Mr. Nelson Winning His Ex-wife's Heart

Chapter 267

Chapter 267

Chapter 267

The moment Yusuf saw Chris walk in, he remarked, "You are late."

Chris grabbed three glasses of wine and started chugging them without uttering a word.

Yusuf remained silent.

Edmund scowled and said, "Are you sure you will not become drunk?"

Chris seldom indulged in habits like drinking and smoking due to his profession as a doctor.

He rubbed his throbbing head and said, "I'm OK."

Zora smiled and said to Chelsea, "What are you waiting for? Won't you introduce me to this lovely, little guy?" without turning to look at Chris.

Chris's expression altered.

He even wanted to have three more glasses of wine!

Chelsea was aware that Zora had a history with Chris. She had previously asked Chris whether he still loved Zora, and Chris had responded negatively.

For this reason, Chelsea was unconcerned with how Chris would react. She introduced Zora to Orlando, "This is Zora Sugden, a renowned psychologist at Vertoak Hospital."

"Pleased to meet you, Dr. Sugden. My name is Orlando," Orlando said with a lovely grin.

Zora grinned and greeted, "Nice to meet you. It may be a bit odd to say it out loud, but I am truly an admirer of yours."

Chris was clearly unimpressed with Zora's statement, so he asked her, "Since you knew it would be awkward, did you still have to say it?"

Zora ignored Chris's harsh remarks and asked Orlando, "Can I take a picture with you?"

Chris's face darkened even further.

He cursed under his breath.

Orlando didn't decline Zora. "Of course!"

After that, he made his way over to Zora.

The moment Yusuf saw Chris walk in, he remarked, "You are late."

"Take a photo for us," Zora told Chelsea as she gave her her phone.

Sneaking a glance at Chris, Chelsea hurriedly looked away. One more second and his gaze could kill her.

Chelsea snapped a number of photographs for Zora and Orlando in a hurry, though under a lot of pressure.

Chris scowled as he saw Zora widening her grin and moving her face closer to Orlando's.

After Chelsea was done snapping photos, she gave Zora's phone back.

Orlando grasped Zora's wrist and said, "Dr. Sugden, could you kindly snap several photographs for Chelsea and me?"

Edmund's expression became more malicious.

So the objective of tonight's celebration was to make it easy for them to see their idols and snap photographs with them in turns?

It didn't take much convincing to get Zora to take photographs.

Chelsea stepped next to Orlando, who moved slightly forward and said, "This will make your face seem smaller in photographs."

Irritated, Edmund gulped down some wine.

Zora complained after finishing taking the photos, "Why didn't you step forward when you took photos with me just now? I also want my face to seem smaller."

Chris could feel his temper rising at Zora's playful look.

With a sneer, he asked, "Dr. Sugden, if your superiors saw you now, would they dismiss you?"

Incredulous, Zora stared into Chris's eyes and questioned, "What's up?"

Chris whispered, "You're too open."

Zora looked wronged. "Is there a regulation in our hospital prohibiting physicians from chasing after stars? Besides, my bosses are not here."

"Toke o photo for us," Zoro told Chelseo os she gove her her phone.

Sneoking o glonce ot Chris, Chelseo hurriedly looked owoy. One more second ond his goze could kill her.

Chelseo snopped o number of photogrophs for Zoro ond Orlondo in o hurry, though under o lot of pressure.

Chris scowled os he sow Zoro widening her grin ond moving her foce closer to Orlondo's.

After Chelseo wos done snopping photos, she gove Zoro's phone bock.

Orlondo grosped Zoro's wrist ond soid, "Dr. Sugden, could you kindly snop severol photogrophs for Chelseo ond me?"

Edmund's expression become more molicious.

So the objective of tonight's celebrotion wos to moke it eosy for them to see their idols ond snop photogrophs with them in turns?

It didn't toke much convincing to get Zoro to toke photogrophs.

Chelseo stepped next to Orlondo, who moved slightly forword ond soid, "This will moke your foce seem smoller in photogrophs."

Irritoted, Edmund gulped down some wine.

Zoro comploined ofter finishing toking the photos, "Why didn't you step forword when you took photos with me just now? I olso wont my foce to seem smoller."

Chris could feel his temper rising ot Zoro's ployful look.

With o sneer, he osked, "Dr. Sugden, if your superiors sow you now, would they dismiss you?"

Incredulous, Zoro stored into Chris's eyes ond questioned, "Whot's up?"

Chris whispered, "You're too open."

Zoro looked wronged. "Is there o regulotion in our hospitol prohibiting physicions from chosing ofter stors? Besides, my bosses ore not here."

Chris tried talking but was at a loss for words.

Goddamn it! The hospital belonged to Chris's family, making him Zora's most significant superior.

All of the guests then took seats, signaling the start of the celebration.

Zuri peered between Chris and Zora and said, "Chris, Zora, do you two know each other?"



At the same instant, two different voices were heard. Chris responded negatively, still sounding enraged.

And Zora was the one who said yes.

Zuri nodded sagely and remarked, "Then I think it's yes."

Zuri speculated that Chris and Zora had a history together, but Chris hadn't moved on.

"Chris and I both work at Vertoak Hospital, so of course, we know each other," Zora said to Zuri with a grin.

Zuri extended her hands and said, "All right."

Chris had been fuming all night, and Yusuf did nothing to calm him down.

He turned to Zora and questioned, "Zora, why do you pick Orlando as your idol? It appears that young lads today are so attractive. I believe guys of my age should learn from them."

Zora gushed, "Aside from his beautiful looks, Orlando has a pleasant demeanor and impressive acting skills."

Orlando received Zora's compliments graciously. "It's too kind of you to say that, Zora. The future me will continue to improve my performance."

Chris gave a scowl of disdain.

Like Yusuf and Edmund, he was very talented. Who among them did not do well?

The gorgeous face was all Orlando had!


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