Ms. Attractive and inciting CEO

Chapter 183 - Give me your granddaughter. I want to marry her here and now

Chapter 183 - Give me your granddaughter. I want to marry her here and now

Chapter 183 - Give me your granddaughter. I want to marry her here and now

Meanwhile Cassandra came downstairs with other four cousins tailing her up, she is wearing a limited edition prom white dress giving innocent and sensitive vibe. She wants to look delicate to get sympathy over her sister.

Then her grandparents came down followed by Elena and Adam with their spouses. Everyone stood up and bowed to the only two elders of the family while Adam glared at Jean. josei

But her grandparents didn’t acknowledge others who wished them and strode towards Jean. Then they pulled her into tight and sweet hug. Leaving others in their stunned and stupefied position...this is a big shock to their eyes. They never expected Jean to enter the family again with the same glory she had before.

Back then, all the attention and love of the family belonged to her solely. She is like a prized possession of the Elder’s. Until her parents death..

"Oh, my little princess. You became little chubby when compared to before, when we saw you three months back" her grandma squealed happily enough for others to listen.

"Hmm.. Yeah. You are even more beautiful like this." Her grandfather kissed her cheek. This is the first time others saw this old man showing his affection towards his grandchildren. To other cousins of Jean he never have been this good and gentle. He even complimented her now, they are not dreaming right...

Jean giggled and kissed him back. "But grandpa, you said the same words three months before. Don’t lie, I think I look fat" Jean pouted cutely. Making her grandparents laugh heartily

Adam who came to his senses became enraged. He never expected his parents to act like this in front of others. They openly showed their favoritism and even visited her before three months. What will happen if others start again to acknowledge Jean as real heir

"You visited her three months back. How" Adam yelled at them.

Elder Grey’s face darkened and his surroundings became chilly with anger that radiated from his body.

"Yes, we met our granddaughter three months back. In private island of her and her fiancée. Nathan took us with him after your unfilially daughter caused the havoc." He sneered at his son.

"Even I visited my sister then." Daniel sided with his grandparents making others even more shocked. Didn’t Nathan reunite with his sister some weeks back during press conference and Daniel just returned home five days back.

So, it means the all things they saw until now are nothing but her shame.... She is never pitiful or easily manipulated.

This will surely stabilize Jean’s position in the family.

"Jean, will you forgive this aunt for whatever she did to you. Can you give me a chance to fix the mess I created and an other chance to bond up with you like before. I know that I don’t deserve-" Elena is about to continue when Jean hugged her tightly.

"There is nothing to forgive. There is no need to cover the fact that you always watched my back without knowing to me. Aunt, you are the one who tried to support my college loan and asked one of your subordinates to offer a part-time job for me. Thank you for taking care of me back then" Jean said emotionally. Her eyes are full of warmth and happy tears.

She expected her aunt to apologize her but not in front of everyone including all her relatives. This is a huge surprise to her....and this will cause huge changes in preferences of them.

"Yes, I did all those for my favorite niece. Now, don’t cry your beautiful face will be messed up" Elena wiped her tears gently. Her happiness is beyond peaks and her felt contended and light.

"From now it is not a problem. My professional stylist aunt is here with me" Jean smiled as she sobbed happily.

"Still, I don’t want to see you crying again" Elena kissed her forehead before.

The environment became emotional with this reunion yet this is too shocking to believe that this is not a dream. Till now it was like no one supported Jean, but they have been caring and protecting her from long back but in hideous manner.

They never abounded her...

Later they left this sweet reunited family to their own joy and indulged in getting prepared for banquet, though it is after five hours it will be grand enough that they have to reach its tendencies.

Jean is sitting between her aunt and grandmother while Daniel occupied opposite chair across her. Though her grandfather wants to spend some time with his princess some urgent work reluctantly made him to go into his study room.

"You really became chubby" Daniel said staring her sister’s stomach. Though it can’t be seen if one sees it closer small bump formed beautifully on her slim stomach.

Elena and her grandma saw Daniel staring at Jean’s stomach. "Are you giving me great grandchildren soon" she squealed excitedly and Elena frowned at her mother’s shameless thoughts. But she is curious too..

"No, I am not. I just got forced to eat so much that my stomach hurts. This might made it look like that" Jean cursed Scott for this. He really overdo the things.

" should actually eat more especially when he is that wild. Huh.. I can’t forget the first time I saw you both" her grandmother teased Jean who blushed furiously.

"Yeah, granny is right Jean. I support her after personally seeing the pervert nature of you both" Daniel teased back. Elena is so confused but she knows exactly about what they are talking. Jean is now a red tomato and her face is as red as her dress.

"When will you introduce your fiancée to me, Jean" Elena asked curiously yet she was hesitant.

"Soon, might be today or tomorrow" Jean beamed..

Then there is a huge commotion upstairs. Her grandfather is poisoned with a deadly venom...

The personal medical team of Grey’s hurried over to look at his pulse. Which is very weak, then they confirmed that he might only hold back for at most five hours.

It is the venom of very poisonous snake that could only be found in Africa. Before Jean could say something....

Jasor who is sitting quietly with Thomas (Elena’s husband) steeped into the commotion.

"Then, as per my knowledge the antidote for that cannot be found easily. It was banned from our country due to the side effects. Even the doctor treating the patient must be highly experienced about this. Before you people could do anything he will be as good as dead" Jasor told as if he is concerned.

"The.. then how.. how" Her grandmother cried heavily clutching her chest. She was unable to breathe.

"You people are lucky that Keller pharmaceuticals have access to the antidote and also we could provide a doctor experienced enough to handle this, But.. " he smirked devilishly

"But, what. what do you want...we will give you anything you ask for, please save my husband. We are helpless in this limited time. Say it and I will promise you that" Grandma Grey wailed loudly as her breathe hitched...

"Will you give me anything" Jasor looked l.u.s.tfully at Jean.

"You will have my word, please.. don’t play with his life." she sobbed endlessly.

"Give me your granddaughter. I want to marry her here and now, then only I will help you" Jasor took out the doc.u.ments which are already prepared and offered pen to Jean whose face is so pale...

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