Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 62

Chapter 62: Super Saiyan

The Emperor was sitting, by his sides his most loyal retainers, his Empresses, he sighed as he played the tape.

The first news was that of the impending arrival of the Fifth Sentence.

The members of the Brotherhood all smirked viciously at their confident bravado, like looking at a sheep making her way to the slaughterhouse. They weren't politicians after all, they only knew 'her' as prey, ready to be killed.

Marek smiled, the same way he smiled when he is enraged:

"It seems that the filth of Saharan has been eyeing us since the beginning. No matter how shiny, how powerful, traitorous trash will always stay traitorous trash."

Marek narrowed his eyes when he saw how the Council made the decision to kill her before she arrives here, just on account of him declaring war in anger. He looked over at his Empresses:

"Aren't they a bit too harsh? I would only declare war when my country is ready!"

Shahrazad smiled lightly:

"Your majesty…Just who are you trying to trick with those words? You would have declared war, gone in it alone, destroyed everything and came back. Just so you wouldn't implicate your people." josei

Roygun also giggled, winking at Shahrazad:

"You would have totally have done that, dear. Guilt is already written all over your face."

He sighed, calming his storming anger. They were about to make a decision when he heard a familiar voice. A voice he didn't hear for a long time:

"I, Prince Linaella Vega, overrule that decision!"

All the Higher-ups of the Brotherhood all were surprised and intrigued by this intervention.

Shahrazad clenched her fists in frustration. Eivor, the one closest to Shahrazad noticed it immediately, she turned her eyes to observe the Emperor.

Marek's eyes were lightly shut, his face had already a tinge of sadness in it. Looking at the forever radiant Emperor in her heart, having this kind of face, she felt her heart constricted.

But, sadly, this was only the beginning. The recording as Linaella kept revealing secret after another.

Shahrazad's whole face was distorted in anger, Roygun had her hand over her mouth, casting a worried look over at Marek. By this time, she heard all the childhood memories of the Imperial Family by Shahrazad or Marek. She knows what Linaella Vega means to 'him'.

The members of the Zoldyck Family still had their emotions under control, but one could see thick killing intent, in their eyes. They had genuine loyalty and admiration for this Ruler. Hell, even Illumi was mad.

But, it was only partially because of the content of the tape.

The principal reason was the reaction of The Emperor. Knowing him for so many years, they would accept storming anger, they would accept a mocking laugh, hell, they would even accept him dismissing her and treating her as a crazy person.

But, the Emperor didn't do any of that. He was silent. Silent like he never was. His deep black eyes were looking down, one hand was on his chest, deeply clenching it.

Feeling as if someone was trying to rip his heart out. His mouth squeezing out a smile, that seemed, although he was smiling through hardship. The Invincible Legendary Super Saiyan was nowhere to be seen.

For the first time, the 'Named ones' saw their Great Monarch in a state of weakness. A state of melancholiac weakness.

The four who held the deepest affection, and the most violent protective love for the Emperor didn't even notice their new yellow-golden hair and green eyes in their rage. Two of them only silently turned around, fists clenched, deep Saiyan rage in their green eyes. They flew directly in the direction of the Portal!!! Killing intent extremely evident on their faces!!!

As they were getting closer, two other golden auras cut their way!

"Ezio! Get out of my way…Whatever you are going to say next, will only make things worst!"

The female voice, containing indomitable anger, her elegant face transformed into that of that of a golden raging goddess!

"Kassandra, whatever happens to 'that woman' is not something we are entitled to decide!"

Her yellow colored Ki only got more riled up:

"GET OUT!!!"

On the other side. The other Super Saiyan's face was calm, yet silent rage could be seen coming for each one of his worlds:

"Eivor, I really don't want to hurt you…"

Eivor smirked, extending her arm:

"And why do you think you have the capacity to do that?"

A 10 feet long golden axe appeared on her hand!! Her already blond hair was now like fountain of gold as she wielded the enormous like it weighted air!

" I am the only one you could never beat, after all!!"

The golden-haired Altair, immediately engaged, Eivor retaliated!! The hidden Blades of Altair repelled, Eivor as she was obliterated to oblivion!!

Yet the next moment, Bloodied, she stood up a maniacal smile on her face, engaging again!!!

But this fight was 'still' one where both parties could hold back.

Kassandra was in her rage genuinely trying to kill Ezio!!!

Ezio could still deal with her, as they disappeared and reappeared in the white tapestry of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Their base power was already close to the SSJ1 level, now with the power of the transformation, their power where already dangerously approaching the SSJ2 level!!

"Ezio! Get out of my way! I swear I will END YOU!!"

Ezio sighed:

'She was never the sane type when triggered, but this transformation….'

'It makes the insane even more insane, the prideful even more prideful. It's really brings up the bad side of people!!'

He kept dodging by a millimetre each of her dagger trusts:

'Dammit, she's going for my throat and heart!'

"Kasandra! This Will only hurt his Majesty even more!!"

Her Ki kept spiking up!!!

"Whether or not, it will hurt him we will only see that after I am done with her!!!"

Ezio kept defending:

"Damn it!! You only listen to yourself!! We are all mad! This doesn't mean we have to act like savages!!"

Yet Kassandra continued her unrelenting assault!

"For him…To make a face, like that!!!"

Her elegant face distorted made her look like an evil witch!

"My Sweet Emperor! For someone to make him look like that!! Hughh!"

Her KI spiked up again, overpowering Ezio:


On the other side:

The two both kept flickering Altair with his hidden blade and Eivor with her Great Axe!!

Altair who has been on the winning side, felt the tide reverse little by little.

He grazed his teeth. If he had to pick up an adversary, he wouldn't want to face the most…He would probably choose her.

'It's 'that ability' again. With it when she became Saiyan she was already unstoppable'

Eivor's Nen Ability: 'Berserkir'.

Has two sub-abilities:

Starving Berserker: The more damage the user receives, the stronger the user gets.

Drunk Berserker: The more damage the user inflicts, the faster the user heals.

Only when using her axe does, Eivor activate her Berserker State. This ability in itself is already heaven Defying…Now combine it with the Saiyan Bloodline. Altair fights, Eivor who is getting a Zenkai Boost every time she lands a hit on him. The longer the fights goes the stronger she gets!

The woman gets stronger if she injures you and also gets stronger if you injure her. Fighting her is a nightmare for a an assassin, who has great attack and low defense.

Marek always praised:

"In the same realm, Eivor is invincible!! If you give her enough time she could even come after me!!"

Altair who knew they were getting in a stand still finally engaged in a conversation:

"Eivor, why are you even doing that? You are even using 'Berserkir', you are even more pissed off than me."

Insanity in her battle driven eyes she snickered:

"Of course, I am!!"

The monstrous Golden Axe blasted him off!!

Altair landed on his feet, as he had a helpless look on his face. Her Berserker frenzy still on, she continued to talk with what resembled a noble voice:

"She treated his majesty's kindness. The kindness that made us who we are, as an evil curse! She kept insulting every single thing I trained for!"

She skillfully turned around her axe, as her golden hair fluttered,

"Sorry, Altair, I need you here."

Her Ki getting greater and greater fusing with her savage yet authoritarian bearing:

"Because if I don't kick something"

The portrait gave her the mighty grace of a Wrathful Asgardian Goddess:

"I am really going to KILL HER!!!"

Altai clicked his tongue:

'Tsk, such a troublesome woman….'

As hell was loose, outside. The Emperor was still in daze, as memories kept getting replayed in his mind. His two Empresses by his side in complete silence.

He sighed, melancholy still plastered all over his face:

"I need to be alone. Silva, Zeno, Killua go handle the mess that is happening outside. Tell Kassandra to calm down, and that I am fine."

The members of the Zoldyck family all disappeared immediately. Shahrazad and Roygun were about to speak, but a slight smile stopped them:

"I know what the both of you are going to say. But I assure you, I am not as nearly as shaken as you think."

"I already made my decision, concerning her."

"You two need to get back, in the Empire. The Imperial Council needs Imperial Presence."

"I will come back in a year. Tell Linaealla the she is summoned in the Imperial Hall tomorrow."

He smiled slightly:

"If cards on the table is what she is going for. Then let's give her just that. I will make my decisions known to you by then."

Shahrazad and Roygun, knew the tone of the Emperor when the words he said was irrevocable. So they only nodded and left in the direction of the Imperial City.

Left alone, the Emperor washed his face in the bathroom and as he passed his hand over every ounce of his face. His saddened face slowly distorted a malicious expression appearing on him:

"Lina, oh my sweet Lina…"

"…So there was an organization behind you..."

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