Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 41

Chapter 41: Yoruichi Shihouin

Bleach, Human Realm, Karakura Town.

A man standing leisurely in the air observing all the weirdness of this little city.

'This mystical energy is it 'Soul energy'? The Nen already proved to be useful, I think Reiatsu should be learned too. But I didn't come for that, did I ?'

His KI concentrated on his eyes as his vision continued to expand.

'How fascinating…One actual universe and, hovering around him, two created pocket Galactic sized dimensions…Soul Society and the Heuco Mundo.'

He retracted his gaze as he slowly descended quite near the Urahara Shop. He was detected by already all the parties. His spiked hair, his noble and prideful demeanor like he was from the Kuchiki clan gave him an imposing aura. He nodded to Tessai and the employees before entering. He found two people goofing around at the store. One orange headed tall teenager and another dark haired cute girl.

He slowly marched his foreign robes making him even more conspicuous. By the side he snickered as he noticed a black cat, looking at him intently.

He stopped before the orange headed teenager, a friendly smile on:

"Hello. May I ask where is Keisuke Urahara?"

Ichigo was a little taken a back by his manners, but the noble educated Rukia immediately responded with a suspicious gaze:

"He is not here at the moment.

-Oh? That's such a shame. And I had such a good business proposition for him."

Rukia still very intrigued probed:

"Would you want me to leave him a message? I come here day practically every day.

-Oooh! That's so nice of you! Actually, it's about his cat. I would like to borrow it! Ten days tops! Since I saw it I can't take my eyes of it, it looks so cute and so spoiled! I could pay him a lot you know! I am quite wealthy! Hmph! Hmph!

As he continued to talk everyone had a weirder and weirder face.

'From all THE CATS in the world! This THE ONE you want to borrow?!'

Yoruichi had slight smile on her cat face. Rukia still continued to probe:

"If I may ask, why would you want this cat in particular?"

Suddenly a serious expression appeared on the Emperor's face . Everyone immediately tensed up:

"Well, because it looks stylish and super cute. Why wouldn't I want it?"

Yoruichi who loved her cat form more than anything in the world had already a soft-spot for the young man:

'Indeed, my cat form is the best!'

The cat suddenly purred and leaned against his ankle. Ichigo who still thought Yoruichi was a dude had a difficult face. Marek immediately took it in his arms, lightly patted it and then as he let it go. His face immediately displayed a much darker smile:

"Urahara-san, it's time to come out now. I gave you enough time to try to understand 'what' I am. If you didn't get it by now, you never will."

Rukia and Ichigo faces immediately turned solemn. As Urahara with a helpless expression appeared:

"Arara~ I have been busted. Or I was never actually hidden from you, was I? Do me a favor, please~ Tell me how far those of eyes yours can actually see~ ?

Marek smiled lighty:

'"If I told you, you won't believe it.

-Try me."

He smirked his dark eyes shining like black gems:

"I can actually see Aizen and Gin looking at us right know through a Screen."

Yoruichi had all her playful mood ruined. Ichigo was curious as he saw everyone's reaction. Rukia had a blank face:

"Captain Aizen and Captain Ichimaru…Impossible"

Ignoring the surprise of everyone he continued to speak:

"I can actually read their lips. Aizen said that I looked pretty interesting. Gin already noticed the weirdness in my eyes. Captain Kyoraku is still taking shit from his Lieutenant, Captain Ukitake coffed five times in a row, Captain Kenpachi is bored…Oh There is some pretty interesting things going on in the Hueco Mundo too…"

Everyone had their heart pounding as they felt how mysterious this person is. Urahara still had a laid-back face but one could see the awe deep in his eyes. He lightly patted his hat as he said:

"So, Mister, how could the Urahara Shop serve you?

Marek slowly sat down:

"We should get down to business, shall we?!"

Urahara made a signal for the others to leave.

"So what do you want?

Marek sipped the served tea:

"I already told you, didn't I? I want to borrow your cat."

Urahara's eyes narrowed as he looked at the confused black cat. Marek continued:

"Or the old Captain of the Omnitsukido, Yoruichi Shihouin."

He suddenly heard the cat talking:

"Oh~ You seem to be the kind of man who will not take no for an answer~."

He nodded slightly:

"I am a pretty stuborn guy as you said. But I would still like to avoid conflict. So let's get into the details fir-!"

The cat suddenly got into his lap and then… Transformed into a beautiful naked woman!!

The Emperor immediately shut his eyes as he became as red as a tomato:

"Dammit! What is wrong with you!! Woman!!"

"Oh? I forgot to put on clothes! Oh my~ He is so red!"

"I haven't even seen my own wives naked! Now I will have to explain to her this! Do you know how much work that would take me!? Get off my lap!!"

Yoruichi enjoyed his pleadings:

"Oh my~ His wives are riding him quite hard~!"

Urahara only laughed charmingly as he found the situation hilarious, but inwardly surprised by how safe she felt around this young man.

'For her to be this bold from the get go~….That may be interesting~ Well, he looks young, he got a noble charm and he complimented her cat form~ So he may check some boxes…'

"So shameless!"

She immediately wore her clothes. As she sat on the side one her hand on her temple, a playful smile on her face as she looked at the Emperor who regained his bearing:

"And why would you be 'borrowing' me? Want me to kill someone for you?"

Immediately laughed hard as if he heard the most ridiculous thing in the world. Urahara immediately held his breath as he saw how pissed off Yoruichi got!

'Oh, oh…Bad move~'

"What are you laughing about…You little bastard…"

Marek laughed harder, like he was about to roll out on the floor. Suddenly Urahara eyes widened looking at Yoruichi, he put his fan in front of his mouth:

"Oh my~"

Yoruichi sensed something was amiss… Marek raised his hand joyfully playing with her hair band with his index. josei

She suddenly noticed that she had lost her ponytail!

He took her headband without her even noticing it!!!

She got immediately embarrassed as she kept hearing his laughter.

It was her 'thing' after all to tease others with her speed! She immediately used her Shunpo to take her band only to found that he has disappeared from that spot. Behind her she heard his lively double voice, as his mouth was next her ear:

"Oy,oy Yoruichi-san being a cute cat shouldn't make you this rusty now, should it? "

In her anger and embarrassement, she immediately used her Shunko! Turning around at top speed.

"Huh? Me?! Rusty! Little-!"

He compelety disappeared again.

They heard a distant voice on top of a building outside of the store:

"Oy! Little cat! I am here! What are you taking so much time for? Are you trying to kill with boredom?"

Yoruichi immediately glared at Urahara:

"Urahara you stay here! I will bring him back by his ass! I swear on my Shihouin Clan!!"

Urahara eyes widened:

'Oh my~ I have never saw her so pissed off even in the Soul Society. She even swore on her clan, she never even brings it up! '

Marek stood up a naughty smile on his face as he played with her hair band:

'What a cute little cat. I knew I wouldn't be able to resist teasing her!'

He finally saw Yoruichi appear in front of him:

"Well, well…If it isn't the Legendary 'Flash Goddess' herself finally showing up!"

Each word he said got on her nerve. She never taught she could see someone than much faster her so it made it even more unbearable!!

She moved again at optimum speed with her best Shunpo!

She suddenly felt a hand on her head, she looked up only to find him taking a hand stand on top of her, he looked at Urahara with a teasing smile:

"You know what Urahara? Maybe I don't need your cute cat after all! Do you stuff her with that much food? I am quite wealthy, but even I have a limit after all"

Urahara couldn't hold back immediately exploded in laughter. One could practically see Yoruichi's veins popping:

"Urahara!! Why are you laughing!? I only ever drink milk!!"

Marek who was now in front of her had a disappointed expression:

"So that's your top speed, huh…That's disappointing…Is the whole Soul Society a turtle gathering?"

She continued to go after him, but without avail. Urahara who kept analyzing said :

"Oy, oy…He keeps getting faster by the second. He didn't even begin to reach his limit. What a monster!"

He then looked at the struggling Yoruichi:

"To think there would come day I will see the 'Yoruichi Shihouin' herself getting bullied. I guess she gets what's coming to her."

Marek continued teasing her until his sadistic Saiyan side completely took over:

"You know, I still have to get back at you. For your little play earlier~"

He disappeared and reappeared a little white sleeve in his hands:

"Since you like getting naked that much~ Let's make a game out of it. Each time you fail, I will rip a piece of your clothing"

Yoruichi looked as her sleeveless shirt:

"You pent up perv!!"

Marek was immediately triggered:

"AND I get called that by a NUDIST like you!!! This is the biggest joke ever!"

Yoruichi used all reiatsu even lightly surpassing her own limits!


"Fail, right sleeve"

"Failure, torso"

"Failure right molee"

"Failure, left molee"

"Failure, left tight

Failure, right tight"

Marek who only wanted to tease a little was taken aback, because she absolutely wasn't backing down!

"Oy! Stop! If we continue you will actually get naked!!"

Yoruichi smiled fearlessly:

"You want to stop that…Let me get to you!!


-So let's continue-!

He suddenly appeared in front of her and patted her head:

-No. It's over. You win, little kitty.

Her face was a little flustered but still teasing smile on her face:

"Trying to brush it off like that!! Only because you lack the guts to go throught with what you said"

Marek smiled slightly:

"You could say it like that. I may be a little evil-minded but I have my principles too. I would never strip a woman naked just 'to win'."

He turned around as he slowly descended to Urahara's shop. Yoruichi had a naughty smile as she saw his defensless back-

"Yoruichi-san, don't forget I have 360 degree vision, plan your ambush more thoroughly. And also get new clothes, we should get back to business."

She lightly pouted:

"What condescending jerk! Already ordering me around!"

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