Ms. Attractive and inciting CEO

Chapter 300 - press conference part 3

Chapter 300 - press conference part 3

Chapter 300 - press conference part 3

"Do you remember what Scott said in his conference. His fiancée is studying in one of the prestigious university in abroad" he sounded confident.

His sister is not a medical student...but who can’t forge a fake certificate and show it as a proof..

He opened the other slide in projector screen which showed that she studied in medical school in country B.

"If this proof not enough. Then we are also having other proof" his voice boomed across the room.

"You also remember Ms. Aria and how she is saved after revelation of her is my sister. We helped her with our political influence to land the private jet" he also added.

"If you want a well written proof then..." josei

Then he opened the written agreement between Elder Summers and Elder Sheldon. It is a marriage alliance between the families...

Others gasped and nodded their heads in approval...they never thought Summer’s are such a people who would not stand on their words..

"Will you believe my sister or still support that b****" he shouted.

The previous reporters calmed and sat down. They didn’t expect this type of twist.

"Mr. Sheldon, why did your sister tried to commit suicide then. If whatever you are showing is true then why didn’t you fight back" other reporter asked him. He knew Jean is Scott’s girlfriend. He knew everything about them and how pure their relationship is...

When Scott and Jean are living in country X, he have seen them together plenty times. The company in which he is working is subsidiary company of Cyphers.

He also knew Jean is a medical student in the most prestigious university in country D. Scott he himself told this in one of the interview....but it was deleted as per his request.

Sianna stood up and took the microphone.

"Elder summers got to know about Scott’s affair and there is a big fight going in their home right now...I don’t want to be a cause for that. If.. If.. I die then his way would be cleared. As they are already having an affair irrespective of whether they like it or not...they will get married."

"But elder Summers is totally opposite to her. They don’t like her at all. He wanted me to be his granddaughter in law...but if I die it wouldn’t be a big deal for them to accept her...that is the reason I tried to kill myself" she sobbed.

A small lie from her intern...this is enough to prove her wrong.

Her brother held her in his arms and looked at the reporters "Thank you for coming. But I want to tell that we will fight for justice to my sister"

Even before he could answer the questions... projector turned on all by itself...

Then on the black screen....some words started to type itself..

[I am back... ]

This words are enough for others to know who he is....their beloved hacker....who disclosed all the information about Scott and his friends.

As soon as it vanished one of the video started is live telecast. At the right edge of the screen, time and date are being shown. Which showed them that it is a live

It is Jean’s birthday party and she is cutting the cake while others surrounded her with bright smile.

Like a small children everyone are singing birthday song....including Elder Summers and President Wilson. They look genuinely happy and their faces brimmed with affection for Jean..

As the reporters looked at people around Jean... they are dumbfounded to find Herren’s, Black’s, Grey’s along with Summer’s and Wilson’s. They are one of the most prestigious families in the country...all the main branch families got together to celebrate one birthday....they dote on her too much

Jean has cut the first piece and extended her hand near Scott’s mouth with a wide smile.

Scott chuckled and gently held her wrist and ate it, but before he could lick her fingers Jean pushed his hand away.

Others rolled their eyes as if they got vexed with this affection....But they looked very happy for her.

Scott pouted cutely but hugged her and kissed her forehead. He took a piece of cake and fed her with love brimming in his eyes. She tried to bite his fingers but Scott dodged her attack.

He looked at Jean with love and passion "Jean, thanks for being with me from five have been my friend since the first time we met in college. Though for me it is love at first site....its been hard on me to please you and make you love me...but it’s worth all of it.....thanks for loving me back" he confessed.

Nathan fanned his face with his hand and sighed. "Ah... enough of dog food Scott. You both are together since almost two are not a new couple to act this lovey dovey" he exclaimed.

Scott glared at him, but the main reason they are mentioning all this dates and years because they knew that this video is getting telecasted to face slap Sianna.

Later everyone had their own piece of cake and confessed how special Jean is to them. Though they are not aware that this is being seen by almost whole city...they followed Scott’s suite to tell her how much she meant to them

By then others got to know that Jean is not someone as Sianna described. Scott clearly mentioned from how long they are in relationship....

At last President Wilson patted her head lovingly and fed her the cake. He is aware of Jean and Scott’s relationship since ages...and he is the one who helped Scott with Cheesy lines to propose Jean.

"Jean, I hope you forgive this brat for the using same lines I suggested him, when he to propose you two years back. He is little unromantic that I have to train him" he and Jean chuckled together as Scott glared at both of them.

"Old man, let us see who is more’s before two years and now I am very experienced" Scott mocked and winked at Jean who blushed a little bit.

Others laughed at them while Scott kissed corner of her lips and held her in his arms.

They looked very perfect and cute together that they started admiring them.

Later elder Summers ruffled her hair and gave a side hug. No one have ever seen him this affectionate to any of his grandchildren. She sure is special to him, but why is this scene totally opposite to what Sianna told.

It’s been ages since a party or a event is celebrated in Summers ancestral home. After the youngest daughter of Elder Summers died he never allowed anyone to do this type of events. So it shows how precious Jean is to him and Summers family

The party continued...but the projector screen changed from that video to series of photos and other video’s...

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