Ms. Attractive and inciting CEO

Chapter 260 - Her cunning plans

Chapter 260 - Her cunning plans

Chapter 260 - Her cunning plans

Little he knew that Jean is the empresses and he is about to enter her kingdom where her single glance is enough to rule each and every person of directors and share holders.

It is four hours journey from Country A to her main branch. People from Grey corporations got divided into two groups, one would be traveling in Grey’s private plane and remaining in INA’S.

Jean, Evan, her loyal uncles and two other persons embarked into Evan’s private jet which is gifted by Jean on the day of when he succeeded in achieving a trillion dollar contract.

As soon as they entered, steward rushed to greet them.

"Ms. Grey, Mr. Brooks" he bowed his head and smiled at them.

They returned his greetings by his name before he moved to greet others.

Except for her uncles, other two people are dumbfounded by this sudden surprise. How come they knew who Jean is......moreover she is also close to vice CEO of INA.

Evan and Jean sat across each other. He leaned closer to her and is showing something in his tablet while Jean is in deep thought and nodding her head occasionally. They are talking about the project they have with Hermes and Summers.

After a take off, the crew started to serve some refreshments and snacks.

"Ms. Grey, your favorite macchiato" one of the attendant handed her favorite coffee.

Jean pouted "What about my dark forest cake" after getting caught up with fever and cold Scott totally restricted her from having any deserts and she is craving for a sweet now..

"Jean, aren’t you feeling ill" Evan deadpanned. Scott already warned him to take care of her. If he allow her to eat this then he will be doomed..

"Fine.. Fine, at least a piece of dark chocolate" Jean looked at attendant who in turn looked at Evan for confirmation.

"No" he shook his head.

"Yes" Jean hissed and glared at him. As for the crew this is the normal scene. Their CEO and Vice CEO always bicker like children..

They totally disregarded others and started to glare daggers against each other. Her uncles who knows her very well since her childhood didn’t feel surprised by her childish behavior.

When she will be surrounded with the people she trusts her guard will always lay low. They have already seen her childish and trouble maker side... But for the other two persons it was like they are seeing aliens bickering in foreign language..

"Huhh.. Girl, do you want your husband to murder me. I am warning you before handed, you can never get a good and handsome vice CEO like me" Evan waved his hands in exasperation.

"Oh...really. Then go and ask him for your next quarter bonus. I will be cancelling your request for vacation also... because you are so good and obedient VC right.. " Jean sulked and folded her hands on her chest.

"Kiddo, enough. No deserts" Grandpa Tin firmly spoke as Jean pouted but didn’t protest back.

Evan sighed in relief and stuck his tongue out and teased his boss. Jean narrowed her eyes and glared at him.

"OK.. Enough of fun kids. Jean what is your next plan" one of her uncle spoke.

Jean looked at the other two people gawking at her. "I know how much you hate my aunt. She forced you to disclose some confidential information related to the project we have with Cyphers. No need to fret about it everything will be taken care of" Jean swiftly changed from childish to serious. Her voice is unusually calm but chilly dangerous.... josei

"Madam, about that.." they shrugged and started to shiver...

"Don’t worry about Vanessa. Just do as she asked. Give her the information she asked about Cyphers." Jean smiled cunningly but she sneakily grabbed a chocolate from Evan’s box. Which he failed to notice..

’Such a sweet tooth she is... ’

"But if we do that, the contract will be breached. Compensation for that is thrice the price of the money we invested." One of them worried and almost choked up.

But Jean looked so relaxed and nonchalant...

"If Cyphers get offended, Summer Enterprises, Herren’s and Black’s will also withdraw from the partnership. We will surely go bankrupted" other person shivered as he is in verge of crying.

"Summer Enterprises and Cyphers made a tempting offer so our CEO and former VC took the risk but the consequences are too adverse if the contract get breached" both of them shrugged as they made the final statement.

"We believe in your abilities Ms. Grey. If you want, we are willing to disclose the confidential contract they signed. The consequences are too terrible" both of them nodded their heads.

Jean smiled nonchalantly and sipped the last sip of her coffee. "No need to show me the information hidden in that contract. I know very well about it"

Grandpa Tin looked at Jean and smiled warmly. "Don’t say me you are the one who did that. Did you ask Scott and Mr. Summers to force the company to sign this confident contract additional to main one"

"Yep, I did." Jean smirked and took another chocolate. Evan rolled his eyes and shook his head annoyingly before pushing the box away from her.

Except for her uncles and others are utterly shocked by her attitude as well as confession. How come she act all carefree and childish when a future of company is in stake..

Little they knew that it is her way to save the company....

"Cyphers accepted the offer but Scott made some changes in it as per my request. Dad just did it by himself, Scott might have asked him" Jean shrugged.

She is indeed genius. Cyphers accepted this partnership almost before six months. By then she don’t even know how the future would turn out...but here she is, with the weapon that will crush her uncle and destroy her aunt.

"Vanessa will surely try to sell the information about the product that Grey’s is creating with INA. Let us wait for her to make that mistake and as the CEO of INA I will have authority to file the case about the breech. It is when Adam will surrender his position to me. Then we can stab him again with this information" Jean laughed but sneezed in middle. Her happy and prideful moment got hindered by this bothersome cold and cough. Curse Scott..

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