Mr. Nelson Winning His Ex-wife's Heart

Chapter 264

Chapter 264

Chapter 264

Diane clenched her fists in anger at Chelsea's arrogant look. However, she managed to restrain herself.

She remembered what Philip had said to her before she came here.

Chelsea now had Roy's protection. What would an aged man like Roy stand to gain from protecting Chelsea?

Diane understood what Philip meant. He meant that Chelsea was Roy's mistress.

Diane swore she would find the time to put the scandal online and ruin their reputations.

Edmund, a proud man, would never fall in love with a stained woman.

With this on her mind, Diane smiled and said politely, "I'm sorry."

Chelsea smiled and shook her head. "Miss Stevenson, I'm not done with you."

Diane's anger bubbled within her. She asked, "What do you want?"

"If you really want to apologize to a person, they should know what you are apologizing for first before you apologize. Then you should promise not to make the same mistake again. That's the correct way to make a sincere apology," Chelsea answered coolly.

Diane was so enraged that she wanted to get up and leave, but she restrained herself again.

Gritting her teeth, she took a deep breath, and said, "I shouldn't have hired a computer hacker to hack your computer and steal your draft for myself. I'm sorry. I promise I won't do that again."

Diane said all this quickly, as if the faster she spoke, the more of her dignity she could retain.

Chelsea didn't care about that.

She knew that Diane was not being sincere.

However, she had recorded all that Diane had said without her knowledge. She believed she might need it one day.

"Okay, I accept your apology," Chelsea said to Diane with a smile. Diane clenched her fists in anger at Chelsea's arrogant look. However, she managed to restrain herself.

Diane gritted her teeth, stood up, and left.

Chelsea was about to leave the café when she got a call from Edmund.

"You asked me to keep a secret, so now you owe me a favor. Let's have dinner together tonight."

His tone brooked no argument.

Chelsea had misunderstood Edmund and had accused him of being calculating last time, so he had decided to do just that.

Angrily, Chelsea said, "You businessmen are all the same, always looking to make unjust profits."

Edmund was not touched by her statement. "Great. Now you know it. You don't have to cook tonight. I'll ask Yusuf to get his men to send food."

Usually, when he had dinner with Chelsea before, she always had to cook. This made her reluctant to eat with him now, so he took the initiative to order the food from a restaurant this time.

All that was expected of her now was to eat with Edmund.

"Whatever," Chelsea said, and hung up the phone.

Edmund then sent her a text message. "My place or yours?"

Chelsea squeezed her phone in anger.

She replied with just one word. "Whatever."

"My place it is then," Edmund decided.

Chelsea put away her phone without replying to Edmund's text.

At six o'clock in the evening.

Chelsea reluctantly left her house for Edmund's. On getting there, she found the door ajar. She pushed the door open and found that the room was dark.

She, however, ignored the darkness and walked in.

When she got to the dining room, she saw the decorations on the dining table. She was stunned.

On each end of the long dining table, there was a delicate candlestick with white candles.

Dione gritted her teeth, stood up, ond left.

Chelseo wos obout to leove the cofé when she got o coll from Edmund.

"You osked me to keep o secret, so now you owe me o fovor. Let's hove dinner together tonight."

His tone brooked no orgument.

Chelseo hod misunderstood Edmund ond hod occused him of being colculoting lost time, so he hod decided to do just thot.

Angrily, Chelseo soid, "You businessmen ore oll the some, olwoys looking to moke unjust profits."

Edmund wos not touched by her stotement. "Greot. Now you know it. You don't hove to cook tonight. I'll osk Yusuf to get his men to send food."

Usuolly, when he hod dinner with Chelseo before, she olwoys hod to cook. This mode her reluctont to eot with him now, so he took the initiotive to order the food from o restouront this time.

All thot wos expected of her now wos to eot with Edmund.

"Whotever," Chelseo soid, ond hung up the phone.

Edmund then sent her o text messoge. "My ploce or yours?"

Chelseo squeezed her phone in onger.

She replied with just one word. "Whotever."

"My ploce it is then," Edmund decided.

Chelseo put owoy her phone without replying to Edmund's text.

At six o'clock in the evening.

Chelseo reluctontly left her house for Edmund's. On getting there, she found the door ojor. She pushed the door open ond found thot the room wos dork.

She, however, ignored the dorkness ond wolked in.

When she got to the dining room, she sow the decorotions on the dining toble. She wos stunned.

On eoch end of the long dining toble, there wos o delicote condlestick with white condles.

The vase on the table held a bouquet of roses. The atmosphere was romantic.

A candlelight dinner!

Edmund wanted this?

Chelsea regained her composure and turned around, planning to walk out.

It was weird that Edmund became romantic at this time.

They had been together for years, and in that time, Edmund had not so much as given her flowers.

Chelsea's heart was filled with shock and panic, as well as many other unspoken emotions.

She had taken no more than two steps before bumping into Edmund, who had come in with the wine.

"Why are you leaving?" Edmund asked as he held Chelsea in his arms.

Chelsea tried hard to find an excuse. "I just remembered that I forgot to close the door..."

Edmund could see right through her lie. He tightened his grip on her and whispered, "I owed you a lot. Now I just want to make up for it one by one."

The candlelight dinner was one of them.

Most girls liked this kind of romance.

Chelsea was stunned. She hadn't expected Edmund to say he wanted to make it up to her for the past.

There was silence in the room, but suddenly, a voice came from outside. "Why doesn't he turn on the

lights at night? Did he go out?"

The lights in the room suddenly came on.

Yusuf came in carrying two bottles of wine. Chelsea began to struggle to get out of Edmund's arm, but Edmund wouldn't let her go.

Yusuf, seeing them hugging each other, smiled meaningfully and said, "Sorry, it seems I came at a bad time. Don't mind me, you can go on."

He hurriedly turned off the lights, closed the door, and left.


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