Ms. Attractive and inciting CEO

Chapter 416 - Teasing and flirtings

Chapter 416 - Teasing and flirtings

Chapter 416 - Teasing and flirtings

Rick and Hope reached his family mansion almost at midnight and Hope is flabbergasted by the over security and extravagant surroundings.

Never in her life she thought that Rick is this filthy rich. Rick chuckled seeing her shocked face, his eyes darkened as he gazed the hickeys he made on her neck.

Her swollen lips made him almost loose his self control and ravish them again. But he don’t want to act like a hungry wolf and scare her out.

Till now she have only seen him in his most dignified and well mannered version. She is yet to see his ’real’ him.

"Hope, we are almost there. Why don’t you wear your jacket and do something to your lips. It is not like I want you to conceal them.....moreover I am more happy if you flaunt our little make out session we had in this car." Rick teased and Hope instantly blushed remembering what happened a few hours back in this very same car.

She will never complain that he suck at romance. She rephrased her words. ’He suck at cheesy talks and Rock at romance’.

"But I mind flaunting it. Hmph" Hope pouted and took out concealer and lipstick to start her touch ups.

"Want my help" he asked. Anyway he is free now. The driver is driving the car and divider is up.

She still remember how that driver almost fainted looking his second young master with a woman for the first time.

Moreover her neck is spotted with hickeys here and there. He almost thought that he is day dreaming..

"No need. Keep your hands to yourself" Hope slapped his hand which started caressing her hair.

"Someone is angry. Should I cool her down" he teased her again.

Hope blushed and glared at him. Rephrasing her words again. ’He sucks at some cheesy talks but rocks at both teasing and romance’

"I am not angry and I am already feeling cool. No need to freeze me" she mocked.

"Then I can warm you up with my love. How about it" he shifted close to her and hugged her.

Ahh.....some or other way he is stopping at same point. He is even sweet talking her.

Again rephrasing her words. ’He sucks at nothing and rocks at everything’

But she is no inferior to his teasing’s. Two can play the same game.

She swiftly sat on his lap and kissed the breathe out of him. When he is about to respond back she again sat back on the leather seat.

Before he can assault her, she pressed the divider down and opened the window.

He is about to close it again and he almost cursed her.

Her lipstick strains are clearly visible on his lips, cheek and neck. She even strained his white shirt.


"Rick, I think you are the one who need jacket most. Why don’t you take it from the bag in the trunk of the car and you need wipe your face too" she mocked him.

Looking at her with feign anger and disappointment he wiped his face and ordered driver to stop the car.

Never leaving her gaze he opened the trunk and took his jacket out. Ignoring the gawking bodyguards who are trying their level best to ignore the lipstick mark on this shirt he covered it with jacket.

’Wait till I come inside. You are done for embarrassing me like this’ he thought and went to sit but however Hope closed it and locked the door.

"Rick. Take the passenger seat please. My legs are feeling numb with this long journey and I want to stretch them" saying so she kept her legs on the leather cushions.

Rick indeed don’t want his driver and rest of the bodyguards to see her taking the nap. Especially given with the fact that she is wearing a mid thigh pencil skirt.

Sulking sadly he pressed the divider on. Totally blocking his eyes even from seeing her.

However he loved her teasing and fooling him. To be honest he never felt this lively and happy.....

She completes him. She is a perfect match to his boring and stressful life. She refresh his soul and mind.

How lucky of him....he is very glad that he took this bold step and he is very thankful to Jean who sent Hope into his life.

He smiled warmly making his driver almost loose his control on the car.

Their cold and aloof master smiled. He is not imagining the things right....

After a hour or so, they reached the enormous mansion.

But Hope is fast asleep in the back seats. Gently waking her up both of them went inside.

Hope almost pinched her hand to assure that she is not dreaming. The house is of next level...

"Rick, is this where you live in normal times" she couldn’t help but ask. josei

Rick chuckled. "No none of us live here actually. This is just like a meeting spot of the family. My parents and their friends use to gather up here to talk about council matters and we are following the same. However each of us have a cabin here" he explained.

"Oh.." Hope said disappointedly. Such a magnificent house just for a waste....

Rick chuckled again. "Don’t be disappointed darling. My house will be a mini version of this. You remember Jean and Scott’s mansion we went for their anniversary right...our home will be a replica of it" he said.

Her eyes brightened again. But is Jean connected with everything here.

There is even a floor exclusively for Jean here...

Even the garden has her favorite flowers...

Did Rick loved her this much...

Rick understood her thoughts. "Don’t over think. She is the family. Her parents belong here.. Just like my patents" he explained.

She didn’t over think. Because Jean is his past and she respects Jean as much as she love Rick.

Both are his close one’s..

"Let’s meet my family" Rick said.

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