Ms. Attractive and inciting CEO

Chapter 612 - Edward Wright meets Jean

Chapter 612 - Edward Wright meets Jean

Chapter 612 - Edward Wright meets Jean

"I missed most of the main phase of your life Jean. I should have been there for you. When you are with Grey’s....we let you suffer all those. Though I didn’t wanted to let you suffer that much I was helpless. Including this, I know that I can’t protect you every time. I had to let you face all those burdens all by yourself. I am so sorry" Julian couldn’t help but feel sad.

"But you helped me indirectly didn’t you. You paved a path for me to retaliate but the last step was left for me. It was my choice...whether to choose to take revenge or to let it go. You helped me by establishing INA, you helped me by sending Thomas(Elena’s husband) to protect did your best dad. There is no need to feel sad. What all you have did....that only made me more stronger. So, don’t ever say those words again to me" Jean said.

Julian couldn’t help but tear up. He hugged his daughter and kissed her forehead. "You are way more matured than I think...I am proud of you" he smiled and Jean returned back.

She is happy that she got her father back.

Every hardship she suffered till now are getting paid off.

She have a amazing, handsome and caring husband. His family loves her a lot and she is now going to have a baby who will bring new light into her life.

Her marital side is totally fine and the storm she had with Grey’s at last subsided. Her maternal family got reunited with her and she got two cute and protective brothers.

She is totally satisfied with this but she didn’t expect that god will make her this lucky.

She even got a fatherly love back. And by god grace he is the best she have never seen.....

"OK dad. Don’t make me tear hormones are too unbalanced and you are making me more emotional" Jean wiped a tear off her face. josei

"Jean...don’t call me Dad. Call me papa just like how use to call" her father asked very sweetly.

"I use to call you papa... .when did it happen exactly? I don’t remember at all" Jean asked.

"You are just one year old back then. The only word you use to pronounce properly is Papa" her father chuckled.

"Ohh" Jean giggled. "But...’papa’ is too kid’ish’" Jean pouted.

"Hey.. You will call your father in law as ’dad’ and you will call me the same as well. I want special status. ’papa’ gives me that" her father shamelessly said.

Jean is amused....why should she always get jealous type men. Her husband, both the brothers and at last even her father is jealous type.

"OK.....ok....I will" Jean laughed.

"Call me papa...once" her father asked cheekily.

Jean couldn’t help but melt down. Her father is craving for her love and her sweet childish words.

"Papa" Jean giggled and Julian smiled broadly.

"I have waited long for this. Thanks for forgiving me...Jean" her father kissed her forehead and patted her head.

"Oh.. My bad. You are pregnant little one. Let’s go and sit" her father scolded himself inside for now being attentive.

"I want to go to restroom first" Jean pouted.

Her father chuckled and pointed to the right corner.

"Go straight and turn right. The last room is powder room" her father said. "Want me to come till the door" her father asked.

"No need da—papa. I will go. Actually you have many similarities with Scott. Both are Jealous type and overprotective" Jean rolled her eyes and walked away.

"I am similar to him.....he is similar to me. That brat..." her father pouted as he remembered Scott.


Meanwhile Jean completed her chores in powder room and exited it. Her father said that he will wait for her on upstairs.

So she took the elevator and went to first floor where her father must be waiting for her.

But as soon as she alighted the elevator Her eyes landed on the person who is sitting on the couch.

He has blue eyes just like Jasper and her dad. His facial features quite resembled her dad when she compared both of them in her mind. For few seconds Jean froze.

Then her eyes narrowed and she glared daggers at him...

"You..." Jean scoffed and bit her teeth.

It is Edward Wright and why the hell is he doing here. Shouldn’t he supposed to be in his father’s side.

"Yes... it’s me Mrs. Summers" he used his usual...weirdo tone.

"What the hell are you doing here" Jean asked him as he gritted her teeth. As she don’t know that Kiara is his sister and his mother was killed by his own father she didn’t expect him to be here.

No matter how the father is....but his son will always stay with him. Especially when he will be the one to inherit such a wealth and fortune.

"Cool down Jean. Cool down. He is your eldest cousin" Julian chuckled.

He and Danielle came out of the room with Julia and Julianna(Edward and Danielle’s twins).

Jean smiled at Danielle and looked at her father back again.

"But he is son of second young master of Braxton. How can he be here?" Jean asked.

"He is the big brother, Enrick and Iris talk about. Even he is in our side and Danielle is his wife." Julian chuckled.

"Hello sissy. Let me have my fullest introduction" Edward chuckled.

"I am Edward William Braxton or famously called as Edward Wright. As you already know that we are cousins let me tell you the things you don’t know" Edward said. Then he started explaining how he joined council, how his mother was killed, why he agreed to sign contract and everything.

Jean couldn’t help but gape.

Why so many twists in one day...

She will die with overloaded brain cells.

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