Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted By Eleven Jewell Chapter 895

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted By Eleven Jewell Chapter 895

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted By Eleven Jewell Chapter 895

Chapter 895

Keegan did not move and just let Stella kiss him. It was not until she reached out and

grabbed his shirt that he held her down. He then put some distance between them,

stared into her watery eyes, and asked in a low voice, ‘Do you really want to have sex

with me?’

Stella nodded.

“Do you know who I am?’ Keegan asked.

Stella was confused by why he would ask that and replied softly, ’Yeah. You’re

Keegan.” As she said that, she wanted to kiss him even more.

Keegan avoided her lips and whispered, “Don’t you ever say those words you said

earlier to anyone else but me, got it?’

Stella was no longer in a rational state. She did not know what Keegan was referring

to, but she knew she would be rewarded if she played along. So, Stella nodded and

eagerly said, “Got it.”

As expected, Keegan was delighted with her answer. He took her hand, lowered his

gaze, and kissed her fingertips. Stella’s fingers trembled under his touch. A tingling

sensation spread from her hands to her heart. It almost jumped out of her chest.

Keegan then furthered the kiss to her wrists, and her hand was unconsciously placed

on his chest. Keegan paused, and with a charming voice, he said, “Help me undress.”

Stella was being very obedient. She blushed, looked downward, and reached out to

help him unbutton his shirt. Her hands were trembling. Due to the drug’s effects and

her nervousness, it took a long time for her to undo five buttons.

“Good job,’ Keegan praised her with a laugh. His words of affirmation made her blush.

Keegan leaned in and kissed Stella’s eyebrows, the bridge of her nose, lips, and

collarbone. Stella moaned and immediately covered her mouth in panic after realizing

the sound she had made.

Keegan was pleased by her cute reaction. He looked down at her and smiled. He

kissed her earlobe and said in a low voice, ‘Tell me if you feel uncomfortable, okay?

You have the right to stop me.”

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