Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 175

Chapter 175: Warlock of the Fairy Tail World

He would not allow, someone with such callous ambitions to serve in this kind of position.

Previously he made the same kind of probes with Ousen too.

Ousen passed with flying colors and this was that.

Zeref didn't even have the slightest issue with the series of assault on his authority, the Vizir made. It was not that he tried to hide his frustration, which would be difficult to do from Lelouch.

It's that he simply, and plainly…Didn't give a rat's ass about it!!

He was only offended…When he doubted his intentions….

This was the attitude of a good and perfect subject.

He indeed, met Zeref the dark mage, a potential recruit.

And someone the Grand Vizir could get on board with.

Finally, Lelouch redirected his gaze to meet Irene's:

"I am sorry for the idle chatter, your Highness."

Her calm demeanor from before was obviously gone, as events she couldn't fathom were happening before her eyes.

The Vizir and the Empire backing him up, gained more mystery in her eyes.

Lelouch continued:

"I know you must have some questions in your mind. But I would like to start by talking about the reason for this audience."

Irene narrowed her eyes. Anticipation mixed with apprehension in her eyes.

Lelouch spoke solemnly:

"It's about what's actually happening to your body."

Irene and Zeref both widened their eyes in shock! Lelouch sighed:

"…Please interrupt me if anything I say is inaccurate. After all…I am only repeating his Majesty's and the Marshall's observations."

"I am no Magi myself."

Lelouch sighed:

"Normally…It would be his Majesty who would want to deliver such information. But it seems I have to do it."

Zeref nodded, and so did Irene.

Lelouch sighed deeply:

"Dragon Slayer magic as I understand is a form of Enchantment and cast magic spells born used by Dragons first in the Dragon King Festival."

"In the sole purpose of slaying other dragons."

"And it is, you…Irene Belsserion who created it. Isn't it?"

Irene nodded, a little pride in her eyes. Lelouch continued:

"When used by Humans."

"The Dragon Slayer Magic, creates something called Dragon Seed, in the body of a human."

Irene had a dark gaze, hearing those words.

"And every time, the dragon slayer would use this magic, he would turn more and more into a dragon and even become insane with power."

"Some Dragon Slayers even became strong enough to easily slay Dragons."

"Are all things I have said right?"

Irene nodded and Lelouch immediately smiled…

Irene felt her heart beating widely. She knew what was about to be spoken would changer her whole perspective.

"The Magic System that the Empire will adopt, originates from a very powerful world"

"Where a lot of Mages are able to easily trample someone like Acnologia, with but a single spell."

Zeref opened his eyes widely. He already recognized the power of the Atleasian but he thought that at least in Magic their world will be more advanced.

Irene only kept intensely looking at the Grand Vizir,as he continued:

"But even there. There is a category of mages that are a cut above everyone else."

"Even in their powerful home world, they are suppressed for fear of their power."

"These Mages have quite the curious practice."

Irene narrowed her eyes.

"They are able to acquire the power of extremely powerful Magic creatures."

Irene opened her eyes in deep fright!!

"Using their characteristic and power to reign over the Magus of the Same tier!!"

Zeref had the same exact expression.

'…This…is a more general description of Dragon Slayers!!!'

The Vizir continued:

"They are called Warlocks."

Irene had her breathing cut as Lelouch looked at her with a piercing gaze:

"And your Highness Irene Belsserion are the First Warlock of Earthland."

Lelouch noticing that her attention was completely taken, continued:

"The Beings known as Warlocks rely on something called Bloodline atop of pure Magical Power."

Irene narrowed her eyes:


Lelouch continued:

"Through devouring, copulation or some other methods, they would obtain the bloodline of powerful magic creatures or even the bloodline of creatures from another world."

"The Warlocks are extremely powerful and would crush any opponent in the same realm without question."

"But they are plagued with two big problems."

"Normally, the purity of the Bloodline of a Warlock would be fixed upon birth or whatever manner they obtained."

"And as time goes by, the bloodline would even dwindle generation after the other."

"The second one would be the Bloodline Shackles."

Zeref narrowed his eyes:

"Bloodline Shackles…."

Lelouch continued:

"Any Warlock who obtained Bloodline from a creature cannot exceed that creature in power."

Irene immediately tilted:


The Vizir nodded:


"This is not the case for Dragon Slayers."

He smiled

"As per Majesty's words, you Irene Belsserion, even among Warlocks are extremely special."

Irene narrowed her eyes.

"The Dragon Slayer Magic you created is special."

"Dragon Slayer Magic in it's essence is actually not an elemental spell."

"But a Bloodline modification spell."

Lelouch narrowed his eyes:

"And above all…A Bloodline strengthening spell."

Irene understood his words, as she put her hand over her mouth. Such information was completely unknown to her!!

But with just this much, her genius mind already reached frightening conclusions!!!

"Something that is the dream of any Warlock!!"

Lelouch continued:

"The Dragon Seed and Dragon slayer Magic are able to constantly reinforce the Bloodline of the humans and even dragons!!!"

"You are a cut, an unrivalled monster even among the most brilliant Warlocks!!"

Irene heard his words, still she had too many questions in her heart. But Lelouch continued:

"Now…That we got the definitions out of the way."

"Let's address your problem, and what is really going with your body and the rest of the Dragons and Dragon Slayers."

Irene nodded.

Lelouch took a deep breath, as he arranged his thoughts:

"Dragon Slayer Magic have three identified problems."

"Being overwhelmed by the power and turning insane."

"Motion sickness due to sense decalage."

"And Finally…"

Irene spoke gravely:


Lelouch nodded as he dropped the Bomb:

"All of those are effects of unbalance between the Bloodline and it's vessel."

Irene opened her eyes widely!!

"Dragon Slayer Magic is a Bloodline strengthening Magic."

"And the more one uses it, the more powerful it's Bloodline will become."

"Dragons are normally a rank 3 Bloodline."

Zeref had to ask:

"Rank 3?"

Lelouch responded:

"This is the way Mage are categorized. There are 9 Ranks."

The both narrowed their eyes in thought. Lelouch had a long grin: josei

"For information…"

"Pseudo Rank 4 should be around the power of Acnologia."


Let's go already! We already close to 150 Powerstones this early in the week!!!

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Hey!! Readers!! To rack some Powerstones I came up with( copied hhh) a good idea!!

Let's set some goal reward system!!!

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400 Powerstones EQUAL 3 Bonus chapters(with the first two included!!)

That means that for each 100 powerstones cap this week I will add an extra chapter!!!

So please!! POWER ME UP!!!



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