Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted By Eleven Jewell Chapter 889

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted By Eleven Jewell Chapter 889

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted By Eleven Jewell Chapter 889

Chapter 889

Dahlia told Olivia that she had a good relationship with Darcie. “If Jaylene got together

with Keegan, Darcie and I would be in-laws. I’m sure Jaylene wouldn’t just let me fend

for myself.”

Olivia was not amused by the idea. ‘Your son doesn’t want anything to do with you,

and you want to set him up with someone for your sake? Did you forget how Keegan

reacted when he discovered that you caused Stella’s infertility? He clearly still loves

her. How in the world would he get together with Jaylene? Does she even know her

son? Why would a man like Quentin ever fall for such an idiot???’

Olivia underestimated Dahlia. When things did not work out between Keegan and

Jaylene, Dahlia took outlandish measures to ensure it worked out. Dahlia took the

initiative to tell Olivia about her plan of drugging Keegan and sending Jaylene into his

room to get things going. Naturally, she did not want to get her hands dirty, so she

asked Olivia to do it since she had a vast network of contacts and knew different kinds

of people for the job.

However, Dahlia never imagined that the loyal Olivia would betray her.

Olivia wanted her plans to fail. So, she did not want her to creep back into the Kane

family. The more Dahlia cared about something, the more Olivia did not want her to

obtain it. This was the best way to avenge herself.

Therefore, Olivia did not drug Keegan and sent Jaylene to his room as per Dahlia’s

request. Instead, she asked someone to give Keegan a narcotic that would make him

unconscious for two hours at most and contacted Stella to save him. Since the enemy

of an enemy was a friend, Olivia intended to partner up with Stella and went against


However, she miscalculated. Stella blocked her without waiting for her to finish. Olivia

had no choice but to kidnap her in order to carry out her plan. She did not expect that

another group of people would abduct Stella. The incident happened to be seen by

the person Olivia had arranged for the kidnapping.

Initially, she wanted to call the police, but the people brought Stella to a hotel room

and left. So, she came up with another strategy. Olivia thought of saving Stella and

forming a good relationship with Keegan. That way, she would not have to worry

about Keegan not providing support when it came to her scumbag husband. Til be

killing three birds with one stone.’

Even though Olivia had a well-thought-out plan, there was still an error of judgment.

She did not expect Jaylene to take the lead and send Keegan into a hotel room. ‘Why

does it look like she’s not surprised that Keegan was drugged? Wouldn’t someone call

an ambulance or maybe the police if someone is unconscious? Ugh. Whatever. I don’t

have time for this.’

Olivia took out a few stacks of cash from her purse and handed them to one of her

men. “Go and hide out there for a while. Come back after the limelight has passed. I

will take care of everything.”


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