Mr. Nelson Winning His Ex-wife's Heart

Chapter 258

Chapter 258

Chapter 258

Chelsea went to the Ellis family's villa to have dinner with Kelli.

The Ellis' were a large family, and a lot of them turned up for dinner.

Everyone was nice to Chelsea, which helped relieve her tension.

However, what Chelsea didn't know was that Roy had told his family who she really was to him. They were all happy for Roy, but also sorry and guilty for Chelsea's misfortunes in the past.

Annie Ellis, Roy's mother, was crying as she held Chelsea's hands.

Chelsea didn't know why the Ellis family were so excited about her presence, but she didn't ask.

Annie took out a set of jade jewelry and said, "This is for you. Have it."

Chelsea could tell from the color of the set of jewelry that it was priceless. "I can't take this. It must have cost a lot."

"It's just a set of jewelry. Nothing valuable, just take it," Annie said in a serious tone.

The others also persuaded Chelsea to take it.

Chelsea had no choice but to take it. "Thank you, Grandma Annie."

She planned to keep it in Roy's and Kelli's custody later.

Roy and Kelli had also prepared a gift for Chelsea. They gave Chelsea a house in Vertoak so that she wouldn't need to rent an apartment anymore.

Chelsea was dumbfounded.

Kelli said gently, "You must feel lonely in Vertoak. A house will give you a sense of belonging and security."

Roy added, "We found out that your best friend, Zuri, lives near the house, so we bought it for you so you could be closer to her."

Chelsea's eyes filled with tears. Roy's and Kelli's thoughtfulness moved her deeply. Chelsea went to the Ellis family's villa to have dinner with Kelli.

In the past, the Williams family hadn't treated her properly.

In the beginning, the Williams family only disliked Chelsea because she was a girl. However, when they found out that Chelsea wasn't their child, they felt disgusted by her even more.

Chelsea had asked her adoptive mother dejectedly why her grandparents hated her, but all her adoptive mother did was hold her, cry, and say nothing.

However, now, in the face of the love and kindness shown to her by the Ellis family, Chelsea felt healed of all her past woes.

Annie held Chelsea in her arms and said, "You have suffered so much in the past, but don't worry

about that anymore. It's all over. Your future will be better."

Annie's words were no exaggeration. The Ellis family were prepared to give Chelsea the world if she wished it.

Men and women who were about Chelsea's age gave her gifts such as limited edition handbags, designer jewelry, and many more.

A woman who ran a fashion brand gave Chelsea a VIP card and said, "With this card, you will never need to buy clothes again."

Chelsea's eyes widened in surprise upon seeing the logo on the card.

Zuri happened to be the new spokesperson for that fashion brand. Chelsea hadn't expected that its company was also run by the Ellis family.

The woman guessed what Chelsea was thinking and said with a smile, "You are right. That's the brand your best friend endorsed."

"What a coincidence!" Chelsea took the card with a smile. "Thank you."

The gathering lasted until twelve o'clock. When Chelsea returned to the hotel, she felt happy. To her, it all seemed like a dream.

In the post, the Willioms fomily hodn't treoted her properly.

In the beginning, the Willioms fomily only disliked Chelseo becouse she wos o girl. However, when they

found out thot Chelseo wosn't their child, they felt disgusted by her even more.

Chelseo hod osked her odoptive mother dejectedly why her grondporents hoted her, but oll her odoptive mother did wos hold her, cry, ond soy nothing.

However, now, in the foce of the love ond kindness shown to her by the Ellis fomily, Chelseo felt heoled of oll her post woes.

Annie held Chelseo in her orms ond soid, "You hove suffered so much in the post, but don't worry obout thot onymore. It's oll over. Your future will be better."

Annie's words were no exoggerotion. The Ellis fomily were prepored to give Chelseo the world if she wished it.

Men ond women who were obout Chelseo's oge gove her gifts such os limited edition hondbogs, designer jewelry, ond mony more.

A womon who ron o foshion brond gove Chelseo o VIP cord ond soid, "With this cord, you will never need to buy clothes ogoin."

Chelseo's eyes widened in surprise upon seeing the logo on the cord.

Zuri hoppened to be the new spokesperson for thot foshion brond. Chelseo hodn't expected thot its compony wos olso run by the Ellis fomily.

The womon guessed whot Chelseo wos thinking ond soid with o smile, "You ore right. Thot's the brond your best friend endorsed."

"Whot o coincidence!" Chelseo took the cord with o smile. "Thonk you."

The gothering losted until twelve o'clock. When Chelseo returned to the hotel, she felt hoppy. To her, it oll seemed like o dreom.

She hadn't been expecting all this.

Chelsea had been in Norrmalm for three days, and it seemed the Ellis family didn't want her to leave.

However, this seemed to bother someone.

Chelsea received a call from Fay.

After exchanging pleasantries, Fay got right down to business. "Mr. Nelson expects you to have made considerable progress in your work. He wants to schedule a meeting to check your progress. Mr. Pierce is out of town and he'll be attending via video call, but you had better show up physically, as the scriptwriter."

Chelsea didn't read too much meaning into this, so she believed Fay.

Without hesitation, she agreed, "When will the meeting be held? I'll book a ticket immediately."

"Tomorrow morning, at nine o'clock in the Nelson Group's meeting room," Fay said in a businesslike tone.


After hanging up, Chelsea booked a ticket and informed Roy she was leaving.

Roy didn't want her to leave, but he knew that convincing her to stay in Norrmalm permanently in such a short time would be unrealistic.

Roy took Chelsea to the airport and advised her to stay away from Edmund.

Chelsea promised with a smile, "I will."

As long as Edmund didn't seek her out, she would keep her distance from him.

Unfortunately, things didn't go as planned. As soon as Chelsea got home that night, she was sent to the hospital along with Edmund.


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