Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 74

Chapter 74: Fourth Mizukage.

The Third Mizukage breathed deeply at her provocative words before he made the order:


The woman only smiled lightly as her Ice Soldiers also engaged.

She continued to advance as the snow carried away the cries of despair and wails of pain.

Yet weirdly, the Ice Soldiers only stopped at injuries.

But even with that kind of disadvantage the genin and the chunin couldn't face them.

A unit of three or Four Jonin could take one on.

Two Elite Jonin could defeat one.

Quasi-Kage Shinobi could take on even two at a time.

But to win they would need to be in a one to one situation.

Yet, against an army of 10000 of those Soldiers, how much Quasi-Kage level Shinobi could Kiri spare ?

How much Elite Jonin level ? How much Jonin level?

All that lived froze.

The humid air of the Water country was perfect for her.

Here, she was unstoppable!

'Tic, Toc, Tic, Toc'

Her beautiful silhouette was moving with an unmistakable grace.

The heads of all the greatest clans attacked her!

"Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique!"

A gigantic Water Dragon Head!

"Shikyomatsu: Dance of the Seedling Fern!"

A forest of bones started piercing the ground around her!

"Hyoton: Ice Prison technique!"

She laughed, excitement all over her face:

"Good!! Good!! This is how war should be !!! "

Looking at the bloodlust in the Kaguya clan and Yuki clan eyes, she laughed out loud like a child:

"What a beautiful world!"


Her laugh turned into a disdainful smirk:

"This still too weak!!! Too weak!! Mist Village!!!"

And as she spoke ice started appearing on her fingertip as it grew, It engulfed everything!!

The Water dragon turned into an ice one and immediately changed targets.

The bone forested slowly frosted turning into ice ash!

The Ice Prison was easily broken!

She then attacked as the Four People engaged in a deadly melee!!

The Four most bloodthirsty, and war hungry people in Kiri at the time were at each other throats as the Blue haired woman handled the three of them with ease!!

The Kaguya clan head danced with every bone with his body, yet the woman was so absurdly powerful, so incrediblyskillful. That in every move, he would find himself outclassed! Every powerful strike, had a more powerful riposte. Every beautiful dance, was two or three steps late!

The Hoshigaki clan head with his enormous chakra reserves, unleashed oceans of water, sharks jutsus, only to be frozen again and again by her simple touch.

'What a freak?! Is that some sort of Kekkai Genkai?'

The Yuki even stopped fighting in deep contemplation. He never saw such a mastery of the ice element since he was born.

'A genius! No! A monster!'

The woman didn't even seem to control ice. No it was like the element himself was bowing down to her! Imploring her to use it!!

She played with it like it was a matter of fact!

The Three of them like they weren't fighting but a natural disaster! Like they were fighting the blizzard themselves!

Like simple men at the mercy of the wild, cruel nature!

A little further!

The Mizukage had an enraged face:

"She is toying with them…"

"If she had any intention to kill any of them, they would be long dead!"

"Those bloodthirsty bastards!"

Behind him were seven silhouettes, each one with a distinguished sword at it's hand.

"Go…I want her head."

"Even if you have to sacrifice one of them! "

The Seven silhouettes disappeared and immediately encircled the battle.

The woman laughed a sadist smile on her beautiful frosty face, interest in her cold blue piercing eyes:

"Swordsmen! Interesting"

She took a long rapier from her side as she repulsed the other three.

Appearing in front each head clans and injuring them in the process! Like what she could have done centuries ago!!

Levitating in the air, her boot on an ice platform, she looked down on the seven others:

"Don't disappoint me!"

Each one of the seven had a different reaction.

Some were excited when they saw her weird sword.

Some were entranced by her pose.

Some were enraged by her gal.

Some were solemn as they prepared for the worst.

Yet. No one was backing down! josei

A new melee unfolded.

As everyone could see to their disbelieve that her kenjutsu alone could keep at bay the Seven of Them!!

Her smile only grew larger as her first strike completely cut Kubikirbocho in half!

Her speed could outclass the lightening covered Kiba's user!

As her sharp lightening charged cutting sword clashed with her ice rapier!!

Wounds started appearing all over the Kiba user!!

Before the blue-eyed woman started avoiding the thin needles of the Nuibari user, saving her comrade.

She faced the masked user of the nuibari praising:

"Good swordsmanship! Good!!"

She licked the blood of the needle wound on her cheek before engaging again.

This time she entered a power contest with the combination of the Samehada user and the Kabutori user!

The Samehada user could feel the growing fear in Samehada as the battle continued!

Samehada couldn't even guess where her power was from!

The Woman had no Chakara! At all!

Samehada was completly ineffective on her.

The Kabutori was slowly breaking down under the powerful assault of the woman!!

"Stronger! Faster! Fight for your life!"

"""Such a monster!!"""

Said the remaining members as they all charged in the same time !!

But neither the Power of Himarakerei nor the Skillful needles of Nuibari and even less the obvious explosions of Shibuki were effective!

The woman was even getting bored!

"Skillful Swordsmanship but…not nearly enough!"

She said as she got even faster, her blade sharper, her attacks more powerful, and her ice ardent!!

An epic melee unfolded! As Water , thunder and the fire of explosion danced with the deadly ice!!

The sound of the clashing swords attracted the whole elite of Kirigakure.

Her majestic Kenjutsu!

Her Domineering bearing! Her bloodthirsty smile!

Her Overpowered ice!

There isn't a thing that the mist Ninja couldn't admire!!

It was like she was a long-lost Mist Shinobi!

Skillfully dodging some attack, powerfully slashing through some others!

She had a mix of heaven defying skill and absurd power that only seemed to escalate with time.

There isn't a single shinobi in Kiri that thought this person was going to lose.

Even when more people joined the melee. She was just that good.

Her laugh continued to grow!

"What a great place! His Majesty is right! This place is perfect for me!!"

The woman laughed in the face of life and death like the both were meaningless in her eyes!

The war driven Kaguya, Yuki and Hoshigaki clans began even to develop a deep admiration for her!

The elemental face-off slowly broke apart! As Ice ate away all other elements.

When everything looked clearer.

The Mizukage in the Mist, and the Kazekage in the Wind watched the legendary Seven Swordsmen of the Mist!

The order who could topple countries on it's own!

Fall Apart!

One by one!

The woman's rapier was bloodied and her uniform tainted with blood, their blood!!

Kubikirbocho was completely dissected!

The Kiba user was at her knees, half her body in frostbite!

The Nuibari user was bloodied to her very last needle!

Half a step away from the death!

The Kabotori user had a big slash wound on his torso as he contemplated his destroyed Kabutori!!

The Samehada user has a helpless face as he saw how his sword was reluctant to continue a loosing fight!

The Shibuki user was already retreating in fright!

The Himarekerei user was the last standing, by his will alone.

The Mizukage finally charged with his ANBU!

But the fight was even more one sided.

The Kazekage sighed:

"He is fighting a losing battle. The Mizukage has always been the weakest out of the five of us…And I doubt even one of the Five Kage could win against her."

And as he said. The water release jutsus of the Mizukage were even more ineffective.

Her ice engulfed him as he kept losing ground again and again.

Wails of pain as wounds after the other, riddled him.

She was enjoying his agonizing pain, as no Shinobi even intervened to save him.

Fear had been deep ingrained in every Shinobi's mind.

All Struggle is useless.


When they saw that no one was actually dying.

They completely understood her intention.

This woman was not here to destroy the village.

Her intention was much more profound.


As she proved her might again and again.

The strength supremacists of the Mist have all made an implicit decision.

Slowly retreating in anticipation.

An implicit decision that was well into Schneizel's calculations.

'Spit on the weak and bow to the Strong!'

The Mist have always been like that!

And it's not tomorrow that it will change!

The choice was evident!

The Mizukage who have always been despised as weaker than the other Kages?

The Mizukage who have always tried to undermine the strong clans for fear of their powers?

The Mizukage who built the caste system to divide the village, so he can rule better?


The Woman who just took one of the 5 Great Shinobi Village alone?

The Woman who just toyed with the arrogant Kaguya, Yuki and Hoshigaki clan like they were trash?

The Woman who just obliterated the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist?

"Your so weak. Only slightly stronger than the others."

Half the Kiri Shinobi nodded in acknowledgement.

"How can someone like you rule such a place?"

" No wonder your men are so disloyal."

She said as she approached the dying Mizukage.

"Who the hell are you?"

She put her pointy heels on his face. His cries of pain all over the now silent Kiri.

"The weak has no right to ask questions."

And as the snow continued to rage, making her even more beautiful than ever.

Her blue hair making her seem sometimes like a snow demoness, other times like an ice fairy!

"But since, I will be staying here for some time."

" Let's get this out of the way, first."

She took off her white kepi throwing it away in the snow tempest.

She took the Mizukage's bloodied hat and put it on her head.

Flew atop of the Mizukage building, gathering the attention of the whole frozen Kiri. She announced, with her Empire toppling charisma:

"The new ruler of the land of Water, the third Vizir, Schneizel El Britania, has appointed a new kage to the Hidden Mist."

She put her hand on her beautiful chest introducing herself:

"I am Esdeath, The Fourth Mizukage of the Hidden Mist."

She took her rapier out a savage smile on her cold lips:

"Does anyone have any complains?"

The members of the most bloodthirsty clans were the first to bow:

"All Hail, Yondaime-sama!"

The members of the Yuki clan were the happiest as they were formulating hypothesis about their parenthood with her!

The members of the Kaguya, the Karatachi, the Hoshigaki clan followed.

Soon afterward with solemn faces, the Hozuki clan followed.

"We will serve. Yondaime-sama!"

Once they saw the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist bow too, with a trace of expectation in their eyes.

All the other followed:

"All Hail, Yondaime-sama!!"

And just like that…The forever disunited Kiri clan, bowed.

Shinobi after another, civilian after another.

Fear and anticipation in their Hearts.

Esdeath smiled wickedly:

"Good. At least, each one of you knows his place now."

The Kazekage felt his heart turn cold as he looked at the New Mizukage of the Mist:

'United like that, they will be even harder to deal.'

'I hope we won't get into any conflicts with this freak.'

Chiyo sighed:

'She looks like the kind who would start a war just for enjoyment. I hope they know what they are doing.'

They breathed deeply and as they were about to leave. They heard a question from Cornelia:

"Where are you going?"

"The Real Show only starts now."

The Kazegake had a deeply surprised expression:


Cornelia smiled lightely:

"You think we send Esdeath, just so she could deal with the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist?"

"Oh…Please…Even a genin opening the 8 gates could wreck their strongest generation."

"Or do you think gaining the approval of the leading clans is enough to completely unite the mist?"

Kazekage also narrowed his eyes in wonder…

Cornelia snickered:

"To unite those traitorous bastards, to unite 'the bloody mist' one would need a much bigger achievement."

"An achievement, that makes Esdeath enter the legend of the Ninja World."

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