Ms. Attractive and inciting CEO

Chapter 532 - Jean reveals her secrets to Greys...part 2

Chapter 532 - Jean reveals her secrets to Greys...part 2


Chapter 532 - Jean reveals her secrets to Grey's...part 2

Scott is about to kiss her neck and her phone started ringing...

It is Jean’s PA from Grey corporations....

His lips stopped at midway and he glared at her mobile. He wanted to start another round of love making with his wife but this call ruined everything. Frowning sadly, Scott swiftly yet very quietly ended the call and kept her mobile in silent mode.

After praising himself for his tiny naughty act, his lips once more attacked his wife’s milky white neck on which hickeys are gladly visible because of their intense five rounds love making previous night....

After giving a feather like kisses on her neck and shoulders he is about to make his first of many hickeys but her mobile started ringing again. He didn’t understand how it came back to normal mode from silent mode...

Scott narrowed his eyes childishly and is about to attack her mobile just like how cat attack the rats but to his distress Jean woke up. She is already awake when Scott’s warm lips touched her bare neck but she simply don’t want to wake up.

If she wake up they will directly to last part of their love making but she wanted to enjoy every moment of it....

"Mmm.....Scott, it is just a call. Why are you so frustrated" Jean chuckled sleepily and pecked his cheek which is touching side of her head, Scott pursed his lips and bit her neck before soothing it with his tongue. He is simply pretending as if he didn’t listen anything.

Of course, he is angry. At first, his mom disturbed them twice during night and now they are getting disturbed again early in the morning.

"It might be something important, honey.....otherwise my uncle will not dare to call me again and again. I will wrap it up soon and you can have my full attention okay" Jean coaxed her husband as she sat leaning to headboard clutching the blanket to her chest.

"Five minutes all right" Scott kissed her lips and laid down on the bed with his head in his wife’s lap. Jean couldn’t help but chuckle seeing him acting all childish and clingy. She patted his head and ruffled his head while Scott kissed their baby bump and snuggled before closing his eyes like a small child.

Jean chuckled once again and made sure that her big baby is no longer angry before answering the call.

This time her uncle himself called her rather than her PA. "What happened Mr. Grey? Today is weekend remember" Jean asked mockingly as her fingers combed Scott’s hair.

She should at least give him fifty percent of her attention so that the jealousy king in him won’t wake up and ravish her thoroughly all again.

Though she enjoy it, now she don’t want it.....

"Jean, you don’t know? Don’t tell me you are not yet aware of what happened in our company" her uncle asked hurriedly. He is not rude nor angry with her.....but little frustrated and annoyed.

The company is in verge of bankruptcy and their vice CEO is not even aware of it...

Jean frowned, at least pretended as if she is not aware of what happened. Actually, she didn’t think Vanessa is this impatient to accelerate her plan.

Anyway, Jean is very well prepared for everything. After all ball will always come back to her court...

"Well, me and my husband are in our farm house to enjoy this weekend so I really don’t know what is happening" Jean innocently said. But that cunning smile plastered to her face is enough for Scott to figure it out what is happening.

He just smiled at his wife and snuggled back into her lap with his lips touching her bump.

"Oh? Then you should come back to city as fast as you can. Things here are not at all good, something terrible happened and if this goes out public we are as good as bankrupted. Please ask Mr. Summers to postpone your short vacation to another day. We want you her" her uncle said.

Everyone seated in the conference hall are amused by the change in Adam. He is exceptionally being polite and meticulous with his niece.

The anger, loath and annoyance that use to emanate from him earlier is no where to be seen. It is replaced by respect and admiration?

Well, something is different about him, but they couldn’t put their finger on it and this is not at all the right time to think about it. There are many vital and important things to discuss about....

Meanwhile, Jean looked at Scott waiting for him to answer. As the call is in speaker, Scott heard what Adam said. Sighing deeply Scott stood up and nodded his head implying that he is fine with it.

After all his wife has been waiting for this time since almost one year....

At last she is getting fruit of her hard work and how could he act childishly selfish now...

Jean smiled brightly at Scott.

"Yes, I will be there in thirty minutes. You can start the meeting without me, I will catch up with it soon" Jean said in her neutral tone and donned herself in bathrobe before going to get ready.


Meanwhile, Vanessa is in cloud nine. Her brother is superbly awesome. Jean didn’t even realize that they are digging a grave for her career.

But after listening how her husband acted all polite and patient with his niece her eyes flared up and she couldn’t help but spat out her hateful words.

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