Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted By Eleven Jewell Chapter 915

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted By Eleven Jewell Chapter 915

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted By Eleven Jewell Chapter 915

Chapter 915

Olivia answered, ’I’m not sure about that either. The two left after sending you to a

hotel. When my people arrived, you had already been drugged.”

Olivia’s family was in the hotel industry in the past, so she had seen all kinds of messy


‘The two drugged Stella but didn’t do anything to her. There’s a high chance they’re

giving her to someone in exchange for some kind of advantage. Usually, these kinds

of people have a high social status. Firstly, I don’t want to be involved in other

people’s business. Besides that, I also don’t want to wade into these waters and

offend someone. These are the reasons I didn’t bring up my speculation,’ she thought.

She continued, “I should have recorded their license plate number in my dash cam. If

you need it, I could copy it for you.”

Olivia’s submissive attitude was really evident. Stella snapped out of her daze and

pursed her lips.

“I don’t understand. Why’d you choose to join hands with me? You’ve got so much

evidence of your husband’s affair; you surely could divorce him and even get more

property from him,’* she said.

“Divorce?” Olivia laughed coolly. ‘Without me behind him taking care of things, does

he have what it takes to get to where he is today? Why should I divorce and give this

spot to someone else when I worked hard to get into this comfort zone? I think it’s

better to be widowed than divorced.”

Stella was at a loss for words.

‘Is Mrs. Chapman crazy? Am I allowed to hear things like being widowed? Mrs.

Chapman really isn’t treating me like an outsider, huh?’ she thought.

Olivia continued, “Haven’t you been searching for evidence of Dahlia drugging you? I

can help you find it. She wants to make Ms. Saun her daughter-in-law. Since her plan

last night failed, she’ll definitely have other plans. I can be your eyes and ears, and I’ll

inform you of all of her actions at all times. Dahlia has far more tactics than you think.

For instance, you couldn’t have avoided something like what happened last night.”

Stella pursed her lips. After a while, she finally said, “What do you want?”

“I’ll avenge myself but occasionally need Mr. Kane’s help. I also hope you’ll put in

some good words for me,” said Olivia.

Stella chuckled, “You’re dealing with your husband and Dahlia, right? What makes you

think Keegan will listen to me and help you? We’re divorced.”

“Because he reported and cut off the Crosby family’s production line for you. And

because he kicked Dahlia out of the house for you,” Olivia paused momentarily. Then,

she continued, “Stop playing dumb when you know what’s going on. Did you and

Keegan have a good time last night? I didn’t give Keegan any crude drugs. If he

weren’t willing, what happened between you two wouldn’t have happened, right?”

Stella was speechless.

‘Thank fucking you!’ she thought.

‘I still feel wary of Mrs. Chapman. However, being wary is one thing; having an

informant like Mrs. Chapman by Dahlia’s side is not bad. If Dahlia’s scheme last night

had worked, I wouldn’t have been able to let go of the incident even if I were the most

sensible person,’ she thought.

After thinking for a while, Stella said, ‘I’ll speak to Keegan, but I can’t guarantee he will

do it.”

“That’s enough,” Olivia smiled. “I look forward to working with you.”

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