Ms. Attractive and inciting CEO

Chapter 173 - Hidden daughter

Chapter 173 - Hidden daughter

Chapter 173 - Hidden daughter

Then everyone followed her suite and blessed the couple before Jean fainted in Scott arms...

Her brothers and Scott are actually habituated to see her faint like this. Though it is rare they have encountered enough of this incidents so all of them have pretty good idea what to do.

Scott took her back to the house while Nathan hurriedly went and bought her other medicine which should be applied to her head to ease her pain. David bought some cold water and towel and gave it to Daisy who wiped her face with it to prevent her profound sweating.

After some time Jean woke up, she is sleeping on one of the sofa while her friends occupied other places. She ate her medicines and her dinner that was prepared by Ray and Seline which is exclusively for decreasing her throbbing pain.

Later she changed into casuals before boarding the jet that is waiting for her. As everyone are not allowed to enter the university campus except student and the doctors only Scott could accompany her.

Her university is spread in five hundred hectares and it is exclusively for the medical sciences. The entrance exam is referred as the most though and complicated text, yet the students intake will be only between twenty to thirty for each department. The competition ratio will be at least one million competitors per one seat. Getting an admission is like a life changing event for them..

It is actually owned by Valdez family but no one knows about it except the higher authorities of that country and that is sole purpose why Valdez’s give their research sessions only in that university.

By the time his jet landed in private air way of the campus, Jean’s personal doctor Charles Wen already sent his personal chauffeur to receive them. It is thirty minutes ride to his house from here.

As soon as Jean and Scott entered his villa he himself escorted them into his clinic. He is around sixty years old and is also said as mysterious professor because of the rumors that he is somehow directly connected to Valdez family.

"Scott, when did this symptoms start" he asked while connecting some wires to her head to do the scan. josei

As they are pretty acquainted with each other they didn’t mind on not being very formal with each other.

"She had some minor signs of weakness since one week but we didn’t realize it as this symptoms. As we are in vacation we though she was naturally exhausted. It is just some hours back it became intense" Scott worriedly said to the professor while staring at the monitor that is connected to her brain.

"Hmm.. So this is sudden attack then. It’s been a while this happened" Charles looked at the monitor before taking some pictures out of it.

"Professor is her migraine getting worse" Scott asked him with pained expression.

Though it’s been long she got attacked like this he knows how torturous it use to be for her whenever she got attacked. Once it starts it will take so much of effort to stop it...

"Young man, she is suffering with this since from her childhood so it will only get worse if she don’t take much care. With some medicines we could slow it but she should endure the dosage"

"Why is her migraine more intense than others. Is something wrong with her" Scott had seen many people with migraine but Jean’s is much more worse than others.

"Her body opposes intake of drugs. It doesn’t affect much on her body so taking medicines with normal dose doesn’t work on her. High dosage is recommended" Charles explained to Scott.

Her special training to resist any drug is the reason for this.....but Scott couldn’t say it louder...

"So" Scott questioned staring at her reports..

"So, I will give her some more medicines especially with more dosage but she has to take very special care of her diet and exercises. No work load is acceptable and she should not be mentally stressed in any way while taking this treatment"

"You should bring her periodically to the check up and also be so cautious of sudden changes. Make sure she will be under constant care of someone who knows about her sudden attacks"

"So, you are indirectly saying that she should stop taking her revenge for her parents death and also has to stay in home with out taking care of empire she has built" Scott sounded little arrogant yet somehow it made sense.

She indeed worked very hard to reach the position she is in. When it comes to her parents unusual death she has been waiting since long back for the correct time to fight for justice....

Now she is capable of seeking it, how could he force her to abort her revenge and simply forget about it...

Charles smiled at fuming man in front of him who is clutching Jean’s hand very tightly while he caressed her hair lovingly.

"No, Scott I don’t mean it in that way. Just take fair share of her work and don’t let her overwork herself. Just make sure that you friends always be with her and also take some fair amount of burden off her shoulders. Just stay close to her every time and never let her leave your sight" Charles patted his shoulder before injecting Jean’s medicines into her blood.

"Rest here for now. From tomorrow we will start her new medicines so it will be better if you stay somewhere nearer to university so I could access her if she get affected with some side affects of her new treatment. Just two to three days will be enough to know if the medicines will suit her body or not"

Scott nodded passively before taking Jean to downstairs where the guest room is prepared for them. This is common for Jean to stay here whenever her migraine attacks her too suddenly.

After Scott exited the clinic Charles leaned in his chair looking at Jean’s reports. He is comparing them with other pair of reports while he rubbed his temples exhausted when his private phone rang.

He instantly stiffened and took the call already anticipating who it is.

"Missus" he greeted the woman in other side politely. All his powerful and strong demeanor is no where to be seen.

"How is young miss. Charles, I got to know she came to you at this night" the woman carried elegant and magnificent voice. But the coldness in it sent shivers across his body.

" Young miss is fine missus. She again got attacked with intense migraine and we are giving her the medicines you sent to us" he politely yet submissively answered her question.

"Charles, I am warning you again. Never forget who she is. If anything happens to her" he shuddered at the thought of the consequences he has to face...

Of course how could he forget that Jean Grey is the only living heir of the whole Valdez empire. The hidden daughter of the this powerful family of doctors who also have many connections in military, business as well as underworld.

Sooner or later she has to rule this empire....though she don’t know who she really is and how much power she holds

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