Mr. Nelson Winning His Ex-wife's Heart

Chapter 222

Chapter 222

Chapter 222

After facing the plot of Diane and Gerry together, Edmund and Chelsea's relationship was expected to strengthen significantly as far as Edmund was concerned.

He was taken aback when Chelsea answered a call from Luka with such laughter and dismissive disregard for his own existence.

What made those cats and dogs so appealing eluded Edmund.

He never found them endearing and hence avoided them. Just because of that, he flatly rejected Chelsea's suggestion that they have a pet.

But the softness in Chelsea's eyes made him reconsider.

Even if it meant presenting her a pet in exchange for her grin, he told himself he could do it.

After finishing up with Luka, Chelsea turned her attention to Edmund, who was still seated directly across from her.

Chelsea believed he was mad at her since they had been on the phone too long, and she hastily apologized when she saw that he didn't seem to be okay.

Edmund waved his hand. Chelsea was on the phone with her lover. No matter how down he was, he couldn't hold anything against her.

Because of this, Edmund had to act composed and inquired, "Why did you not inform him about Diane and Gerry?"

Truthfully, Chelsea answered, "He's in over his head now. I'd rather he not be concerned about me."

Edmund was dumbfounded after hearing her remarks. She was thoughtful about her boyfriend.

After dinner, they settled the bill and left. On the way back to the hotel, Edmund asked Chelsea unexpectedly, "Do you love little animals?"

Chelsea's face immediately took on a protective posture as she recalled Edmund's refusal to allow her to have a pet. If she answered yes, she knew he would mock her again.

Edmund observed that she had been staring at him in silence for some time, and he was amused with rage.

Just now, he asked her if she liked little animals.

She must have thought he was going to devour her, right?

He stated indignantly, "I'm asking you."

Chelsea deliberated for a moment before responding, "Sort of."

The best Edmund could do was to remain silent.

Just now, when she discussed cats with Luka, her demeanor suggested that she had a strong affinity for animals, but now she only told him "sort of".

Why did she withhold the truth from him?

He had no idea that the way he had treated Chelsea previously cast a long and dark cloud over her emotions.

Her heart had initially been open to him, and she had thought he would enter.

Then, at some point in time, she began to close her heart, and with time, it was entirely shut.

If she really liked animals, how could she possibly tell him that?

After staring at her for a second, Edmund started the chat group with his pals and remained silent.

"Do you know of any pet stores in the town?" Edmund asked.

Yusuf said, "Is this just a typical joke? Do you want to take care of a pet? Don't you dislike animals such as cats and dogs?"

Chris remarked, "He probably wants to purchase Chelsea a pet."

Yusuf commented, "Even if he desires to purchase it for Chelsea, I find it implausible. Until now, I had assumed Edmund would never bring up pets in conversation."

Brayan questioned, "Does Edmund love her so deeply that he is willing to compromise himself for her?"

Edmund was so offended by Brayan's statements that he considered leaving the group chat.

How could Brayan claim that he had lost himself for love?

It wasn't that he intended to raise the animal himself but more that he wanted to get Chelsea a pet.

Yusuf said, "Edmund, I am sure that you are thinking to yourself in your heart that you won't raise a pet. But I must warn you that if Chelsea takes in a pet, it has to do with you in some way."

If he was unable to get Chelsea back, then it didn't matter if she had 10 cats or more.

However, Edmund would have to adapt to sharing his home with pets in the future if he got her back.

Edmund was speechless.

Why did he get the impression that they didn't want to assist him but rather mocked him?

"Whatever." Edmund was feeling a bit enraged.

Brayan responded, "In my home, I have a German shepherd and a golden retriever. Obviously, I am familiar with the greatest pet store in Vertoak."

Then, Brayan gave Edmund the phone number of the pet store's owner. "You may call him."

Edmund responded, "Thank you."

Brayan said, "You don't need to thank me. Don't forget to invite me to your wedding once you bring Chelsea back in the future."

As soon as Brayan completed his sentence, Yusuf instantly reiterated it. "Chris and I have been really helpful. Invite the whole gang when you get her back."

Chris remarked, "Edmund, when you later get her, hold a wedding. You have not given Chelsea a wedding worthy of her."

Chris's reminder caused Edmund to remember that he had simply acquired the marriage certificate with Chelsea, and no one had suggested a ceremony.

"Okay," in the chat group, Edmund responded.

While doing so, he promised himself that he would marry Chelsea in style and give her a defined role in his life.

He inadvertently proceeded online to look for a wedding dress after having this thought.

Chelsea straightened up and desired to stretch. She gave his phone's display an unintentional glimpse. The photos of bridal gowns on his phone stunned her.

She could not stop thinking about her wedding to Edmund. There had been no celebrations of any kind. He hadn't even made a public announcement of her position in his life. To this day, there were still many individuals who were unaware that Edmund had married.

She had always imagined herself wearing a pure white wedding gown when she wed the guy of her dreams.

However, she eventually learned a valuable lesson owing to what she saw in the real world. Her wedding lacked a bridal gown, as well as affection.

Zuri once claimed that Chelsea and Edmund's marriage was nothing more than a product of her imagination.

Chelsea acknowledged that although Zuri's words were upsetting, they might serve to awaken her.


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