car reeked of cigarettes. Stella did not like it, so she winded down the car window.

The cab driver ranted for a long time. Finally, Stella asked, “Isn’t there a meter?”

The driver smiled and said, “My phone acts as a meter, so don’t worry. I won’t

overcharge you.”

Then, Stella did not say another word.

She took out her phone and glanced at it. Aldor did not text her, and Keegan still had

not replied.

After driving for a while, the driver said, “Ma’am, I’m going to pick someone up at the

front. He’s also heading to Clouditude International. After this, you just have to pay

half of the fare.”

Stella frowned.

‘I don’t really like sharing a cab with strangers; the driver should’ve asked me first. If I

had known, I wouldn’t have gotten in just because I didn’t want to wait,’ she thought.

Soon after, the cab pulled up at a junction. Then, a man dressed in black and a face

mask got in the car.

The man did not go to the front passenger seat. Instead, he sat in the backseat, like

Stella. Even though he was completely covered in the middle of summer, the smell of

cigarettes coming from him was much stronger than the car’s. This made Stella feel

even more uncomfortable.

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