Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 29


Something like GOD himself.'

Serafall was terrified that her sister offended such a foe. She might lose her anytime! Sirzechs realized how he nearly send his own wife to death. Seeing the absolute silence, he nodded:

"Good, good. Sooo…Do we have a deal? Yes or No?"

Sirzechs deeply sighed before speaking:

"Your demands aren't much. But we ask you for a gesture before proceeding.

-Oh so you want a down payment. Okay, that seems honest. But you know, one I open my mouth….Ther will be no backtracking.

The Maous and the fallen Angels and the Angels looked at each other. Before they nodded one after another. A malicious smile appeared on his lips. Roygun Belphegor who saw how the negotiations evolved wondered in his mind:

'So he knew they were going to ask him to reveal some information first!'

Marek smiled lightly :

"Since it's the devils that are going to be in charge of the Construction. It's only fair that the information about them that it is revealed."

Every one was suspended on his tongue as he said:

"The Real Mastermind in the Khaos Brigade is actually a well-hidden Devil."

Vali had wide eyes, because even him didn't know that information. Sizechs had an ominous feeling in his heart. Azazel too, as he faced the Gaze of the Emperor:

"He is actually a Big FAN of your Vali."

The Ominous presentiment only grew, as rage could be growing inside Vali.

"He is of the ones called…What was that again?! Ultra, Mega….

-Super Devil!

Sirzechs who already guessed the identity responded. Marek immediately responded:

"Ding! Ding! Ding! Jackpot! Red Bat!"

Azazel gritted his teeth:

"Rivezim Lucifer!!"

Serafall had a solemn expression:

"It is much serious than we tough, if he is involved."

"Second information and last one: Diheuser Belial is on the verge of betraying the Underworld."


Even Roygun Belphegor cried in surprise! The Emperor was having the fun of his life as he kept teasing everyone:

"It is related to the death of Cleria Belial. Because you didn't your job well, Mister Bat!!"

"Her death was orchestrated by the Great King Faction. Because of your rigged game."

Ajuka immediately understood as he mumbled:

"So it was true. The King Piece was with them.

-Yes! Yes! Yes! Green Bat!!

-Who did use them?

Someone asked, but everyone knew…If something as powerful as the King Piece was used in the Rating Game. There isn't a hundred people who could have used it!

-What are Rivezim's plan's?!

Vali raged, blowing his cover.

-Sorry but you can't have more information until I get my cities.

He slowly stood up.

"But know one thing."

He bombed his chest as he looked at the Satans, as the tension has reached it's Apex:

"Sizechs, Ajuka, Serafall."

"Roygun Belphegor is now a citizen and Ambassador of My Empire and a Citizen of the Underworld. So I expect her to be treated as such."

Everyone understood the underlying meaning of such sentence:

'Yes, Roygun is guilty but so what? Can you touch her?!'

Roygun had heart racing as she saw the young men stand up to the ultimate existence of the Underworld for her. As she felt a heavy weight of her heart.

But sadly, nothing goes according to plans.

""Absolutely not""

The Emperor has his eyes white with surprise as he was about to leave. Azazel felt his heart constrict as he looked pleadingly to the Satans, without avail. Marek slowly turned his head :

"What did you say?!"

Feeling the deep rage in that question, Sirzechs still didn't waver:

"The Rating Game is Sacred to the devils. If she is involved, she will have to pay the price as a devil."


Ajuka assisted:

"We can't allow people ruining the Rating Game it is the backbone of our society."


"If equality isn't assured then all of our work would be for naught."


He kept responding with this sound as he stared blankly in the air. Roygun and Azazel had an ominous impression as they prayed for the two to stop!! Michael was getting ready.

"Oh! I see. Rules, Society and Tradition and whatnot…I understand your point of view. Satans."

The words sounded complacent, yet no one tough it was the end of it.

"So it's okay for you to deprive MY PEOPLE of the things they hold dear, because they committed a crime in your eyes. I see."

He totally turned around as he faced him completely:

"In this case, consider this."

"You've had the BALLS to summon me in front of all other your ant friends. You've shown me the filthy face of you whorish wife! "

A glint of rage could be seen in Lucifer at the mention of his wife but he still controlled himself. But Marek was nearly done.

"Guess what? The place I came from…

He stomped the ground as the whole Underworld started shaking.

First stomp:


Second Stomp


Third Stomp



Everyone was ready for combat, but realized how meaningless this was as they were using all their power to even stay standing.

"So, tell me My Lucifer. What should I do in this case? SHOULD I ALSO TAKE A THING YOU HOLD DEAR?!"

He continued to advance to him:

"That wife you seem so proud off, I could throw her as fucktoy for my men!"

"SIRZECHS!!!" Cried uselessly Azazel!

Power of destruction started to emerge from him:

"That child you seem to hold so much hope for, I could bleed HIM like a pathetic sheep."

A tinge of red started hovering Lucifer as he became the incarnation of the Power of Destruction itself. His Peerage started appearing one by one by his side.

"Marek!! Stop!! If it's for me…!!"

She stopped as she realized her voice didn't even reach him. Matsuda got in her way and Motohama said:

"With all my respect, Belphegor Princess. Although I don't doubt the affection, his majesty has for you. This conflict is no longer about you."

Her eyes widened, Motohama lightly touched his googles before contiuing

"Since the beginning…For his Majesty, he is already doing a big favor for the devils by even striking a deal as equals with the Maous, who he sees as beneath him. And an extremely disadvantageous deal, at it too."

Matsuda sighed lightly moving his cap:

"I don't know, if it his affection for Ise, or his respect for the devils craft again. But, he never wanted to use force or threat to obtain what he wanted. Which would spare him a precious time, for rebuilding his war-torn Empire.

-He accepted disrespect after another and made a cheap deal, for peace and harmony.

-Yet, when he announced that a Citizen of his Empire should be protected as his Ambassador. He was immediately denied.

Roygun looked down as she knew this has already bypassed what she could demand from him.

"In conclusion, this no longer about you. But about the Satans NOT knowing their place! AND DIRESPECTING THE EMPIRE AND IT'S CITIZEN!!"

Matsuda has Ki all over him as a vicious expression appeared on his face.

Ajuka was getting ready too, as Magic Circles Formula started appearing around him.

"Or the Sister you dote on so much. SHE COULD-"

But before he could finish Lucifer attacked him! Ajuka has immediately gone full power too! The Emperor was already so deep in his rage that he has gone with much more power than usual!

The force of his attack immediately shattered the Whole Agares Forteress as it's started Falling Apart! Alerting all the people inside!!

All the other didn't even have the time to react, that the first fire was already there. They barely escaped with their lives. All the VIP looked at the disaster of a City, that got obliterated with one confrontation!

The Peerage of Lucifer, The People form Heaven, The Fallen Angels, The Gods from the Greek and Nordic Pantheon!

They all flew up waiting for their silhouette to emerge. Suddenly an extremely familiar doubled voice resounded, as a bulky silhouette appeared behind the cloud of dust:

"You people back here seem to like Chants, so here is one for you."( Look for the lyrics of Broly's Rage OST)

He made the first step as the already broken Agaraes crumbled more:


The clouds of dust started to disappear as one could see a bare muscular torse. His robe was completely shattered.


Long threads of blood could see here and there all over his body, even up to his neck.


He still marched steadily but the dust kept disappearing suggesting that he was carrying one objects in each hand.


A breeze suddenly blew as everyone could see clearly the Malevolent Face of Monarch covered with Blood, like he just had the most delicious feast.


The wind continued to blow as it unveiled everything! Grayfia immediately dropped on the spot, her eyes hollow like the void. Serafall had her hand over her mouth, as she started sobbing.

Azazel, Matsuda and Motohama looking at this scene remembered the first time this man fully introduced himself to them:



On his right arm intertwined with his finger were long strands of Crimson Hair suspending the dead Head of their LUCIFER!!!

On his left arm, green hair suspending the Head of their BEELZEBUB!!!

He then slowly flew in the air as he spread his arms, his vicious grin on, his wild tail on display. Like an unstoppable calamity he continued his chant:


Michael was tightly gripping his hands to stop himself from attacking. Irina had tears all over her face:


Dulio and Griselda had horrified faces, Vali looked darkly at the man:

'How did we get there?'



Horrified wails could be heard as demonic energies came from the Healing Rooms. The exhausted Gremory Peerage arrived just in time for the Final. Rias wailed in horror seeing the horrific scene of her invincible brother head hanging. Ise was still bewildered, absolutely incapable of processing the Information.

One after another Peerages arrived. Those of Seekveira Agares, of Souna Sitri, of Sairaorg Bael.

Souna was terrified from the bottom of her heart as she kept searching for her sister.

For the first time ever, the devils were actually in HELL.

Under everyone's terrified eyes he brought his arms in front of him, showcasing him to all present here, and dropping their head with his last verse:


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