Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted By Eleven Jewell Chapter 908

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted By Eleven Jewell Chapter 908

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted By Eleven Jewell Chapter 908

Chapter 908

Keegan was speechless.

“There’s no need for you to curse yourself,” he said.

Stella was at a loss for words.

The medical staff listened to the two’s conversation and could not help but look at

them a few more times.

‘They’re both so sharp-tongued yet surprisingly harmonious,’ the medical staff thought.

After Stella finished the examinations, the two waited around half an hour before the

doctor called them into the room.

She wanted to tell Keegan that she was fine going in alone. However, he had already

grabbed her hand and started walking to the consultation room. And so, she did not

speak and obediently followed him inside.

The doctor was a middle-aged woman in her 50s or 60s. She had an average build,

wore glasses, and looked kind. She read the examination report and studied Stella’s


Then, she asked Stella whether her period was normal, the number of days her period

lasted, the color of her period blood, and other detailed questions.

Stella answered all of them.

The doctor wrote down her answers, asking, “How often do you have intercourse?”

Stella paused and said in a low voice, “Once every few months.”

The doctor asked, “Is it because of sexual indifference and unwillingness to have


Stella was at a loss for words.

“I divorced recently,” she said.

“How about before your divorce? How often?”

Stella was silent for a few seconds before she said four words, “It was the same.”

“Were there signs of frigidity even before the divorce?”

Once again, Stella was speechless.

Keegan finally spoke, “I was the problem.”

The doctor paused, “So both of you have problems?”

Keegan was speechless.

Keegan pursed his lips, “She had a car accident previously, so her uterine

appendages were damaged. As a result, the doctor said she had a high chance of

getting a miscarriage. I didn’t want her to get pregnant, so we had little intercourse.”

“So you don’t reject having intercourse, is that right?” the doctor asked.

Stella answered with difficulty,”… Yes.”

The doctor asked again, “Do you feel pain or dryness when having intercourse?”

Stella was speechless.

‘Do the questions need to be this specific?’ she thought.

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