Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 169

Chapter 169: Beast Soul

Elfman was in awe as he looked at those prominent figures.

Similarities between this men's and his brother's temperament were legion!!

It was then he found himself…Feeling…Left out…

They were all…So far away from him…It seemed like a bad joke. In his frustration he spoke his mind:

"I, too, want to be Aniki's side…."

Madara's eyes narrowed, but his words weren't easy on the ears:

"You…?!! With your current strength? Even if Marek allowed it?!! I will oppose it!!"

He knew his Elder Brother and he knew he tend to spoil his loved ones a tad much. This why he wanted to be the first to meet him!!

Elfman's expression froze in place. Madara continued:

"The reality is that…With the amount of power and your current potential."

"You will never be able to even resist one of our weakest soldiers. Even after a Millenia of training."

"This is the undeniable truth."

Elfman looked down in pity. Makarov took a deep breath. He sadly felt it too.

The Chiasma, between the Monsters on the hill, and the little shy boy, wouldn't be crossed even in a million lifetimes.

Madara sighed, a little pissed off, by his shy attitude:


The boy looked up once again!

Madara spoke casually:

"You said you use the Beast Soul right?"

Elfman nodded:


The Marshall narrowed his eyes:

"I know that you learned to use ki. Why did you abandon it…"

Elfman looked down:

"My sister was feeling down about her magic…."

"…So to comfort her, Lissana and me also learned Soul magic…"

Izuna smiled kindly:

"He has a good heart indeed."

Madara only grunted:

"To take your choice this lightly…."

"To Base your future on such things…"

But in his mind he wasn't totally dissatisfied.

He too, valued brotherhood dearly, after all.

Madara narrowed his eyes:

"Are you not at all interested in using Ki?"

Elfman fidgeted for a while:

"I would prefer if I used the same magic as my sisters….And I love the Beast soul."

"….It's super manly…"

Madara sighed, lamenting he now, had to take care of such stupid little brother.

Izuna only laughed wryly.

The Marshall, had, suddenly a sharp light in his eyes:

"Fine…I expected this to happen anyway."

"Since you want to use the Beast Soul, use it to your heart content."

Elfman was immediately thrilled, by the approval of his elder brother.

Madara's eyes then turned cold once again, it was actually the colder they have ever been since he came:


"I won't let you sully our name with such weak beasts."

Elfman felt a little afraid now. The cold and indifferent man's face seemed to break down…into something similar to a 'smile ?

Madara showed an evil grin on, that sent chills down even Izuna's spine!!

Makarov took a deep breath. He knew…It was a never a good sign when this kind of people smiled!!

"If you have to use Beast Soul. Then use it on some actual Beasts."

He took out a large scroll!! Under the gaze of everyone:

"Those are some cute ones I played with when I was your age."

Elfman looked pleadingly at Izuna! Izuna laughed lightly, understanding his brother's intention.

'Poor…Elfman…I can't help you this time. Sigh…'

When his brother was like that. Only a beating could stop him. And he would not run the risk of destroying this World in doing so…

Makarov felt chills down his spine.

"They will do the job for now."

He then bit on his finger, made hand signs! He put his hand on the scroll!


Immediately a large fog appeared!!! As Makarov and Elfman!! Felt their heart sink!!


Makarov, stood in front of Elfman!!

"Elfman!! Flee!!"

"Go alert the guild too!!!"

Yet, the boy didn't seem to hear the master's plea. He only watched, as the fog unveiled 9 GIANT BEASTS!!!

Their might and power would bring fright and desolation in any one who ever dared to lie their eyes on them!!

Their sheer power makes it for mortals difficult to breath and caused for the world to end !!

The Personification of destruction and abomination!!

Makarov felt the same fear, he would later feel encountering Acnologia!!

The Fear of an Ant meeting a man!!!

The Most curious thing about them were obviously.

Their tails!!!

Those were splattered over the place…

It was indeed them!!!

The nine beasts of Apocalypse!!!

The Tailed BEASTS!!!

Elfman felt the same thing, it was like he was in front of the WORLD ITSELF!!

He suddenly heard a domineering voice:


He looked with difficulty, to find atop of those beasts, a man standing, proudly, without putting even these things in his eyes. He spoke strictly:


Elfman took a deep breath!!!

And finally advanced past the Guild Masters, in front of the beast.

Izuna had an approving smile:

"Good kid!!"

Madara standing atop of them spoke to the leading beast.


The Nine Tailed Bijuu, immediately bowed down, as did the other monstrous aberrations. In a nearly ceremonial manner.

This left not a chance of misunderstanding, to Makarov and Elfman.

"Yes, your Excellency…"

The rock and powerful yet humble voice of the Beast brough a sense of crushing power and vehemence into the body of the two mages!!

Madara spoke solemnly:

"This kid here is his Majesty's brother in the same title as us."

Immediately at the mention of the Emperor all the beast, had extreme dread in their eyes!! They immediately bowed to the kid.

Elfman witnessed those 9 Power beasts that would trample the entire continent to obliteration in a heartbeat, bow down to him in reverence:

"We greet, his highness."

Makarov was also in complete disbelief!!

'What in the Heavens….Am I witnessing?'

Madara spoke to Elfman:

"Those Beast have deep wisdom and good enough power."

"Your goal for now…Will be to use the Beast Soul on each one of them."

Elfman stuttered:

"B…Beast Soul…On those?!!"

Madara nodded:

"Yes…That will be your primary goal."

He added:

"For you to use the Beast Soul, you will need to deeply understand and connect with each one of them."

He narrowed his eyes:

"So they will be sealed inside of you."

Makarov responded:

"WHAT?!! That's crazy?!! That could kill him!!"

Izuna responded coldly, his hostile presence overwhelming the old man:

"Makarov, speak conveniently."

"Or do you think we would kill our own brother, old man?!!"

Makarov seemed to struggle for a while but decided to not respond.

Madara continued:

"Those Beasts were the ones to subdue the Dragon Gods."

"They also learned how to convert their energy in magic too."

"They are even in the process of creating, Tailed Beast Slaying Magic."

Makarov was astounded.

Izuna finally had a much warm voice, as he addressed Elfman:

"The decision is yours. After all, all your progress will depend on your own will."

"We are only giving you a way to supremacy."

"If you are not determined enough. You will always take the second roles."

"You will also be foreshadowed by other much stronger mages…And always be a simple spectator when stronger people fight."

Elfman seemed in the brink of tears.

"The Descendent of Dragons, the relatives of other powerful mages, and even those with absolute talent, like your Elder Sister. Will completely leave you in the dust." josei

Makarov saw that it was too much:

"This is not true!! We as a guild, our bonds are our real strength!!"

Immediately the guild master felt a powerful pressure.

Izuna spoke mildly:

"Indeed. Your bonds make you stronger."

"But Are you willing to be the one protected or the one protects?"

He smiled knowing the trigger words for his brother:

"Do you want to be a real Man?!"

Madara continued again:

"Or do you prefer to stay weak and rely on others all your life?"

Makarov had a bad premonition in his heart, but still couldn't do a thing about it.

He knew it, his interventions from earlier were already close to breaking the bottom line of the two Elder Brothers.

Elfman clenched his fist tightly, he then screamed with all his lungs:

"I want to be strong!!"

"I want to be strong enough!! To protect everyone!! The Guild!! My sisters!!"

"…And also…"

He spoke with burning determination in his eyes:

"…To be able to stand alongside the three of you as…"


"And MEN!!!"


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