Ms. Attractive and inciting CEO

Chapter 187 - Banquet party - glorious entries of each friend (part 1)

Chapter 187 - Banquet party - glorious entries of each friend (part 1)

Chapter 187 - Banquet party - glorious entries of each friend (part 1)

At around eight pm in evening the banquet started. It is so extravagant and out of ordinary, that caught attention of all the media people. The socialites who got invited are beyond shocked by the lavish and magnificent celebration.

They are yet to find out why this banquet is this spectacular and majestic. Grey’s not only got a jackpot of project from INA but also another glorious partnership from almighty Herren’s. They also have another huge company to work with, the one INA have chosen.

Along with this, Cyphers also have the contract with them on which they are currently working. Most of the people don’t know this and had severed their ties with Grey corporations. Adam want to make them regret this to their core.

Little he knew that in the end he will be the one who will get face slaps. It is like he is celebrating the start of his own doomsday.

Cameras flashed endlessly as the entrance of mansion got overfilled with reporters and photographers. Who will miss the chance to interview the popular celebrities of the city that too in same venue moreover when they come with their partners...

Out of custom, Adam and his family stood in entrance to greet their guests. Vanessa and Cassandra are standing to his right side while Jean and Daniel stood to his left. Cameras flickered uncontrollably as the celebrities started arriving. They greeted Adam and his family politely and excitedly went inside to see the royalty of the Grey’s.

All the family members started to act differently with Jean. All in sudden she became their first priority as if they pampered her to no end.

Jean could only roll her eyes at their hypocrisy, right now she didn’t have

much mood to mingle with them. Her head in throbbing with pain as if someone are hammering it continuously. She could only lean on to her brother, she started feeling more exhaustive by very passing second.

Reporters are more excited to interview Jean and ask her about the relation she has with her mysterious fiancée and her two legendary brothers. But they forgot that Jean has another overprotective brother hovering over her now, who made it impossible for them to approach her without facing his cold ire.

They are actually surprised to see Daniel Smith here. In the last two years he had never visited any of these events nor showed his face to public. He vanished like a thin air and all in sudden he reappeared again now. There should be something very special about this party.

All are more exited to see how the things will turn out at the end of banquet....they can sense some mystery lingering in air...

At last the time they are anxiously waiting has finally come. The vice CEO of INA, Evan Brooks disembarked from his silver Porsche, looking ever so young and handsome. With him came the stunning woman, the famous actor of the year Ciana Daneyerr.

They looked very intimate and that caused the havoc of gossips, unknown to anyone it smashing the heart of both Adam and his daughter.

He has desperately wanted to hook Cassandra with him. But... his all hopes shattered like a broken glass. Little did he knew, that his niece is the one who ordered Evan to bring his girlfriend.

Adam sprinted forward and greeted him with all the respect he could pour from his fake heart. Just with a slight nod Evan walked towards Jean. The reporters stared at him with amus.e.m.e.nt, their ears are wide open to eavesdrop their conversation.

"Mr. Brooks, it is our honor to welcome you here" Cassandra shamelessly tried to flatter him ignoring the fuming woman beside him who throwed daggers to her.

Evan Brooks just ignored her and wrapped his arm around his girlfriend’s waist assuring that he will not get impacted by that treacherous woman. While he stared at Jean with Interest and strange amus.e.m.e.nt. He tilted his head ever so slightly and raised his brow in a alluring angle as if he is anticipating something from her.

Jean cursed him in her heart. He is mimicking Jean’s attitude. In past, whenever he use to forget to greet her she would do the same and somehow humiliate him in funny yet friendly manner.

Now, he is having his payback with his boss. It was very satisfying to his poor heart to find this rare chance..

"It’s really our pleasure to have your company in this event. Mr. Brooks. Hope you will have great evening ahead." Jean greeted him but the dark glint in her eyes didn’t go unnoticed by Evan and his girlfriend. His girlfriend frowned at Jean not knowing that she is his boyfriend’s devil boss.

Evan chuckled. "You too Ms. Grey." He said indifferently but the stupid grin on his lips is so suspicious to the reporters, that some of them even scratched their head thinking overboard. Is he flirting with her..

Adam glared at his niece, Evan just nodded to him but actually greeted back to his niece. What’s so special about her that attracts most of the celebraties attention...

" Mr. Grey, you will meet your other partner of project very soon. They have asked to keep it confidential till now. So, I will accompany you to greet them. They should be here by anytime now" Evan casually said to Adam.

Reporters went crazy, they have been waiting so long espe for this revelation. But seeing the vice CEO of INA personally waiting to invite them caused even more curiosity and undying fascination. What is so special that almighty Evan Brooks is waiting for him....are they that powerful.

Then the most awaited moment soon enfolded in front of them. The limited version of Maybach S560 halted exactly in front of the red carpet followed by the personal bodyguards, who hurriedly yet professionally opened the door for his boss.

Then the tall silhouette with very firm figure descended from passenger seat. He looked like a god figure with his elegant composure. And as soon as he came out of the car he walked around to open the other door of passenger seat.

He held his hand like a gentleman for his partner. Then the pearl like skin met his hand. Her hand is so delicate as she pressed it into his palm and slowly yet elegantly disembarked from the car.

Both of them are wearing couple party outfits and looked like a match made in heaven. With his hand wrapped protectively around her waist he gently pulled her with him into the flashing lights of the cameras.

It is none other than almighty CEO Raymond Black and the jade like woman in his arms is the only heiress of Summer’s. Seline Summers

Evan rushed to him and shook Raymond’s hand politely. They exchanged greetings and walked towards stupefied Adam. When Evan came here he didn’t even saw his face but for Raymond he himself offered his hand, this is really very humiliating especially when he is the host of the party...

"Mr. Grey meet the CEO of our collaborated company. We are really honored to have you here Mr. Black, despite of your busy schedule you accepted my request and came. Thanks a lot." Evan bowed his head slightly.

Adam fumed with rage and jealousy. His daughter will be having a heart break now, to see Seline and Raymond together. Even he couldn’t help but admit that they indeed are the perfect match.

Raymond just nodded his head and rushed to his sister with his hand gently squeezing Seline’s waist. Jean at the same time came forward and hugged him tightly while stroked her head lovingly and kissed her forehead very adoringly.

No one can’t deny the fact that the sibling like love is so blissful and emotional. It looked very cute and genuine...

"Had your medicine" he asked her as he pulled little away from her. He saw her red eyes and frowned upon seeing how exhausted she looks. He gently rubbed her temples and held her tight in his arms, he could see hoe weak she is becoming.. josei

Seline moved to Jean side and held her shoulder in a loving manner. Then she took out a tiny black cover with Jean’s medicines and handed it to Jean. "Brother gave me to pass it to you" she whispered in Jean’s ears and kissed her cheeks.

All were shocked by the relation these girls are sharing. It is so harmonious yet very friendly. They cared for each other like own sisters bit given with the fact that they barely met each other not too long back, this is not the scenario they expected.

Jean chuckled softly. "Jealous again. Huh... bro, you lost our bet" she teased her brother after seeing her brother’s eyes darkening a little. Jean dileberately kissed Seline’s cheek and glanced mocking at her brother while Seline grinned at him and gave high five to Jean.

"You lost, Ray. Now our gift." Jean and Sally teased him in unison for which Raymond shook his head at their childish manner and then dragged Seline with him. But he is not too far from his sister, the main reason he came is just to look after his sister.

Others are stunned by open display of attention. Three of them acted so normal as if this is the most natural thing they ever do. Reporters captured every little part of it as if it is most valuable possession they have.

Adam and his wife are beyond shocked to find out that Raymond will be their partner in the project. Everyone could figure it out that Ray only did this to protect his sister from this malicious family. Revenge may be...

Even before they came out of this surprise another Maybach which is exactly like previous one stopped at the front.Just like how Raymond made his glorious entry another handsome figure came out of the car and went to the other side to open the door for his beloved ones.

Mirroring Seline’s gentle actions another alluring woman descended from the car. Soon another woman in mid forties followed her suite and came out of the car.

It is Nathan, the famous painter Aria and the former actress, who is Nathan’s mother. The trio are ever so Royal and glorious.

Adam rushed towards them and greeted them politely.

"Mrs. Herren, it is such a kind surprise to have your son and daughter in law here. Thanks for coming." Though he tried to control his thoughts others can find his anxiousness to know why these couple visited him.

"Mr. Grey, of course my daughter in law must be present here. After all she will be the one to look after the company now. And she is the head of our new project together" Mrs. Herren explained with smirk on her face.

Without waiting for his response they sorrouded Jean as if they have seen their idol...

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