Ms. Attractive and inciting CEO

Chapter 243 - Never blackmail a sister..

Chapter 243 - Never blackmail a sister..

Chapter 243 - Never blackmail a sister..

"Very first?.." Scott raised his eyebrow as he pressed her even more tightly in between door and his body.

"Yep, I have never felt like that ever before. Rick was first and later it is you" Jean chuckled.

"Rick??... When did you guys became that close. Huh..." Scott looked into her eyes with blazing fire. He already completed eating tons of vinegar and after listening her calling him intimately he couldn’t stop but eat more and more of it.

Jean froze for a moment but smiled widely at his flushed face. Someone are so angry....and she loved it

"Haha....Scott, it is how friends call each other right" Jean laughed making him more annoyed.

"His name is Enrick, that is how you should call then. Why Rick?" Scott grabbed her chin and made her to look directly into his eyes.

"That is a long name. Rick is trendy and easy to call" Jean protested while smirking inside. It’s been too long Scott acted this childish.

How cute...

"But it is so intimate whenever you call. I don’t like when you call others like it except me and your brothers" Scott pouted and his eyes dimmed. He never can act angry or rough with Jean, so he can’t help but feel upset.

"Oh.. My baby is feeling jealous, he is sulking over nothing. It might be because his sister Iris call him like that and I got habituated to same manner. That is nothing" Jean kissed his cheek but Scott suddenly turned his head slightly and it met his lips.

Scott deepened the kiss and hugged her tightly. "So, is he like your brother now. Just like how his sister be with him" Scott smiled devilishly.

Jean pursed her lips to stop bursting with laughter. He is indeed too clingy and she loved this version of her cute boyfriend.

"Hmm....exactly not. He is not my brother nor my crush. Just a good friend and partner" Jean pretended as if she is searching for right words to describe how she felt.

"So, how long will your partnership be" Scott didn’t like how she expressed her complicated feelings. Though he knew that he is the only one person in her heart still he didn’t feel assured.

"Lifetime Scotty. Researches on any topic related to medical will never end but get complicated by every passing day" Jean stated the fact.

Scott sighed tiredly but Jean is right and Enrick is the best choice to pursue her passion in medical field. "What about his sister. Is she also your partner" if she is then he could at least breathe peacefully thinking they won’t be is not like he don’t believe Jean but he can’t trust Enrick when he also use to harbor some feelings for her in secret. Who will give him surety that he will not make a move on Jean.

"No, Iris is working in Air Force of the country D. Though she works for other country she mostly stays back in country A with her brother" Jean deposited a bomb on him. So Enrick is staying in same country as them and Jean is very well aware of it.

"You know what? Iris is with Jeffery Valdez. They are way similar to us in throwing dog food. I miss you whenever I see them, you have no idea how addicted I became to you" Jean whispered some sweet nothings. That’s it...all his negative thoughts vanished into thin air.

" that so. Baby, you are the one who don’t have any idea how much I love you and how bad I miss want me to show it" he grinned devilishly. Time for his playback now..

He scooped her in his arms and kissed her very deeply. Then he carried her to their room. Jean giggled looking at his hurried steps "Dare to show Scotty" Jean challenged...

The next day morning...

Jean and Scott woke up early. Scott cooked her favorite breakfast while Seline and Jean discussed about the terms they have set to be in safe side.

Seline surprisingly arrived at late night and ruined the precious moments they were sharing then. Though Scott is so angry and don’t want to let go of Jean, his twin devil Seline blackmailed him that she will reveal his secret plan, that he is working behind Jean’s back.

So in order to pacify his sister he sacrificed one steamy night and reluctantly allowed his sister to sleep with Jean. He is thrown out of the room mercilessly while the girls had their wonderful time.

"Oh gosh, really. Enrick is also my long undying crush back then. Jean Grey why didn’t you tell me that you are working together, I am gonna kill you now. You know how crazy girls are over him if others know this.....hahh" Seline shouted in pure enthusiasm.

"That is the exact reason I didn’t tell you and Meghan. Jealous Huh.." Jean teased her friend totally not aware that someone is burning sour and recording their conversation.

"Of course who will not be envious. It is ENRICK RICHARDS after all. Hmm.. anyway enjoy your time with prince charming, we are not as lucky as you... Haha... . Can I get a chance to meet him, please....." Seline squealed loudly. josei

When Scott was about to enter the dining room he unexpectedly listened what they are talking. His face darkened like a bottom of the pan, what is so special about him... He swiftly fished out his mobile and recorded everything.

If Raymond will listen this...his sister will also get a punished just like Jean who unfortunately will face it tonight. In order to keep his sister in check, from disturbing his precious moments with Jean he will use this as blackmailing material.

They completed their breakfast bantering like always. Jean hoped that she and Scott would never give birth to twins...they always fight like these a.d.u.l.ts who are now acting worse than children.

But little she knew her fear will come true and that she have to use all her patience in handling them...

She shook her head blushing slightly.... "OK guys, enough is enough. I will bath and get changed so we can go to our respective works" Jean firmly said and went upstairs hoping they would not start their word war again.

Scott smiled devilishly at his twin sister who glared at him as if asking ’what the hell you want now?’

"Little sister I have some interesting short film, want to see it" he shared it to the I’d with ’Devil intruder’

It is of course the video he pictured just not long back.

"Haha....bro, thanks a lot you know. Me and Jean can show this to our future children, it would be funny" Seline laughed heartily.

Scott frowned and glared at his annoying twin. But he smirked "Exactly, what if I send this to Raymond. He will find out about your undying crush on whom you are overly excited to see and meet" Scott blackmailed.

"Let us have a simple agreement. So I would not show this to your fiancée" Scott raised his eyebrow in mocking manner.

"So, what should I do now. Do whatever you ask... dream on big guy. Show it, Who cares... in fact I will be happy that he will be jealous. Come on send it or I will send for myself" Seline smirked.

"What?, dummy are you not afraid that he will be angry." Scott asked her.

"Are you angry on Jean that we talked about our mutual crush is not called as anger but as pure jealousy. Should I guess what is going in your mind big brother, you are drowning in vinegar and you are wrecking your mind how to pamper and love her even more. So she would not even think about others.. And this is what we girls need from their partners." Seline smiled skeptically.

"So brother what will happen to your plight if I say about this blackmail to my sister in law. Ready to become monk for some months....ha" Seline snickered.

"You....stop blackmailing me" Scott is clearly not ready to do that. He especially got habituated to this and he never want to become monk ever again. How can he live..

"Haha... Gotcha. This is your weak spot. If you don’t want me to reveal this to Jean how about you buy me the new sports car." She laughed loudly

"I will send you details later. But bro, it is limited version so you should use your influence....Ok" Seline patted his shoulder.

Scott never thought his plan would backfire like this..

"This is just a begging" Seline whispered in his ears just before Jean called for Scott. She is in thin bathrobe and her hair is damped wet while the water droplets made her robe look transparent. She is looking extremely alluring and intoxicating...

"I am in dilemma what to wear...

help me to select" Jean asked in her sweet voice that is dripping with honey...she looked so seductive

Scott gulped his saliva at Jean who looked so intoxicated...Seline who noticed her brother drooling over her best friend smirked devilishly.

"You sure don’t want to miss this everyday right, I changed my mind brother...what I asked for is not worthy of this beauty. I also want that new necklace that is about to be auctioned in five days. I think my brother can give it as a engagement gift for his little sister" Seline demanded.

"ok" Scott growled. It costs millions but his sister doesn’t know that it is the gift he planned to give her.

"Then go fast, my sis in law is waiting up for you" she smiled in delight and pushed her brother upstairs.

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