Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted By Eleven Jewell Chapter 899

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted By Eleven Jewell Chapter 899

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted By Eleven Jewell Chapter 899

Chapter 899

Felicity glanced at Vermont and asked, “Have you ever seen the ad for pain- free

surgical abortions?” “What?”

“There was this girl who was undergoing pain-free surgery, and she asked the doctor

if they were going to start, but the doctor told her that they were done.”

“What are you talking about?” Vermont frowned.

“That was how I felt that night,” said Felicity, and Vermont froze.

‘Are we going to start? We’re already done. Not only was it fast, but it felt as though

there was nothing.’ Vermont could not believe it and was a little embarrassed. ‘This is

my manhood we’re talking about. Shit. There’s no way that’s true, especially not after I

laughed at Keegan for the same thing.1

“You were so wasted that day. You probably don’t remember how it felt.”

Felicity gave Vermont a sideways glance and said, “Even though I have no

experience prior to this, I’m sure I should’ve felt something, right? I mean, the pain I

felt after getting a shot lasted for two days. But, I didn’t feel a thing after we had sex.

Could it be that there’s something wrong with your— ” She paused and deliberately

glanced at his lower body to imply something.

Vermont’s face turned green. He was quiet for a long time, which made Felicity happy.

She then pretended to look surprised and said, “You didn’t know about this? You had

so many girlfriends, yet no one told you they didn’t feel a thing? Poor you.”

Before Vermont could respond, she continued, “I know. They didn’t want to hurt your

self-esteem. That’s why they said you were good. At the same time, they wanted to

convince themselves that you were good.”

As Felicity said that, she hit Vermont on the shoulder and added, “You have to thank

me. Otherwise, you would be kept in the dark all your life, and you wouldn’t have

known about your dysfunction!”

Vermont gritted his teeth and pushed her hand away. “I’m not thanking you! ” He

slapped her feet, got up, and left the room with his phone.

Felicity did not budge from her seat. “Vermont, don’t go! It’s just a joke. Come on.

Being a quick shooter can be a good thing. It’s fast and painless… n

The door slammed shut with a bang after that. Felicity immediately lay on the couch

with one leg crossed over her knee, and her toes were wiggling happily. She picked

up her phone and saw that they were giving virtual money pouches in the work group

chat. Felicity immediately clicked on the virtual money pouch and got twenty dollars.

While thinking about grabbing coffee tomorrow with the money she got, she suddenly

saw that the virtual money pouches were sent by the asshole screenwriter.

Felicity scrolled the group chat only to find that the jerk was celebrating the start of

production for his script-the one she had revised. She felt that the money she received

was now dirty money. However, before she could return the money to the

screenwriter, the other party sent a text saying, [I’m sooo jealous of those on leave.

They get to relax at home while we have to work our asses off in the middle of the

night to make the script better.]

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