Ms. Attractive and inciting CEO

Chapter 614 - Jean meets Johann

Chapter 614 - Jean meets Johann

Chapter 614 - Jean meets Johann

"Baby, let me sleep with you" Scott asked with puppy eyes as soon as they entered the floor that is only meant for them.

"No Scott. You are going to sleep in guest room tonight and you yourself have to explain me tomorrow morning why there is a floor full of baby girl stuff but not of boy’s." Jean scoffed at her husband and turned back to search for the master bedroom.

Scott gently pulled her into his hug and kissed her lips. "I will explain you now itself. Why too wait for tomorrow" Scott pouted.

"Because I want you to have a sleepless night" Jean smiled sinisterly. "I am already dead tired so I don’t need my bed warmer to lull me to sleep"

Scott pouted. "But I need you to sleep"

"But you are not going to get me" Jean winked.

But she soon yelped when he lifted her very carefully in his arms. He took her to the bedroom and deposited her on it before trapping her in between his arms.

"I had that floor prepared very long back. By didn’t confront me to not act in such way. But after that I totally forgot to change the room and that is why I didn’t show you the floor" he quickly explained her with his eyes looking into her sea green eyes. josei

He took his mobile from his trouser’s pocket and opened a picture.

"Now, I had the room designed for both boy and girl." He showed Jean. "So, will you just let me sleep here with you and our baby. I want to feel each and every kick it gives" Scott asked with his eyes pleading her.

Jean chuckled and pinched his nose. "Of course you silly. I am just kidding back earlier....I know about this floor back when we are in our honeymoon. I...hmm" Jean m.o.a.ned as Scott abruptly kissed her lips.

" are such a tease Mrs. Summers. What should I do with you know" Scott asked as his eyes darkened.

Jean gulped her saliva. The whole scene just took one eighty degrees turn...

His hands have quickly undressed her nightgown and he is taking off his shirt now.

"Baby....I just teased you along with my dad and brothers. If I wouldn’t have played along they would have surely tried another way to tease you" Jean pouted.

"Is that so?" Scott asked with his black eyes boring into her.

"Hmm...I liked the way how they are teasing you so I" Jean suddenly stopped in middle as she quickly scolded herself for her loose mouth. She unknowingly confessed the real reason.

" my wife enjoys when her husband gets teased." Scott chuckled darkly. "She might have forgotten the fact that her husband loves to tease her even more. As she is pregnant, that’s the reason he is holding up from teasing her more" his lips grazed on her neck and chest making her shiver.

"Scott.." Jean called him but her eyes are brimmed with l.u.s.t for him.

"hmm....sweetheart" Scott huskily answered back using the word he rarely use.

"Are you fine with whatever happened today. I many surprises....and you don’t like.." Scott stopped her with a long kiss.

"If you are happy...nothing matters to me. I might not like Edward but that doesn’t mean I hate him as a person. Opinion’s can change....." Scott kissed her again and his hands relentlessly moved on her luscious body.

"I love you" Jean answered as she closed her eyes totally caving in for dominative hands.

"I love you too" Scott chuckled as he buried his face in crook of her neck, inhaling her fragrance.

Later they got engaged in slow making out till Jean dozed off into deep sleep.

Scott’s hands lingered on her stomach the whole night and he of course felt the baby moving . He couldn’t help but feel ecstatic that he started kissing her stomach.

"I am jealous" Jean sleepily yawned as she tried to sit back leaning on to headboard.

Scott chuckled and helped her to lie down on the bed. "You will always be my first priority. Don’t feel jealous and go back to sleep now" he kissed her forehead.

Jean smiled and nodded her head.


The next day after having breakfast everyone went back to main headquarters of Council.

Johann and his wife stayed back at one of the safe house. When Johann agreed to help them he told them about the tracking chip that is planted in his hand.

As second young master Jaxon might find out about what happened and where he is right now, they did a careful operation and removed the tracker.

After scanning all his body and making sure there are no trackers left it is only when he is allowed to go to main headquarters.

By the time everyone reached there, Jean first looked at Mrs. Warren who is her care taker and. She is very close to both her and her twin brother Jeff.

"Aunty....what are you doing here" Jean and Jeff asked together.

Victor Warren(Johann) came and stood beside his wife.

"Mr. Victor" Scott said in surprise.

"Mr. and Mrs. Summers, Mr. Valdez" Johann politely greeted. He gave them a smile.

These twins are his Master’s children. That means they are his future boss’s.

"Jean" Kiara called and carefully walked to Jean and hugged her.

"Hi sissy" Jean hugged her back.

"You are my cousin sister, Jean" Kiara giggled.

"I know" Jean chuckled and kissed her cheek.

Meanwhile Johann and Julian had a sentimental reunion. Mostly Johann who almost cried out in emotion.

"He is dad’s right hand person" Kiara whispered. She always called Julian as Dad.

"Victor is dad’s person?" Jean asked little shocked.

Many of the people from council are giving a shocking look at them before returning back to their work.

They don’t know that their council’s iron lady is pregnant and the father is their scaaaryyy, cold Scott Summers.

Some of them are almost at verge of crying because their beloved leader Julian is back.

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