Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 173

Chapter 173: Goodwill

Alvarez Empire. Vistarion.

As the Springan Emperor was overlooking, the whole nation.

He smiled helplessly, noticing a massive, purple and white spaceship approaching the skies of Vistarion.

He had already allowed the Ship to cruise through the skies of the Alvarez Empire.

Zeref or Springan, kept a focused gaze on the approaching, crest of the spaceship.

Before long….

A man appeared by his side:

"The Grand Vizir of the Atlasian Empire, requests an audience with the Sprigan 12, Irene Belsserion."

The complete disbelief in the messenger voice, couldn't be clearer.

"He also allowed for the Emperor Springan to be present."

Zeref narrowed his eyes.

'Indeed…It was as expected…'

He sighed, and responded coolly:

"Do not leak this information to anyone of the Sprigan 12. They may do something stupid, that could endanger the whole country."

"Also…Give them the order to not leave their Headquarters."

The Messenger was flabbergasted by the calm reaction of the Emperor to this offense.

"Call Irene here. We will accede to his request."

Zeref was wise and more than anybody knew his limits, and knew, that unlike what others claim him to be.

He wasn't invincible or all-knowing.

Powerlessness has ruled his whole life. And today, he felt like it again.

As the only entity in the world to have the clearest estimation of the might of the Atleasian Empire. He held bitterness and hope in his heart at the same time.

The Messenger disappeared.

As Zeref watched the Purple and white spaceship descend in front of his Palace.

Even his eyes who saw through nearly anything in the world, couldn't see through the technological mysteries behind the craft of such ships.

Clearly signaling it's landing point beforehand, the spaceship descended on land.

The populace already flocked around the vessel, their eyes sprinkling with curiosity. But they could only be kept at a distance.

The door of the Spaceship opened up.

And 20 Saiyan in Monster Hunter Armor formed two military rows.

Their eyes, filled with a sense of reverence.

The Leading man announced, to the world:

"BEHOLD!!! His Highness the Grand Vizir!! Lelouch Vi Britania!!"

Immediately, the 20 Mighty Saiyans lifted their swords in the air!!! As a show of respect!!

At this announce, a slender, but handsome young man appeared.

The Springan who were forbidden from leaving used their own probing methods.

The dark haired young man, was wearing luxurious clothing's worthy of the wealthiest of kings.

By his side a pink haired young woman accompanied him like she always did.

The Man had a smile plastered over his face. His Purple gaze, seemed to hold the power to command the Heavens itself.

He marched slowly, but with purpose.

Irene who already heard of the news, entered Zeref's throne room.

She didn't forget the words of the Springan Emperor.

'He said that I was related to this Empire…How so…?

'…Do they have something to do with Dragonoff?'

Zeref narrowed his eyes, as he tried to see through the man advancing.

'He is dangerous…'

This was what his endless years of experience told him. He may not be strong physically.

But his demeanor told it all. He was not here to be pushed it around. He seemed to possess the endless charisma that only great rulers possess.

'Yet…He is only a Vizir…'

He made his way, under the gaze of everyone. The Soldiers followed after him, as his most faithful guards. The Sense of power oozing from them, vehemently on display!!

Irene looked at the young man, and had questions and interrogation all over her head, she then looked at the Dark Mage who still seemed to hold, a calm yet somehow difficult countenance. His gaze was complex yet focused.

Irene knew that the fact, she was the one who the request of an audience was delivered too, not the Emperor, was a grave act of disrespect.

After all…She served the Emperor.

Still, Zeref seemed to think nothing of it. Actually, deep in her heart, she knew that the Emperor thought nothing of his position.

It is only a way for him to gather enough power, for the Dragon King Festival.

And obtain the Fairy Heart…But even that….

'The last time, his majesty, even said. That Fairy Tail and the Fairy Heart were now 'untouchable'.'

'What is that supposed to mean?'

Since one year ago, the Dark Mage's behavior began to change.

His disinterest for the Empire's matters grew. As if he felt that it held no importance to him anymore.

Zeref seeing her questioning gaze, sighed:

"Since they came here…You will know it anyway."

Finally…The Door to the Throne room opened up.

And the Vizir barged in. He had a charming smile, that exuded a mix between craftiness and noblesse.

He advanced, his eyes, never once landing on the Dark Mage, but on the Scarlet Haired woman.

Irene felt that the gaze of the Vizir didn't seem to hold any kind of hostility or even a basic a sense of healthy of apprehension.

No, this was a gaze charged with goodwill. Something an outside force shouldn't have.

He had a charming smile, that could even set ablaze the heart of the coldest hearted of women.

Irene felt the circumstances to be more and more difficult to believe. The Man approached the Mage casually, and made an extreme polite bow:

"Our Meeting is long overdue, your Highness."

Irene responded casually:

"Oh…a Grand Vizir like your highness, shouldn't throw such words casually."

Lelouch wasn't to be outdone:

"I will keep these words in mind. Queen Belsserion."

Irene sighed:

"It's been a while since I've been addressed as such. After all…Dragonoff is no more."

The Grand Vizir responded with his glib tongue:

"It is rare for a Queen to outlive it's own kingdom."

He looked at her deep in the eyes.

'Those eyes…'

Irene could detect that in them, there was a mystic power, but she couldn't understand it, not for now. He continued:

"…But does it make you less of a Queen?"

Irene chuckled lightly:

"You do have a point." josei

Lelouch nodded:

"I may not be much. But your servant here at least has the eyes, to detect the Royalty from the civilians."

Irene was slightly amused by this strange individual.

'I can't get a read on him, at all.'

This made her even more interested in the subject of his solicitation.

Actually, seeing his demeanor, she knew this was a matter he was confident in.

Irene made an elegant gesture:

"Please….Be at ease."

Lelouch, only kept his casual appearance, as he elegantly sat down. He finally addressed, the Dark Mage who was observing the exchange with interest.

"Dark Mage…You may assist at this discussion. It concerns you too, after all."

Zeref sighed, feeling a headache coming his way. He casually sat.


We made it to 300 Stones this week It's been a while since I reached that Number!!! And We were only 30 Stones Away from 400!! With this Speed!! We can even make it to 500 Powaa!!

Keep giving stones!! And I will try my best to keep the CHAPS COMING!!!!!


Hey!! Readers!! To rack some Powerstones I came up with( copied hhh) a good idea!!

Let's set some goal reward system!!!

200 Powerstones EQUAL 1 Bonus Chapter!! CHECKK!!!

300 Powerstones EQUAL 2 Bonus Chaptere( with the first one included, ofc.) CHECK!!!

400 Powerstones EQUAL 3 Bonus chapters(with the first two included!!)

That means that for each 100 powerstones cap this week I will add an extra chapter!!!

So please!! POWER ME UP!!!



I also set up a Patron account, so that I don't get burned out as easily as last time.

There is up to 15 Chapters of advanced chapters there!!

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I had this idea while writing my work!! I hope you will like it!!

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