Ms. Attractive and inciting CEO

Chapter 431 - Coaxing her is really tough!!!

Chapter 431 - Coaxing her is really tough!!!

Chapter 431 - Coaxing her is really tough!!!

So she started sobbing on his chest.

When he felt wetness on his chest he panicked and open his eyes hurriedly only to find his wife sobbing like a child. His heart twisted with pain and he despised himself for acting like that.

He knew that he overdid it.....she is exceptionally sensitive when it comes to their love matters. So even a slightest things like this will trigger her waterfalls.

"Baby, please don’t cry. I am so sorry you know....please stop crying, I promise you that I will not act like this never again. You know I can’t see you like this....please" Scott coaxed. His voice sounded extremely guilty.

He hugged her tightly and started caressing her back. His lips started pecking her face continuously.

"No, you don’t love me anymore. You started ignoring didn’t talk to me and you took your bath without me. You slept on this couch so I will not be able to sleep beside you. You know that I will have nightmares without you hugging me....still...." Jean sobbed.

"You apologized because I was don’t love me anymore. Will you ignore me just like this after I become fat and ugly because of the pregnancy...I know you will" Jean continued sobbing.

Scott’s face twisted with pain and it became as black as bottom of the pot, seeing her sobbing like this because of him. More than her he felt this melancholy drowning him in painful abyss.

"Sorry baby.....Please...please stop crying. I love you and will always love you more than my own life. No matter how fat you become my love for you will never decrease but in turn it will increase more and more. Don’t over think like is not good for our baby" Scott caressed her hair and buried his face in crook of her neck.

Jean smacked his arms hardly. " don’t care about me but only for the baby..." she didn’t stop sobbing.

Scott sighed. If she want she will really act like the most spoiled woman on this earth....though she is not that spoiled.

"Never darling. You are my life and you will always be my first priority even after we have our own children. If you aren’t my first priority then who will I be angry now.....hmm" Scott coaxed her and kissed her forehead before wiping away the residue of her tears.

Jean sniffled and hugged him tightly. "Will I really be your first priority for always..." Jean asked in spoiled tone. If Scott would have seen her face now he would have surely realized that this crying session is just a fake and revenge game Jean planned.

Not totally fake but she really didn’t wanted to sleep without him. And she is not at all willing to allow Scott to continue she uses the best weapon of women...’Tears’.

"Always and forever baby" Scott whispered against her warm skin at the crook of her neck.

"Then carry me to our bed and coax me to sleep. I was not able to sleep" Jean pouted.

"Sorry baby. It was all my mistake, I would not have acted that way..." Scott pursed his lips and caressed her face before lifting her up and taking her to their bedroom.

Jean smiled but she felt guilty for making him apologize to her these many times even though the fault is clearly on her side.

But to be frank she really love when Scott assure her like this. Who said she will not feel jealous...after all she is also a human.

When Scott is called king of jealousy then obviously she should be the queen of Jealousy right... josei

Otherwise how will they compliment each other...

Honestly, she felt jealous when Scott talked so devotionally about their princess, though it didn’t last long but at the end of the day the point is she is jealous just like Scott when she talked about their son.

Maybe twins.....a boy and girl will this there will be two teams in the family fighting for each others attention. Jean chuckled as she imagined Scott carrying their daughter while she carry their son and both of them glaring at their respective attention sneakers(opposite gender children)

How cute will it be.....her eyes twinkled.

"Are you not sleepy....Wifey" Scott asked in his deep seductive voice while his nose skimmed on her neck. Her chocolate scent always make him go crazy...

"Nope Mr. Hubby. Have something in your mind?" Jean giggled while playfully touching his body.

"Yes Mrs. Summers. Only if you want.." Scott teased.

Jean didn’t answer him but crashed her lips on to his.

Slowly their soft and passionate kisses turned hungry and l.u.s.tful that it made them take a whole different route.

At last Jean have slept because of her tiredness. Instead of having nightmares she is in her happy dream land but it is quite opposite to what Scott is thinking.

He couldn’t help but remember his conversation with madam Valdez.

Honestly he is not angry on Jean back then....well, not totally. The other reason is because he is distressed after listening to Madam Valdez.

He is so disturbed and is in deep thinking that he decided not to worry Jean because of his mood. However she took it in whole different prospective and started crying.

As Madam Valdez asked him not to let Jean feel any mental stress he blamed himself for making her cry.

At first he is cloud nine after finding that his wife is pregnant but now he is worried how it will effect Jean both mentally and physically.....mainly mentally.

Will she be able to cope up if something happens to her baby. She has already lost enough of her loved ones....

He closed his eyes and started replaying his conversation with madam Valdez, which left him with one big nightmare to face...

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