Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 24

Chapter 24: Belphegor Princess

4 Weeks Later

At the Throne Room, Marek sighed deeply as he tough about the plans for the future. He gripped the throne with his hand:

"5 years, Only 5 years and I will be officially on their Radar"

He had searched over and over again about the identities of the Beings he saw on the other side of the Universe, but he couldn't find anything.

'Maybe even the Three Principal Oriental Empires don't know anything about them.'

He sighed deeply as he raised his hand like wanting to grab the Ethereal:

'No, I need to go further, to the deepest and most mystical places of the Astaroth Continent.'

His Byakugan activated as his sight took him in a Futuristic City

The Free Federations of the Scientific Citadel . Bastion of Humanity.

The next moment he switched his sight to another civilization:

The Magic Union of Klatos. Bastion of the Variant Humans.

"And Finally,"

Then he saw it and his Ki grew wild!

That Imperial city, bustling, prosper, like it depicted a world from a fairy tale.

Veins started appearing from his forehead.

This place is his Family's Ancient Imperial City. When he saw the bliss on everyone's face and remembered the pain of his people. A deep rage invaded his mind.

Killing intent started hovering in the Air as his hair started spiking up, his voice seething with Anger. :


'Your Great Saharan Clan betrayed my Vega imperial family and built your millenial empire over my Combrosian empire's ashes!! Taking over our old imperial capital, letting us survive like stray dogs on the continent.'

His Ki started shaking all the Ki Imperial Capital!


All the citizens were frightened by the outburst of power. But they wouldn't guess in their wildest delusions that their Emperor swore a much more horrifying Oath.

A declaration of absolute enmity with The Hegemon of the Continent!

In the Astaroth Continent there was a saying:

"Yasrib is the center of the world. And Saharian is the Empire of Heavens."

Even if the Federation prided themselves in their technology, they wouldn't dare compete with them in it. Even if the Anciant Races of The Magic Union of Klatos, rambled about the Wisdom of their Magic, they would immediately bow their head in shame in front of the Saharian geniuses!!

Actually, their fame came actually from the fact that they could even compete with them!

Marek looked again at the plans, he just received a thrilled expression on his face.

'Iceberg is indeed a genius'

'You may pride yourself in your Yasrib, but when I am done with my Imperial City, yours will look like a pile of Dogshit, 'Saharyan Emperor'.'

He slowly stood up, anger still in his soul:

'I need to calm down.'

Agares, Devil World

The bustling city, who was preparing to welcome the Popular Rating game, was getting noisier and noisier as several VIP started gathering. From Great Gods, to Rating Game Pro players to Eminent devils. One could say that Agares has attracted the attention of the Whole Word.

Atop of one of the Highest buildings of the City was standing a lean man, he had a dreamy look on as he contemplated the whole City.

He slowly took an ancient Violin from his robe and gently caressed it. He sighed deeply gathering the wild air in his Lungs.

He slowly started playing as the whole city heard a melodious sound.

Marek shut his eyes and slowly lost himself in his playing as the music depicted all the frustration in his heart. Her sound was tragic yet Happy, describing the bitterness of the past and hope for the future. One could hear the deep emotion of the person playing. Memories of different people came to his mind, he slowly kept reciting like a Mantra in his head:

'Let it go.'

Faces of each soldier he lost in the war resurfaced in his memories. The Regret of his past lives, the love he never saw blooming, the eagerness for more, the preparedness and determination for fighting for a better tomorrow.

He gradually lost himself in his memories and aspirations and continued to play as his dramatic violin continued to resound all over Agares.

Slowly one by one, the devils stopped their overworked lives and slowly looked up one by one in daze. The Man was gracefully playing without a care in the world.

Sadness yet happiness.

Sadness for how emotional the piece was.

Happiness for getting a chance to witness it.

The Emperor heart was on display and more and more kept coming in complete silence.

Like an Anciant Ritual, the whole Agares stopped working as more people started coming for the Magical Sound. His green robe dancing by the wind, his pained yet serene face against his violin. The Emperor was unreal and bewitching like a millennial old Mirage.

The magic continued to work for hours, yet everyone wanted more. Each time they heard it , they would get a different meaning. It was monotonous, yet everchanging.

Marek plunged in the deepest part of his subconscious as he wallowed in his own reverie.

Soon a lot of higher up heard of the weird situation in Agares.

The Gremory peerage who just came off the Press Conference heard of what is going and immediately decided to teleport to Agares.

They found Azazel already there, with a profound gaze on. Yet no one even spared him a glance. Everyone, especially the girls were already looking intensely at the Man playing the Violin. Rias deeply sighed:

"It's him again."

Akeno who was behind her also responded:

"Such a beautiful piece"

They could feel the sadness in the play. The bittersweetness of love, the tragedy of life. The maidens who experienced both love and tragedy, had their heart constricted. Asia was the first to tear up:


Issei had the same profound gaze Azazel had, as he knew more about the man's life than the others. Motohama and Matsuda had the same looks on their face. Awe and sadness:

"To think his majesty had suffered that much"

Asia was the first to tear up but the rest of the girls followed sooner after.

Slowly like a candle dimming out in the wind, the music became quieter and quieter until it ended and the Emperor disappeared in the wind like he was never there to begin with.

He didn't go far and didn't go fast; all the strongest people could already guess where he is.

This is why a certain person took immediately the chance to get to him.

This person had arrived at Agares in advance to be able to feel deeply the Athmosphere of an Important Rating Game. For in her eyes, there is nothing more important than the Rating Game. She was the Head of her house, so she didn't have the time to always attend, but this time the occasion was just too big for her to miss. It was then, that she heard this weird melody, that seem to come from nowhere!

It soothed her tired soul and made her feel a sense of sadness yet relief at being where she was. The responsibilities of a Family Head and a resolute competitor took a heavy toll on her, and more so, the big secret in her heart that could ruine her whole life. She knew that sooner or later, it will be revealed, yet it's precisely because of that, she wanted to have fun more than anyone. Like a blazing fire that would soon consume itself, she wanted to play again over and over.

She easily found its origin and was surprised at how you young he was. He wore oriental robes, with a deep green color, his spiked hair fluttering in the hair with his turban following him. He was not the handsome type; his face was actually pretty plain. But his pained expression gave him a mature charm that only came with men who experienced the vicissitude of life. She felt her heart skip a beat when she watched him move the violin like he was caressing a long-lost lover.

'Ara, what's happening to me, that's unusual.'

She said as she continued to follow the curious looking youth.

He continued to slowly march through the city as he admired the sight of Agares at night. His smiling expression made him childlish, like a little boy enjoying his beloved toys. The woman who was known for her interest in younger men, kept her eyes on him, a gorgeous smile on.

He kept going on for a little while before he stopped in a deserted place. He spoke teasingly:

"For how long do you plan to disturb my alone time, Belphegor Princess?"

Roygun Belphegor opened her eyes before finally calming herself:

-Oups! I've been found out. This embarrassing. You must think I am some weird woman.

-What I think only pertains to me. Now, speak your purpose, Belphegor Princess.

To be honest, he was extremely intrigued by her appearance here. When she followed he could see her beautiful figure after him. He has the Byakugan after all.

'She doesn't seem like the kind to get involved in politics.'

She laughed sheepishly as she appeared before him, thought wherever she was Marek could see her the same.

"Belphegor Princess…It's been a while since someone called me that. You know I am the Head of My House, don't you?"

'Is she going to completely skip over my question?'

He sighed deeply as he responded:

"Any noble woman who isn't married is a Princess, from where I come from."

-Oh! And where do you come from?

Marek lightly smiled:

"You don't expect me to keep answering your questions, without you answering mine, do you?"

Roygun pouted a little bit:

"You insist on embarrassing a Lady, don't you?

-What? What's that supposed to mean?"

She advanced, the sound of her heels rhythming her words, a sultry expression on her face. All her mature charm was on display.

-Fine, I followed you because I found you interesting. I thought it would be fun to see what you would do next.

Marek was completely taken aback by her reason, he started stuttering on the spot, as she got closer and closer to him. Seeing his childlish response, she giggled as she approached him. She put her hand on his chin as she exuded mature charm, like a succubus about to devour its prey:

"I also think you are cute."

He felt completely paralyzed on the spot as he cursed in his mind:

'Damn devils, what did she do to me!'

Both their eyes crossed paths, her beautiful yellow feline eyes and his star gem dark ones. They said at the same time:

""Such beautiful eyes""

The both of them blushed at the same time. As Roygun rosed face was complimented by her Cherry Blossom beautifully braided hair. She pouted again:

"See what you did, such a bully."

Marek only looked at her in daze incapable of thinking of a satisfactory answer.

'What the hell? How the hell am I in the wrong here?'

She then boldly took her hand as she announced:

"Let's go!"

His body instinctively started following after her:

"What?! Where?

-The most fun place, of course! Let's go watch a Rating Game!

-I don't particularly like…

-Hmph! What do you know? Only follow me!

He instinctively nodded and followed through cursing in his mind:

'Why am I even doing that? Dammit, those old habits of mine keep resurfacing! This all your fault Elder Sister Kosem!'

Tarek and Malé have always been weak to older women, Kosem's fault. Roygun had always a liking for younger males. For him she was simply unstoppable, he got more and more flustered the longer he was with her, and worst of all with his Byakugan he could see that 'others' were laughing behind his back.

'Dammit! Matsuda, Motohama, stop enjoying the show and get them out of here!!'

A little further a certain Fallen angel was literally rolling in the ground as he kept laughing. Rias Gremory and Her peerage were having all kind of faces. Ise was obviously a little envious but mostly surprised by how easily this beautiful woman handled this foe. Matsuda and Motohama only looked around pretending not to notice anything. Ise was the first to ask:

"Who was the beautiful onee-san?"

Kiba was the first to answer as he smiled uncomfortably:

"Remember when I told you about the top 3 in the Rating Game…

-No! Don't tell me…This is Roygun Belphegor? The Roygun Belphegor! The Second Ranked who is said to be as strong as a Maou!"

Ravel chimed in:

"Well, there were rumors going about her having a soft-spot for younger males. But we never actually saw her go out with anyone, so…"

Rias sighed:

"As expected of one of the Three Strong Beauties of the Underworld. For her to be able to handle That man that easily."

The laughter of Azazel was still going strong in the background. But Akeno had a different opinion:

"Ara, don't you think that it's his defenses that are too weak?"

Matsuda and Motohama were also trying hard to contain their laughter. Azazel finally stoped laughing:

"So weak!! She will eat him up and chew him down!"

He seemed to be having the time of his life.

Back at our weird couple. They were entering at a spacious room where they had a panoramic view on the Stadium. Roygun sat down in the luxurious sofa her legs crossed like a confidante like a diva, her beautiful horns adding to her elegance. She pointed at the seat near her:

"Don't be nervous, sit down and relax."

The Emperor was outraged in his mind:

'Who does she think I am? Some backwards bumpkin? Huh?!'

Yet he did as he was told.

She continued to look at him with prying eyes. He started to calm down, he sighed deeply as he spoke:

"Now what?

-Now, I wait.

-For the Rating Game?

-For you to have the decency to introduce yourself.

'What a scandalous woman! I didn't want to talk to you in the first place!'

He calmed his rage, for some reason and deeply sighed again:

"Marek Vega. My name is Marek Vega. I came from outside."

She tapped her index against her beautiful lips as she smiled:

"So you know everything about me, and I only know what you tell me, isn't that right?"

He smiled pridefully:

-That's how it goes for everyone.

She smiled with a teasing smile:

-Big words for such young boy.

This time he had enough! He was ready to explode:

"Woman, do you k-!"

But before he continued, she casually put her hand on his mouth:

"Shh! It starting!"

Her face brightened up like a flower blooming in the sun. A big smile was adorned on her air, like she looked at the greatest thing in the world. Marek focused on the coming competitors.

"This is Rudiger Rosenkreutz! He is extremely smart, his tactics are tough to deal with too, and…"

She started rambling about each competitor, sparkles in her big yellowish eyes, like a happy lion cub. Marek only listened to her, stumped by her passion. He nodded here and there to express his understanding as she continued to talk not noticing that he didn't have the chance to place in a single word. And slowly as he continued to listen to her, she continued to sparkle in her element showcasing her expertise. Marek as a higher Martial Artist could have multitude of opinions that could outclass hers, yet he kept that to himself. He only listened to her reacting to the game. All of a sudden, she stopped talking as she pouted:

"Why are you smiling like that?"

He reacted immediately surprised at the question, before realization downed on him:

"Indeed…I was smiling, wasn't I?"

She smiled too:

"What's that supposed to mean?"

His expression changed into a mean one:

"It means you are wrong! Let me tell you…"

He started analyzing each aspect of the game as they debated endlessly until endgame. They started touring Agares at night time.

"So you are more than a cute face."

She said with a teasing tone and a bewitching face. Marek who somehow became weaker and weaker to her teasing had a red face:

"Have some shame, woman. Geez, devils are way too much.

-Oh! So you are not a devil."

She said in a half-surprised tone.

"Don't try to act in front of me. You already knew that!"

Suddenly she had a cheeky expression on her face as she suddenly locked his arm with his, she spoke in a sultry tone in his ears:

"Something else I should know?"

He felt chills in his whole body before coughing off twice and responding :

"You will know it in time. I promise."

She immediately pouted as she pinched his side:

"What a jerk! At least tell me the secret of your doubled voice!"

He laughed:

"-Oh! That! Sometimes I even forget how I sound like."

He sighed deeply as he enjoyed the breeze against his face:

"That's actually because I am a fusion of two people.

-A fusion?

-Yes, I am them and they are me. I am the crystallization of two miserable souls who could only find peace in their own demise but were given a second chance. I am this second chance."

'This is…'

Roygun's heart skipped a beat.

'The same face he had when he was playing.'

"Yet, I am proud of each two of them, for each failure they felt, each problem they face, each despair they endured. For me, those two are the greatest. This is why I will not let the down."

As she looked at him, she continued to feel a tingling on her chest and couldn't help but retort:

"Ara, ara…This young and so manly…What should I do?"

He immediately lost his composure again:

"Dammit Women! Be serious just for one minute, Please!"

She wanted to answer but only kept the words in her heart:

'Oh I am getting serious, I am getting more and more serious by the moment.'

Roygun was thinking about him, she didn't know the young Emperor was also thinking of her too. Since he got his new eyes, Marek got better at reading people emotions without even using the Human path. He saw the great love she held for the Rating Game, pertaining even to a reason of existence for her. But he noticed the deep fear hidden in her eyes, the guilt too. Of course, he does know why.

'The King Piece, huh…'

His face got instantly serious, Roygun who noticed the change in his expression had a bad hunch in her heart:

"The reality about the Rating Games."

The bad feeling in her heart grew bigger and bigger:

"It will sooner or later be exposed."

The moment the words were spoken, she stood still, guilt hovering over her face:

"So, you knew."

He pinched her nose as he said:

"There isn't a thing in the world I don't know."

She readied herself and asked while dreading the response:

"And what do you think about it?"

Marek laughed cheerfully when he saw how cute she was being:

"Stupid Lass. And why would my opinion or anyone else's matter? You had your fun, didn't you?"

Her eyes regained their luster as she responded:

"Yes, it was super fun!"

He continued to laugh as he lightly patted her head:

"Only remember to ask for my help, okay? If the children are being naughty, it's the grown-ups role to clean their mess."

Her face became crimson as she looked down and said angrily:

"What? You know I am way older than you right?

-It's the etiquette of a man to assume that a maiden is younger than him.

"-What? Such a stupid rule!"

She stomped her feet as she yelled angrily. When she raised her head, she saw the Emperor looking at her with a warm and affectionate gaze before he said: josei

"Goodbye, Belphegor Princess. We will meet again. I hope you have made your choice by then."

He then magically disappeared without a trace


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