Ms. Attractive and inciting CEO

Chapter 44 Powerful person like you also cant withstand their temper

Chapter 44 Powerful person like you also cant withstand their temper

Scott tried to call Jean but she switched her mobile off. After getting into penthouse he searched for her in every room but she is not there. Feeling panicked he went into her never used flat and returned dissapointed . He felt that she will come back ones her anger subsides. Their love is so strong that small incident like this will never effect their relation. But he might be in trouble thanks for that old geese and his brother Ethan. He thought of making things clear to Ethan but after what happened he would have figured it by now.

Suddenly the elevator opened revealing Ethan who is in distress. Scott signaled him to sit, this is going to take very long time and undying patience.

"Brother today I" Ethan is about to say something when Scott cut him off.

" I know what happened. The girl you proposed today is my girlfriend and soon to be my fiancée. You caused a huge ruckus without knowledge. That old geese gave both of us same pickup lines and she is angry on me that they are not words from my heart."

"ohh... when did you get yourself a girlfriend and dared to not say to me." josei

" we are together from four years by now and I purposed to her a one and half year back."

"so you know her from long back" he said gravely.

"Yeah we both studied in same college in abroad" Scott said calmly he know that his brother is heart broken. He is serious about Jean otherwise he would have not used that ring.

"Bro, say me about your fairy tale love story" his voiced trailed with emotion that couldn’t be concealed.

Scott felt bad for his favorite brother. "We are not a fairy tale. She had a bad past and she is the real heir of Grey’s and also a CEO of Innovana. We are helping her on revenge that is the reason for her disguise in our company."

"What...Your girlfriend is CEO of INA then why is she working here. What do you mean by revenge and who are ’WE’" Ethan asked curiously.

Scott started the story from the time when he met her, the bond between she and their friends, her past and their plan to take revenge and their marriage after that.

It took him solid one hoir to say the story and at the time he completed both have tears in their eyes. She suffered a lot yet she looked so calm whenever she saw that Cassandra.

Ethan is furious at her family how can they throw the gem and pamper the weed. "Bro I will help sis in law to take revenge. How dare they... say me what I have to do"

Scott is stunned by word sis in law. How can his brother leave Jean so easily for sake of him. He truly felt emotional. Ethan who is seeing Scott’s change in expressions smiled sadly at him.

"Brother she deserves a person like you more than me. And you deserve the best. The love you both has now is something that can be never breached. I like her but from now onwards I will care for her as a friend and protect her as a brother" Ethan said emotionally.

Scott is moved by his brothers love for him. He couldn’t even utter a word.

Looking at speechless Scott "Bro see how handsome and charming I am so it is not a problem for me to get a other girl but for you, you became old so you better not leave my sister" Ethan eased the environment with his playful voice.

"Such a narcissist you are . How dare you say I am not handsome didn’t you see girls drooling at me "Scott winked back while he enveloped his half year younger brother in his bear hug.

" Promise me that Bromance is prior than romance " Ethan hugged his brother back.

"On that get your permission from your sis in law. I have nothing to do with it."

"Bro you didn’t even marry but you became a wife slave. So shameful..."Ethan shook his head massaging his forehead like he is helpless.

"Hey let us see when you get a one for yourself "Scott defended.

"That means you agree you became a slave. Powerful person like you also cant withstand to their temper" Both laughed heartily

Scott felt a wave of joy engulfing his heart as they continued their banter..


He reached to the biggest villa after going through series of security checks. When he got escorted in by bodyguards inside where a elegant and beautiful woman sat royally on the big chair emitting cold and dangerous aura which made him shiver.

She is so serene that he decided never to provoke this woman not even in his dreams.

"Report "She said in her calm and melodious voice which resembled that of sirens. But there is also a dangerous and inciting vibe lingering in her tremendous and magnificent voice

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